They said it was eatable and you could eat it. Not that it was food or that it was good for your health.

Control Tactics
Today.....my tolerance for all of this bullshit we have to deal with daily has gone down to nothing, no tolerance. I seem to no longer have the capacity within my-self to tolerate this construct. Its not an anger thing, I am just utterly disgusted by even thinking about it let alone walking through it 24/7.
Everywhere I look I see/hear/feel/sense control tactics, and either people that have found ways to control others using those original control tactics, or the opposite, people falling to the wayside, homeless, hopeless and broken left to be eaten up by society. I see the movie "Divergent" everywhere. People categorized by beliefs or 'abilities' or lack thereof. It's overwhelming me today.
I was at Trader Joe's and realized that this organic trend is just another fabricated profit tactic playing out. Cause the problem then offer the solution....CLASSIC sales pitch. They made us sick with GMO, chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, pharmaceuticals, etc then offer 'organic' food as a solution to those of us that refuse to play into the trap....if they can't keep us sick, at least they can take our money.....I could go on for hours about all of this today.
I speak of no fear, I have no emotions tied to any of this stuff, I just can't understand how so many people still don't see it.
I do have some faith I'm humanity though....
- Jacqui Wolf
Alternatives to Expensive Organics

#1 Grow it yourself.

But our local government has ordinances against doing this sort of thing.
You voted them in, vote them out! Till then disobey.

Control Tactics!

But I don't live in a place where I have room to grow anything.
-Or- I don't have green thumb.
#2 Do the best you can, and heal the rest.
How to heal your food is explained below, keep reading.
They will tell you that butter is bad for your health, yet insects will eat it, and mold grows on it. Maybe what they say is a lie to control you via fear. When you obey & get sick, they got you!

Margarine is not real food, it is one molecule away from plastic. If mold won't grow on it & insects won't touch it.
Left out and uncovered only dust accumulates on it.
#3 Do not believe everything they tell you!

How do I do this?
Many of the IHH pages answer that question.
"Think for yourself!"
To drive the point home I want to introduce you to Kate Cooper.

The following is rephrased to make a point, the original with images is from “No One Applauds (Kate Cooper, marketing consultant) because They're Too Creeped Out At Themselves To Put Their Hands Together”
A marketer job is to make you want a product, to crave it, to need it, to think that it is the best innovation in food since sliced bread.
How do they do it?
Technique number one; Without changing a single little thing about that product they remarket them, rebranded them as “brand-new” and they only changing the name of the product. It’s food marketing genius!
Technique number two; In the 1950s, there was a very important innovation in food: the instant-mix cake. One of my personal favorites. When they were first brought out all you needed to do was to add a little bit of water. Who's not going to love that? Well, actually, no one loved it. No one bought the bloody thing, so they did a little bit of research. And what they found was that the main consumer felt that it was cheating. So what did the producers have to do? They had to make it harder. So now you had to add water and an egg, and sales exploded.
Technique number three; Everybody believes what's on the label. “Farm fresh”, “100 percent natural”, “butcher's choice”, but what does that really actually mean? Truthfully, nothing at all. We see that on the label, we feel a bit more confident, even though it doesn’t change a concentrated animal feeding operation / factory farm into a family farm. “Concentrated animal feeding operation” or “Factory farm” is not going to look great on a label, hence we use “farm fresh”.
Technique number four. Innovation - we use the right choice of words to make you feel good. One of the side effects of intensive farming, is obviously disease because when you put so many animals into a small space they to get sick. It is no secret that 50 percent of all the antibiotics in the world are used on factory farmed animals.
So how do you make the public feel okay with this? The language of innovation – “Better living through chemistry”. We say things like, "As farming has . . . become more efficient, veterinarians have incorporated new technologies and methods into practice." It doesn’t change anything but because it is positive, it makes us feel good.
When we market to future consumers, we would use something like a absolutely gorgeous coloring book and get the children to focus on the fact that we're using “innovation”. By bringing the pigs out from the muddy fields and into “clean barns” we're taking them away from all that nasty, dirty mud and all the diseases that are lurking there within. Positive.
And the secret weapon? As these four techniques alone are not going to work. The secret weapon is: you. You don't want to think about where those products come from, how they have been reared, treated or how the product prepared. That is the power of willful ignorance and it cannot be overstated. Factory farming is cruelty on a massive scale and they only get away with it because everyone is prepared to look the other way.

And most do!

No one is really controlling you. The truth is you are choosing to not think.
When you choose not to think you can claim ignorance and therefore not "do" anything about something that would otherwise be very appalling to you. Because of this, you emotionally react by blame others, rather than being able to respond to the situation in an appropriate manner.

I never gave consent!
Yes you did. When you believed everything you were told rather than questioning it.

The Livingston family battled food sensitivities and other health problems before they made the trek to Bolivia. They were concerned that the food in a developing country would make them sick. What they found is unbelievable. Instead of making them sick, they got better. No GMOs. No Monsanto. Coincidence?
"It is amazing how frozen in fear I am about ordering food because of the nonstop worry of getting sick. A mom of 4 just has no time for constant health problems. When we arrived in Ixiamas, I discovered that bread is a cheap staple (1 Boliviano for 2 pieces of bread the size of large dinner rolls). Also, since the bread was made with only butter, lard, and flour -no milk! – I decided to try it. It tasted good and I felt fine. After this surprising success, I tried the milk from a friend’s cow. No symptoms! I could not believe it! It seemed I was able to eat everything here!"
Read their full blog to learn more about their amazing journey: http://domorethanexist6.com/…/i-can-eat-all-the-food-and-i…/
How can I make better choices when they won't label the products correctly?

Let's take a new look at this.
In the image at the top, you were "told" that only organic products are good. Not to eat anything else, but organic is expensive, doesn't mean what you think it means and some grocers label things organic which are not because they can make more money from it.
Question is how can you tell when it is not labeled or purposefully mislabeled?
Answer - it is easy.
God gave you every thing you needed.
First you need to ground yourself as I taught you on the
"Chakra's, What They Are And How to Use Them" page located

Once you are grouned you will use a system simular to (but not) applied kinesiology (AK) which is also know as musclestrength testing, Because you likely don't want to be seen in pubilc doing muscle testing on everything in the store, for one thing people will think you are crazy, not that this should matter to you, but it takes too long and you don't want to be touching everything in the store as you wouldn't want what you want to buy things handled by everyone else before you. We want to treat others the way we want to be treated after all. So how do we avoid this?

By using the Bubbling Springs Chakra in the palm of your hands. I encourage you to test this, DO NOT just take my word for it. Test it and use it.
What you want to do is to open this chakra, and 'feel' with
it. You will want to put your chakra OVER, not on, what ever it is you are testing and ask the question, "Is this good for my health?"
5 digit 9xxxx - Unless you have an allergy to a certain food, anything organic (except soy) sould 'feel' "hot" to you. You can eat anything that 'feels' this way.
Here is the trick, it if is labeled organic and it is not hot, it is not organic it is mislabeled or contaminated in some way.
5 digit 8xxxx - Things that 'feels' cold is not good to eat at all, avoid it, "Vote with your money!" If you don't buy it the grocer / seller won't either, he is in the market to make money after all. If the grocer / seller won't buy it, the manufacture or factory farmer will either change his ways or go out of business. That is what we want! Anything GE, factory farmed, mishandled / abused or over processed will feel cold.
Along with anything you should not eat to start with *laughing * such as a toy, which you can use as a test subject, because we all know you can't eat toys.
4 digit xxxx - Anything that is "okay", or has been sprayed with pesticides will 'feel' warm to the chakra. Anything that is warm, can be cleaned or healed with INTENT, because everything is energy and you as a powerful co-creator your intent is the only thing that matters.
Choose your food using this method and you will never eat anything that will make you sick again.

It does not matter what "it" is, USE YOUR GIFTS!
It is not even necessary to hold what ever you wish to heal in your hands because INTENT is all that matters. But for this I will say hold what you want to heal in or between your hands / bubbling springs chakras and intend what ever it is you wish to "clean / heal" "to be for the nourishment of the body." Beside showing a little gratituded to God for the gift you have, a simple "thank you", that is all you have to do.
This works exactly like and on the same principle as Dr Emotto's water experiments did. To test this, cut something "warm" into two parts, heal one side but not the other. Then taste both halves, the difference will be phenomenally profound!

* Note; please keep in mind that this is ENERGY WORK - just like Reiki & Sufi and other healing modalities and energy work creates heat. In the presence of heat, thing like chocolate and ice cream melt. So you want to find some thing that is on the warmer side to start with. Yes, frozen things can and will 'feel' warm and hot things can 'feel' cold, it's physical temperature is irrelevant to the question you are asking.