God Gifts
What they are & how to use them
I will say this, the truth is there is no such thing as "gifts" in the terms of "something speical" that you may or may not have that someone else doesn't or does have. All it is, is a "clean" connection and acceptance between soul & body.
"Gifts" have NOTHING at all to do with "the devil" or anything at all like that. The only thing that exists in this Universe is LOVING energy.
The "devil" & "hell" are figments of man's imagination.
Satan is a word that means "wrong thinking".
Just as your body has eyes, so too does your soul. Just as your body has ears so too does the soul. Just as your body has a nose, so too does your soul, just as your body can think, so too can your soul. etc. So it is not really a "gift" it is part of what you are as an aspect of God.

The truth is you have all of them. but just like with your physical body, the same is true of the soul, one or more may be stronger than the others. Just like with the physical body exercise makes them stronger. Fear not, and practice, practice, practice!

How does it work?
Remember we are energy. We don't fit in these bodies very well at all, we extend out wards like in these images.
So when our energy touches another's energy, be that a of a human, an animal, a plant or even Mother

Earth, we can 'feel' it just as we can with our physical boides. And like our physical bodies, some times we ignore imput beacuse it can become too much. Just as someone who lives in a noisy area gets to where they can't hear it any more. Yet those who live where it is quite can't stand it.
Those who can't ignore all the imput that our souls are used to, but our bodies can't handle are labled "autisic".
Autism is NOT the only "dis-ease" that has a human label places on it as if it were a "bad" thing. Dyslexia is another "bleed over" from the soul.

So what is dyslexia? Well the truth is nothing in the Universe is flat, everything and I do mean EVERY THING is multi dimensional. On Earth we have paper to write on, our paper is for the most part flat.
It does have height the standard being 11 inches, and width the standard being 8 inches. And fraction of inch deep. But for the most part it and what we put on it, only has height and width, so it is more or less flat.
Despite this, there are many written languages are NOT flat at all, which is why the look funny to us or take dicipline to learn how to write. Runes, Hebrew & Chinese characters are among the multi-dimensional written languages. On the other side of the veil, these characters do not sit flat on paper, they float in space and rotate.
So what does someone who is "dyslexic" see? Moving characters which are never in the same place, some time they are backward or in reversed order, because they move!

How do you know that they are not flat characters?
By the fact they have wide and narrow places. Imagine them as a ribbon floating in space.

If you can imagine ribbon floating, currled and twisted into characters floating in space you should be able to 'see' these characters as multi-dimensional. Just as someone
who is dyslexic does. Even though what you think that they are looking at is flat, that is not what we see. On the other side of the veil books look much like this Star Wars map.

So please put away your Grammer Badges, no one needs judged or labled as "stuipd", "backwards", or "slow". Just
because you can't see things which really is multi-dimensional. - Ouch! Least ye be judged.

Interesting that this page is not going where I expected it to go.
Often as interesting to me as it is to you who read it.

How do we use these gifts?
Well as an aspect of the creator, you use them to create things that you want in your life, without interfearing in the free will of others. Once again intent is everything. Remember what I told you about the Law of Attraction.
To make your "request" (remember you are NOT begging, you are a co-creator. As such you can do it using any number of means. Use the method with works best with what ever gift you have, there is no one right way, all ways are valid, remember it is intent that matters most..
When you create do so without any doubts, for a doubt even the size of a mustard seed; is the equivalent of faith the size of a mustard seed which can move or prevent the mountain from being moved.
So create without feelings of guilt, unworthyness or any feelings that you might not undeserve what you want. As any of these thoughts or feelings will cause a counter intention to form and block what you are seek to gain no matter how badly you need, want or deserve it, this includes a roof over your head or food in your stomach.
One Can Use "Gifts" to Pray
How to Properly Pray
Question; “If there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to pray, and praying is so important, then why is knowing how to do it not inherently known? We don't have to wonder how to breathe or pee or flex our muscles, these things are automatically known to us.”
Answer; as a matter of fact most people DO NOT KNOW how to breathe. The truth is most folks not breathe they pant. One pants when one lives in the state of fear or are stressed out, and that is how most folks live. The fact that cancer is epidemic is proof of that as cancer can’t live in the presence of oxygen and healthy cells can’t live without it.

If you are clairvoyant, visualize what you want. You can make what is called a vision board if you want to.
If you are clairaudience, then hear what you want.
If you are clair-alienc, then taste what you want.

If you are ambient, smell what you want.
If you are clairsentient, then feel what you want, use your emotions.

If you are clair-alienc, then taste what you want.
If you are claircognizance, then know that what you want is already yours.
If you have more than one "gift" by all means use them.

How we can make these gifts "stronger"?
This is done by "letting things go". The best way to do this is to find time alone when you will not be disturbed. Write down everything you feel hurt, offended by, etc. Write it ALL DOWN and don't worry God already knows it all.
Also write down the "bad" things you have done to others and ask for forgiveness. Write it ALL down and do not be concerned that anyone will see it.
It is more important that you get the "feelings" out rather than the words written neatly, spelled correctly, proper sentences, etc. Again God already knows, you just need to express it. So if the paper is full of ink that has run all over the place due to excessive tears that is all the better, keep writing, get it all out.
When you have completed this task, take the paper some place safe like a bar-b-que pit or a fire place and set it afire.
While it burns pray. Ask God to take away these things as you no longer have need of them, and they are too heavy to carry any longer." Don't beg, just make the request and hold it as the paper burns. You will feel better after wards.
How else can we use these gifts?
To help and heal each other.

A lion is a cat, but keep in mind not all cats are lions.
The same is true with gifts. Empathy is a "subset" of a the gift called clairsentient, not the other way around.
Seeing, hearing, knowing is not empathy.
Clairsentients & empathy is FEELINGS, clear feelings.
We know how others hurt because we are all one being. Because we know how it feels, how it hurts, we are to use these gifts to help other to feel better and to heal. Often times something as simple as a compassionate hug or a kind word are the best medicines in the world.

Go Move Mountains!

Live free!
Live well
Live and help live.
Love yourself as God loves you.
Love others as you should love yourself
Child of Love.
Other Gifts.

This came up in a PM conversation, so I thought I would share this with those of you won’t don’t know but might want to know, or maybe you can do it and don’t know what it is you are doing. Understand it is "natural" and nothing to be afraid of.
Remember you are a soul, not a body. Because of this you are NOT bound to the body, you can “travel” or leave your body when ever you wish, and travel around this world and “be places” where your physical body is not, just as any “ghost” (dead person) can. This is called “astral travel” or "out of body experiance", it is not just leaving the world and going to other worlds (in dream state) you can do it while you are awake or in meditative state.
‘Seeing’ other places from where you are, (usually with your eyes closed) using your 3rd eye, that is called “remote viewing” - clairvoyance.
Same can be done using your 3rd ear - you don't often hear about, "remote listening" - clairaudance.
Not only do you have a 3rd eye,
but a 3rd ear as well.

Warning on Mind Reading
Telepathy and remote listening are NOT the same thing as "mind reading".
Mind reading is something NO ONE should ever do!
Telepahty is like a radio, we "tune in" to what is already being 'said', just like listening in a room where others are speaking. Remote listening, you are just not physically in the same room as who ever it is is speaking, so it is more like using a telephone.
Mind reading on the other hand is going into someone's mind and "taking" information from them without their concent, thus it is akin to theif. Worse if you do it to the "wrong" person, they can "trap" you in there and you won't be able to get back to your own body leaving it open for possession, something akin to being a "zombi" or death. Stay out of other peopel's bodies. it's wrong, rude and dangerous!