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sky is falling 1.JPG
Sky is falling 3.JPG
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sky is falling 4.JPG

How to be


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5 Listen is respect.JPG

Question #1

What does being prepared mean to you?

US flag upside down.JPG

Being able to provide & protect one's self and family in a crisis for an extended period.


I'm going to respond to this with a question.

Does one not do this every day even without the presence of a crisis?
What makes a "crisis" situation different from everyday life? 

Only the thought that "this is some sort of a crisis".

With "crisis" having fear attached to it.


What does being prepared mean to you?

Always having a plan and a back up plan and be ready to deal with the re-actions. Everything we do and everything we don't do has reactions ....


There is the funny thing about plans. 

The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men invariably go askew. 

It is far wiser to respond on the ground in real time,

rather than to react to any given situation "as planned".

Because the funny thing about plans.

"No battle plan, survives contact with the enemy"

- Helmuth Von Moltke, German military strategist

Helmuth von Moltke.JPG

While plans themselves do not lead to failure, relying upon them do.

When plans meet the real world, it's not the real world that will yield.

When you are not flexible the real world wins, because nothing ever goes "as planned".

Errors in planning and mistaken suppositions come back to bite you

as the most brilliant plan loses touch with reality.

Purple Heart.JPG


Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.


What does being prepared mean to you?

To know what tools to use when a certain situations hits.


Hum, I'm unsure which way this one goes.

It either falls under "plans" which we just talked about or common sense.

Either way ... you need to be thinking on your feet!


What does being prepared mean to me?

The ability to discuss ideas.

Strong minds discuss ideas weak minds di

What does the Bible have to say on the subject?

Bird in the air - Matt 6-26.JPG
Do not be anxious 1 Matthew 6 25 - 34.JP

Question #2

What are you preparing for?

Anything that would create a crisis.


That is very broad. Let's face it some folks think a broken fingernail is a crisis. 

THus it is your attitude about life that determines if an event is a crisis or not..

Suffer it's your fault.jpg

How to deal with a "crisis".

I will explain this later on but the truth is life is an illusion. 

Purpose of this page is to help you cope with the illusion rather than fear.

Do you want to know what my secret is, I
Illusion - Remember it is all an illusio

For now let's stay practical because let's face it, 

most folks are now what one could call "enlightened".

I will not lie to you, I'm not there yet either.

But the best way to learn something is to teach it.
In teaching one comes to better understand it.

enlightenment is a destructive process.j

What are you preparing for?

Natural Disasters!


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28 what are you prepared for.JPG

Truth is

After any natural disaster if you didn't manage to get out ahead of it, you have a problem.

Plan ahead and leave. When it is all said and done, you really won't have much left.

So having lots of physical "stuff" is a waste of time & money

f you end up in the "eye of the storm" & take a direct hit,

"that which is given is taken away".

"He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself." - Swedish proverb.

No, it's not hopeless.

It just requires a different mind set than the one you have been taught. 

One that requires that you put your faith in God. 
Because you don toan never will have control over certain events. 

Surrender isn't giving up, it is letting
Surrender - acceptance and change.jpg

There are no tough times, only weak minds.

Release all attachments & accept things as they are.

attachment - Anything you must own, owns

This includes thoughts & how you choose to feel.

Release all attachments to how you want things to be and be willing to accept them as they are. Remind yourself that you are in control of your own feeling, your thought and your life. 

Own a thought? 

Yes you can own a thought.

Do not attach to or own thoughts or feelings

such that they become like stone.

Graven images.JPG

What are you preparing for?

Man made events.


34 Invasion.JPG
35b Terrorism.JPG
36 Terrorism.JPG
37 war.JPG
39 Slavery.JPG
38 War.JPG
40 Slavery.JPG
41 nothing is ever free.JPG
42 Poverty.JPG
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44 apartheid.JPG
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46 Apocalypse.JPG

Did you know ...?

What we are told to fear the most is all the wrong things.

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2016 US Deaths.jpg
48 Never blindly believe.JPG
49b Zombie apocalypse.jpg
51 Fooled - highest form of ignorance.JP
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53 What does being prepared mean.JPG

What are you prepared for?

- Survivalism is just that

,,, and the only requirement is just that .... surviving ...

it requires little effort but much faith.

- I don't prepare. I trust in a higher power

to provide for me and guide me when the time comes.

I trust that everything I've been through and learned

has been for my greatest good. 


55 What does being prepared mean.JPG

What have we learned?

-     Listening to hear not to respond is sincere respect. 

-     Plans can get you killed and they have a medal for that.

-     Discuss ideas rather than being anxious.

-     Shit happens that you have NO control over, but that doesn't make it a "crisis", nor is it hopeless, it's just an illusion. 

Question #3

What is the single most important thing we should have to be prepared?

Plan A & Plan B

No, we have already been here and explored this option.

-    There is always an easy way, and it usually doesn't work. The problem with the easy way out is that it has already been mined.

-     If you build yourself a bunker that's tough for "the enemy" to get into quickly, then you won't be able to get out of it quickly either.

-    When you've secured the area, don't forget to tell "the enemy". 

-     Field experience is something you don't get until after you need it.

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66 tools.JPG

Stored Food

-     That depends; are you actually going ot eat what you have stored? or did you just buy from some list someone told you to buy from? 

-     Some things just don't keep well long term. 

-     Best to not have more than a "year's"

worth of food and to cycle

through it (what-ever you grow

and don't eat put it up, eat in

the winter and early spring.

65 tools.JPG

Various kinds of tools

-     Good quality tools are expensive.

-     Do you know what to do with them?

-     Do you know how to care for them?

-     Are you physically fit enough to use them?

If not, why not?

66 tools.JPG
67 Rope.JPG


-     There are different types of rops, Do you know what kind of job you will need it for? 

-     And which type of rope is best for the job?

-     Do you know what to do with it?

-     How to tie knots? Not all

are as easy as they appear to


-     Can you untie it?

66 tools.JPG
69 Knife.JPG


-     Like with all tools there are different kings for different jobs. Do you know which type(s) you will needs?

-     Do you know how to use

& care for them?

-     Do you know how to

sharpen them properly?

66 tools.JPG
71 Go back.JPG

Back pack, "Go bag" or "BOB"

-     Again different types.

-     Do you know how to pack them?

-     Do you know what to pack in them? 

-     Can you carry it once it's packed?

-     Can you carry it long terms?

Why not?

-     Do you know where you are 


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73 maps.JPG
76 gun.JPG


-     Can you read them?

-     Do you know how to care for and use a compass?

-     Do you know how to care for your maps?

-     Do you know where you are going? 

-     Do you have the correct maps to get there?

-     Is your map up to date and accurate?

-     DO NOT count on GPS! Remember

they control it! When there is a "lock

down" you can bet you will be locked out!

66 tools.JPG

A gun!

-     Just like all the other toos, there are different types for different jobs. Do you know which one you will need?

-     Do you know how to take care of it?

-     Do you know how to use it?

-     Most importantly do you

know WHEN to use it & why? 

-     Most importantly, can you

use it? If you can't, it is best

you didn't have one.

66 tools.JPG
78 ammo.JPG


-     How much is "enough"?

-     What are you preparing for?

-     Real question is, "Do you really want to manifest that?

-    Ammo is heavy and it goes

in the go bag, Can you carry it?

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80 precious metals.JPG

Precious Metals

-     While silver is useable, it is too much for a loaf of bread.

-     platinum & gold are too expensive to make change for.

-     Metal money is also heavy, and goes in the "go bag" you sure don't want to leave it behind.

-     Gold is good if you are

preparing for an infant's

college fund  if ....

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86 gift of free will choice.JPG
88 self reliance.JPG


I've also found that money is worthless ... barter is the way to go.

Knowledge is priceless, intuition ... intuition ... intuition ....

can not be stressed enough!

I can honestly say that I trust a hobo more than a uniform.


What is the most important thing? 

Your mindset.

None of the stuff will do you any good

if you can't keep it together when "the shit hits the fan"!

90 keeping it together.JPG

Question #4

Why do we feel the need to prepare?

-     Because it is the latest fad?

-     Because we are scared, frightened, stressed out and fear tomorrow?

-     Because it makes sense to be ready for what comes our way.

Why are we scared, frightened, afraid?

-     The first answer makes one sound like a zombie.

-     The second answer makes folks sound more like a "nation of cowards" rather than the Land of the free, home of the brave.

-   Only a lifestyle is a good answer it shows you are thinking on your feet. 

95 Unquestioned thinking hurts. 2JPG.JPG

What have we learned?

-     Plans are useless at best, dangerous at worst.

-     Having too much stuff, or the wrong stuff is a waste of space, energy & money.

-     Everything has a purpose.

-    Barter is better than gold

-     Trust your instincts.

-     Knowledge and the ability to use it is the single most important thing to have.

-    It is unquestioned thoughts that cause us to suffer.

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