The Law of Attraction
are not the same thing!
The words "I am", starts the Law of Attraction into motion. So never ever say "I am sorry". If you mess up, apologize using the words "I apologize for ...", but do not ever use the word "sorry" which means "worthless", to God. Every word you speak, every thought you think is heard by God! It is a "prayer".
No aspect of God is worthless. Don't apologize for things you didn't do, can't control or just to have something to say.
If someone dies, the words to use are "You have my sympathy" or "condolences", not "I'm sorry".

Also don’t say things like
“I don’t want to hear …”, because you will go deaf.
“I hate to see …” because you will go blind.
The worst part, no doctor will be able to tell you why you are deaf or blind. But it happens because you are a powerful creator and you set the Law of Attraction
into motion.
Here is a great alternative to saying “sorry”.
Say, “Thank you” to the other person for being patient, or kind, or understanding at cetera. It turns it into a much more positive energy because people like being praised and appreciated. Instead of apologizing for being inadequate, which makes them feel like you are an inconvenience, thank them for being an awesome human being.
Say: "Thank you for being so kind to my cat!" Not: "I'm sorry my cat is such a turd!"
Say: "Thanks for always listening to my troubles." Not: "I'm sorry I'm always depressed"

Be mindful of yourself talk it’s a conversation with the Universe. Whatever you ask for, ... God so loves you, He ALWAYS says “Yes” to everything you ask for. Be sure you want what you are asking for, for you just may get it and most of the time you will not want it.
1) One day so many things were going badly I asked “Give me a break!” And the car's brakes went out, and I hit the car in front of me. Luckily I was already near a stop as I was at a stop light, but still.
I could hear the other side laughing at me. I was NOT impressed with the "break" I got, or lack thereof.
2) A mother with a car load of children was 'asked' by her guides, “Make a wish!” while she stuck in heavy traffic on a freeway. Her wish was, “I want a million bucks!” Suddenly the freeway filled with male dear.
It was what she had asked for, but it was NOT what she wanted.
Because your thoughts and request create your reality, do NOT use slang, think positively and make your reality wonderful
Be very mindful of your thoughts and words for they have great power.
1 http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/pantene-commercial-asks-women-24189322
2 http://mic.com/articles/91553/pantene-s-powerful-new-ad-challenges-one-of-america-s-oldest-gender-stereotypes

Working with the Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction is always in force just like the law of gravity. Everything you have in your life, good or bad was attracted to you as you and it were on the exact same vibration frequency. Which means you ‘asked’ the Universe for what ever it was you have, good or bad.
Make sure you know what you want. Check out all the angles, don’t ask for what you do not want, because you will get it and you won’t like it. Oddly enough that is how most folks live their lives, they don’t have a clue what they want.
Don’t worry about it, as worry is a prayer onto itself and will block the flow of what you want.
Once you decide what you want, and you are sure of it, write your wish down with gratitude. Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." Keep it in the present tense, as the only time is now.
Avoid negation terms, don’t say “If you give me I will …” as you likely won’t and the Universe knows that. Make no excuses just flat out ask for what you want.
Don’t strangle your prayer, ask and let go of it. Leave the how, when and when to the Universe.
Trust the Universe to deliver it, as all It wants is to make you happy. The Universe always says “yes” to everything, and to every one regardless of who they are good or bad, or what they want, at all times. * This is called selfless service and it expects you to do the same. Everything flows through and back you must be willing to share.
Make your request, you can do it using any number of means.
Use the method with works best with what ever gift you have, there is no
one right way, all ways are valid.
If you are clairvoyant, visualize what you want. You can make a
vision board if you want to.
- If you are clairsentient, then feel what you want,
use your emotions.
- If you are ambient, smell what you want.
- If you are clairaudience, then hear what you want.
- If you are clair-alienc, then taste what you want.
- If you are claircognizance, then know that what
you want is already yours.
- If you have more than one gift by all means use
When you ask, do so without any doubts, for a
doubt even the size of a mustard seed; is the
equivalent of faith the size of a mustard seed which
can move or prevent the mountain from being moved.
Ask without feelings of guilt, nor the feeling that you are unworthy or
undeserving of what you want. As any of these thoughts or feelings will cause
a counter intention to form and block what you are asking for no matter how
badly you need, want or deserve it, this includes a roof over your head or food
in your stomach.
Lets say you want a new car. If you are clairvoyant, see the new car and see yourself in your new car going down the road.

“Where Attention goes Energy flows;
Where Intention goes Energy flows!”
― James Redfield.

Be like a tea pot, and sing despite being up to your neck in boiling water.

Thoughts can and do have a dramatic affect on our sense of well being, used incorrectly, focused on fear (media, sickness, war) they can create much harm to the physical body, Anger tells you, "this is wrong don't believe it". Once you let it go, you are free to be healthy and happy..

You have the gift of free will choice, use it. If you don't like the results of your choices, you are always free to choose again, do so. Only pride stands in your way. Don't let it be so.
Mistakes are encouraged, for that is how we learn. If you always got things correct, then what would you learn? Nothing, as it would be clear you already knew it. So what would be the purpose of going to "school" if you already knew it all?

Why Attracting Your Desires Is Better Than Chasing Them
The Angels of Abundance teach us this important message: “Fighting against something means you are pushing against energy, which actually stirs it up so that it will disturb your otherwise peaceful life.” This is similar to the old adage, “What you resist, persists.”
So instead of getting angry or frustrated at your present situation, put your focus upon the positive opposite.
Chasing after money or anything means it will continuously evade you. Nothing likes to be chased, as it’s a frightening energy. Chasing after success, love, happiness, or money means that deep down, you’re afraid it might not really happen.
This fear drives you to force or make it happen, instead of trusting the loving energy to give to you willingly. Chasing is a form of forcing something to happen, and the universe resists force.
If you have underlying fears that lead to anxiety, such as, “What if I don’t make enough money?” or “What if I never find love?” etc., those fears manifest into self-fulfilling prophesies.
The first step is to be aware of the underlying fears, because if the fears are left unattended, they will perpetually block you from receiving your desires.
Once you’re aware of the fears, pray for help in releasing them. Usually, your mind will easily perceive the illogical nature of the fears. However, it takes a while for the emotional body to release itself from the grip of fear. Prayer speeds up this process.
Chasing after money never works. Anything you chase runs away from you, because chasing implies that you have to force it to be with you. Chasing means you’re afraid you won’t get it without a conquering energy. Fear energy of any form blocks abundance.
God loves you, and like any loving parent, wants you to be happy, healthy, and abundantly cared for. God wills the same for every one of us! Those who live in poverty because they don’t understand the energy makeup of the universe must be taken care of by those of us who do understand. By you prospering, you bring in more resources to help others.
Excerpted from The Angels of Abundance, available at bookstores worldwide, or for instant download at: goo.gl/UaXtMy

Hope is Ruining Your Life!
Have faith, not hope, hope is a beggar, have faith.
Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torments of man. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
We have all been brought up with the word ‘Hope’ in our vocabulary. However if you stop to think about it in your own life you’ll realise just how damaging the word is.
The dictionary definition of hope is: “to want something to happen or be true”
Two types of hope
First person hope
First person hope is when we hope something for ourselves. - When we hope for something to happen in our own lives we are giving our power away to an unseen force and telling ourselves ‘I can’t do it, so I will just hope it happens’. We are telling ourselves that we are too weak to make something happen, so we will just hope it happens.
Third person hope
Third person hope is when we hope something happens for others - Hoping for someone else is completely different from first person hope, like ‘I hope my friend gets better soon’ or ‘I hope my team will win their match today’ or ‘I hope my son or daughter does well in their interview today’ – that is a different type of hope. You have no control over the outcome as it’s up to another person or set of events that will make something happen. So hoping for someone else is like wishing them well in whatever they are doing and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
However when we hope that something happens for ourselves we are giving our power away, and that’s when we have to replace the word hope for something else.
Here are 6 hopes we must give up
in order to empower ourselves again:
I hope I get rich someday
Everything about that statements says ‘I lack money in my life, and can’t find a way to get more.” When you are hoping to become rich you are just reaffirming that you have no money in your life.
A better statement, or question to ask your mind is: “What can I do to bring more money into my life?” As soon as you ask yourself that open, positive question, your mind will get to work on giving you answers.
I hope I do well in my exams
When you have put in the effort and the hard work in studying for exams of any kind, then there is no need for hoping. Again, you are telling yourself that the outcome of the exam you are taking is in the hands of another, when in actual fact it’s completely within your control.
A better re-affirming statement for this would be: “I am confident in my ability to pass this exam.”
I hope I meet my perfect partner
Listen to that statement inside your head for a few seconds and you’ll realise you’re giving up on actually finding your perfect partner and handing over the controls to fate.
Now, I really do believe that if things are meant to happen they will, but you also have to work to make the chance of it happening more likely. It’s like positive thinking does not work unless you take positive action. So, you’re never going to find your perfect partner unless you make it more likely that you’ll cross their path and to do that you have to do things to make that more likely e.g. join an online dating site, take a college course, go out with your friends more often, join a local group.
A better statement to tell yourself is: “My perfect partner will come into my life when I am ready.”
I hope I get a better job
How many times have you heard people saying this? The only way you are going to get a better job in life is to do something that increases your chances of getting a better job. It’s all about statistics.
Think about this scenario in terms of statistics:
You work in a factory part time and you are hoping you get a job of a primary school teacher. What are the chances of you getting the job of primary school teacher – 0%
You work in a factory part time and during the day you attend college to study to get your teaching degree, which you gain after a few years – 90%
You work in a factory part time and during the day you attend college to study to get your teaching degree, and also volunteer working in the local school – 95%
Hoping that something will happen, will, statistically, not happen unless you do something to make it happen, and then it is no longer a hope it’s a working goal. A better statement or question would be “What can I do to increase my chances of getting a better job?”
I hope I find my perfect home
Nobody ever found their perfect home with hope. We find our perfect home when we go out and actively look for it or ask our friends to keep a lookout for our ideal home and usually give them a criteria to look out for.
Sitting down to watch a soap in the evening will never bring your perfect home to you, instead it’s time to search the net, the estate agency sites, or private listings in the local paper.
A better statement would be: “My perfect home is out there, and I will find it the more I keep looking for it.”
I hope I become famous one day
We’re living in a world of instant fame with TV shows like The X-Factor, (Your Country)’s got Talent, The Voice etc
You’ll notice that anybody who appears on shows like this already has a talent of some kind, have usually worked years to perfect their act, and they have put themselves in a better position of being discovered by entering these talent shows.
Reality TV shows are different, where you can become famous with no talent whatsoever, and if it is your hope of getting on a reality TV show then good luck as you are competing with millions of others, so the statistics go against you again.
If your hope is to become famous then the only way that is going to happen is to develop your talent, and make something happen for you like starting a business, writing a book, recording your own songs, anything as long as you are prepared to work on your chosen talent.
As ever let me know what you think or if you can add anything to this list.
- Written by Steven Aitchison

Be careful what you ask for.
You just may get it,
and you may not like it.
The following is an excellent example of asking for something you don't want.
And the Law of Attraction giving it to "you" (her boss)
Boss Tells Woman Her Headscarf Is “Unprofessional”
Here's Rivas in her original everyday outfit.

So Now She Shows Up in Cosplay Every Day

June Rivas recently launched a bold legal battle against her boss, who referred to Rivas' head scarf and ponytail as “unprofessional,” despite alack of a dress code in the employment contract. When Rivas filed a complaint, her boss issued a memo to create a new set of rules governing employee appearance, forbidding “cultural head wraps” as well as visible straps, sandals, hats, lace, and more.
Rivas is complying with the regulations—but not in the way her manager had likely expected.
While technically complying with the new guidelines, Rivas now turns up at work everyday in impressive cosplay. In the meantime, she's waiting for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate the situation.
Interesting thought ...

Go Vertical!

Important note;
Karma & The Law of Attraction
are NOT the same thing.
The following are examples which are incorrectly labeled karma
are in fact the Law of Attraction which happens in the NOW.
The following videos are not karma but a
compilation of Law of Attraction videos.
Karma takes life times to take place.
Please keep in mind this involves lives
from the past, present & future.
Yes that means reincarnation is real.
The following are examples of karma.

Forgiveness is the answer.
Important note;
Karma = Reincarnation.
You may say "I don't believe in reincarnation."
Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it is not true.
This is true ONLY because it is the part of the world where people believe in reincarnation and the stories that children tell are listened to rather than dismissed.
Many ailments we suffer as adults from childhood happen because reincarnation stories are dismissed rather than healed..

Remember. "Faith the size of a mustard see can move mountains."
Doubt has the same power as faith:
Doubt the size of a mustard see can stop the mountain from moving.
Trust & believe.
For those of you who haven't a clue how big a mustard seed is, it's this small.