The Dark Side

Darkness is an illusion, cast by the Veils of Illusion, the veils block light, but the light is always there.
Light cast no shadows.

Fear is an illusion.
Fear prevents us from displaying our deepest needs, values, wishes and potentials, it is the ingredient of our true self, and is the steps to our evolution (change).
means your belief system is wrong.
Allow anger, allow the feeling, understand it is a gift tha means something you are thinking is wrong. Then act with Loving-Kindness & compassion

Instead of saying that those who hate and hurt us belong in hell, notice with compassion what it must feel like. Fail to hate and hurt others in return. Instead of wishing that those who hate or hurt be punished, prays for their transformation. Releasing and letting go of the fire and brimstone of the past So they too can become a lover, awakening in Heaven on Earth. .

May I practice loving-kindness in all my dealings, and may those who act with hate become so free of fear that love becomes all they know or show.

Our purpose is not to repress or indulge our emotions but to allow them so fully that they move thorough us and go to ground, that is, they are are resolved.

Hatred is a cry for love,
asked for in the worst way.
May those whose hell it is
To hate and hurt
Be turned into lovers
Brining flowers.
- Shantideva an 18th century Indian Buddhist teacher
Pain is inevitable
Suffering is an option.

Why God permits suffering is because God suffers too. God is not a separate supreme being. God is at the deepest ground and reality of all beings. Nothing human is alien to God.
A given of life is that there is a cost to everything, and suffering is part of that cost. Pain is not a punishment it is simply features of any existence.
We suffer physically, psychologically, and spiritually and we grow. Suffering is an ingredient of growth. Suffering is not a trip to the woodshed, nor is it “imposed”, but rather built into the very nature of change.
To not be able to accept the pain in losses, reverses, ending, unfairness, or in any other given, is a disability. It will be hard to live happily if the laws of life can’t be taken in stride, it becomes a handicap. Let yourself be happy.
Some people feel more pain caused by how they react to it. We all have to face pain, and when we experience it mindfully, we simply feel it as it is. But when we add; fear, blame, shame, attachments, complaints, judgments or obsessions we make things worse.
Be fair in all your dealings and generous in all givens, ask for fairness from others but not demand it or punish them if they fail to show it.

You must learn to listen to your intuition concerning all things. Meditate and listen to what your heart has to tell you. It will lead you concerning important decisions, but it takes practice to learn to quiet your mind and listen to your heart. This is why you should meditate.
Meditation teaches you to control your mind, to quiet the mind and listen to your spirit, many times the mind just doesn’t know what to do. This is when you must look inside. The spirit does know what to do. It can be hard sometimes, to act on the information that you receive from your heart, because sometimes it can make no sense.
It takes practice to learn to have confidence in your intuition and to listen to what your spirit is guiding you to do. This confidence only comes through practice. This is a skill just like all the other warrior skills and has to be developed in order to be ready for use when it is needed.
Practice calming your mind and just listening to your heart throughout the day. Then act on what you hear. Don’t just ignore it thinking it is only your thought processes and not really your intuition speaking to you. You have to learn to trust your intuition, and this trust only comes through practice and experience. ~Bohdi Sanders

The Mask or FACE
can be changed.

(Fear, Attachment, Control, Entitlement)
can be changed.
- Fear becomes excitement & caution about danger.
- Attachments become commitments.
- Control becomes the ability to get things done.
- Entitlement becomes a healthy sense of justice that works unrelenting for what is right but never for retribution as a solution.