Life's Journey
Why are we here?
Seeing the bigger picture; life & death.
Analogy of what happens before birth, during life, at and after death.
We are asked not to judge, and that isn’t just people, but all things, events included. Because what we may judge as “bad”, is just a means to an end.
As an example, out of control forest fires that burn that for weeks prove that “you” can’t have constant “good” sun shiny days without a few “bad” rainy days. Because nothing will grow, in fact it will die and become tender for wild fires which can’t be put out, all things must be in a state of balance, you must take the “bad” days with the “good” days. It must rain or there is nothing “good” about the non-rainy days. The events or rain are not "bad", just events that just are, it is just the path to get to where you want to be, in a lush garden.
Just as if you want to go berry or rose picking you have to deal with the thorns, that is the way of things.
If you want to build something out of lumber or metal, you have to deal with the fact that there is a likely hood you will get splinters, or if you are careless cut by a tool you are using etc.
Such is the way of all things, above and below the veil of life.

Before Conception
We all start out at ‘home’, which is in Heaven of course. We decide that we want to go ‘school’ (Earth) or on a ‘journey’ (some other planet), so we go see the ‘Travel Agent’ in Heaven. We tell him where we want to go, and what we want to do while we are there, and the ‘Travel Agent’ creates a package for us. It is possible to just leave it open and say “I just need to get out of town for a bit” this of course is a short life, or take a “Sunday drive” which is why babies die. However there is always a lesson for those here as well, this isn’t just a “random event”, for this too is preplanned by the parents before they came. Life here is as complex as any spider’s web, thus the association with it being like a spider’s web, trees with many branches or wheel with spokes.
Now, if a journey to school is desired we tell the ‘Travel Agent’ what subject we are interested in. The journey can be one of business, a pleasure trip, or maybe just made to witness an event such as a graduation, a birth or something like that, you inform the ‘Travel Agent’ of every thing you want to experience while incarnated. The ‘Travel Agent” sets up your trip for you and writes up a ‘contract’ that you sign before you come here, these things must happen there is NO getting out of them.
Things are set up, arrangements made, so it can be the best possible experience for
Once all the arrangements are made you are sent to the “terminal”, and finally you get to choose your mask. This mask looks much like the theater “happy/sad” masks, this is your "dispossession"; are you an optimist or a pessimist? Then you hop into the tube which swings to where your parents are “busy” and your journey begins, you are now conceived. A couple hours later you arrive at your destination and are born in to the physical world, * Laughing * and I bet you thought it took nine months

Question was asked, “Can you come with no contract?”
You can come without very much of a contract over you. Just specify that you want it to be “open”. I know someone who did that. But because it was “open” it meant this person could earn plenty of wealth, but they had no one to share it with. Once here (30 years old), mind was changed and a decision was made that this person would rather have a mate and a child over wealth, as well as the lessons that come with it. – In other words it was a very lonely and sad existence, that lesson was also learned.
You’re Never Alone
Fellow Travelers
The best way I can describe this, is like of like when you were in school and you went from one grade to the next with all the same class mates you started out with, so you knew all those kids, they were always in your class from one year to the next, as they were your neighbors.
Well that very thing happen on a soul level as well, everyone in your physical life is someone your soul already knows and knows well. So when you come, you are interacting with many of your soul "class mates". Some arrived sooner, others will follow later, some will be born to you or you are born to, some are ken folks, co-workers, best friends, worst enemies, and just folks you meet on the street. So every one in your life is someone you already know.
And that person that you really can’t stand, that soul is likely to be your very best soul friend! Who else would you trust to do such nasty things to you? They are all busy teaching you the most important things you came here to learn, and the same is true in reverse, you are teaching them. This is why we are told to “love our enemies” and “keep them close”, they are after all your best friends, trying to teach us something we don’t think we can learn. The really fun part is, either you have or will in the next life time, taught/ will teach, them the exact same lesson, you just trade out playing parts in the play. In one life time you are the "good guy" and your friend is the "bad guy", in the next one the rolls are reversed and you play "the bad guy" and your friend is the "good guy". This is why judging another is a bad thing, it's just a lesson being taught and learned, its all a game and you can't really be hurt. - This is also the true definition of karma.
You also get to choose which race you wish to be born as. Who your parents are, what conditions you wish to experience once here. So if you resent the fact that maybe in this life time you are poor, and the guy next door is rich, remember what you wanted to experience being poor, so there is no reason to envy or covet what another has. In your next life time you will be the rich one, remember how it feels to be poor and share what you have. It's not like it is yours anyway, and the more you give, speeding up the flow, the more you get.

We are always being watched over.

We trade out puppets until we have played with them all. That is Karma. It is why "history repeats" itself, not because humans are dumb, but because we all have to play each roll so we know how it feels to experiance each player in the game..
Souls - or - "Higher self"
that "keeps the treasures"
A ‘guide’ or ‘guardian’ is sent with you to ensure you get everything you asked for while you were on your journey. This guide is often times someone whom has been your guide before, and you have been the guide of when rolls were reversed and it was their turn to incarnate.
Remember when you were a child and you had an “imaginary playmate”, yep that is who that was, your guide. That “playmate” is still by your side, but as you grow older, folk tell you, “stop pretending” and you forget your friend is there with you, or how to "see", 'hear" or other wise communicate with them. And it would spoil all the fun, you want to think that you are doing this all by yourself, it’s not really fun to have someone “stuck” to you, watching your every move, or telling you want to do all the time. But that is why many feel so lonely, but you are never ever alone your guide is always right there by your side at all times, you need only to acknowledge the guides presence to reopen the lines of communications between you two.

Ask to receive help, other wise it is assumed everything is okay.
Angels are speaking to all of us, but some of us are listening better. - anonymous.

What you learn here is the treasure that is lay up in Heaven. This knowledge earned is yours for all eternity, you never lose it. It is the only thing you can take with you when you go back home, everything else stays here. Which is why we are advised not to make ‘attachments’ to things, as it hurts when you lose them. When you do make attachments to things, you are sure to lose them, for that too is a lesson you set yourself up for when you make the choice to attach to something.
This knowledge is yours forever, while you may think “I can’t remember it”, that is okay, the physical mind can’t hold everything you know. Which is why we have what is called “esp”. So be open to that knowledge when it flows back to you, in which ever way it can. It will come to you the way in which you are best suited to receive it, be that via hearing (clairaudience), seeing (clairvoyance), knowing (clair-cognizance), smelling (clair- ambience), feeling (clairsentience), tasting (clair alience). There is no one right or wrong way, one isn't better than the other, they are just gifts and what ever works best for you is how that information will be sent and received, which ever gift you have which is the strongest.
Keeping the connection with your treasures open is why your diet and the lack of a toxin load is so very important. Things like sugars (high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, other artificial sweeteners), white flour and poisons block the “phone lines” and you miss that information you so desperately want and need. It is a very good reason not to pollute your environment, inside or out side your body.

The Journey
Lets say in the plans you made before arrival, you told the Travel Agent that you wanted to go to the beach. So you are either born by the ocean, or when you are old enough you feel compelled to move there. This is why you end up where you end up in life, you planed it before arrive, it all depending upon what it is you said you wanted to do and how you wanted to do it and with whom.
Once you get to the beach, did you want to walk along it, go fishing, get a sun tan, maybe you just don’t care all you want to do is experience the feel of the water and you will later deiced what you want to do when you get there. So for those whom know that they want it is a very strong a feeling. But for those who don't once they arrive they are clueless as to why, that is why, you never made that decision, now is the time to make that decision on what you want to do.
Do you want a walk? Is the beach sand or rocks, maybe boulders, did you specify that?
Did you wanted to get a sun tan? Well if you asked for a tan, then you get to choose once on the beach how much tan you want. Your guide will tell you what you asked for to keep you on track; “Now it not a good time of day to that” or “It is time to roll over, or get up, cover up, or go inside.” You have free will choose to obey or ignore your guide and you are either rewarded or pay the price for not doing what you said you wanted to do at the time you made the arrangements.
So depending upon what “you” choose to do, determines the out come. In the contract you said, "beach & tan", once you have done that, you still have the free will choice to listen and move, or stubbornly lay there anyway and burn? How long you laid there after you were 'told' to move determines the amount of burn / punishment you receive; this is disease caused by being “off track” from what you originally said you wanted.
Maybe you said to the “travel agent”, “I also want to go fishing after wards!” If you are busy stubbornly laying on the beach burning, you can literately "miss your boat".
When you made your plans, you can choose to keep the fish, toss the fish, or even eat the fish. You can choose which type of fish, or maybe you didn’t specify at all because it doesn’t matter to you. Maybe you want to go fishing but don’t really want to catch anything at all but all these things matter as to where you end up. Maybe you just want to see fish, or swim with them that too is okay the possibilities are endless.
The request, "I want to go fishing" will require that you move from the beach onto a boat, as the two desires may not be at the same location. So at some point in time, we’ll say at “mid life”, you suddenly get the urge to toss everything and go do something different. This is your leaving the beach and boarding the boat to go fishing. You’re not crazy for doing such a thing, it was preplanned before you arrived.
Because now it is time to go fishing, the kind of fish you want to catch determines where you end up next. Can you catch them from the beach or do you need to board a boat or ship and go out a ways into the ocean to catch these fish you asked to catch? All the arrangements were made for you in advance all you have to do is show up and it will all take place just as you asked. This is why sometimes things go smoothly you can’t believe it. Other times nothing seems to work right, you really did miss your boat because you were too afraid to make the move you needed to make when you needed to make it.
Maybe you remember you wanted to go fishing, but you know you missed your boat. So instead of backing up and trying again, waiting for the next boat, you think yourself a failure and you just do something that is “close enough”. Some beaches are catch and release, so keeping them and eating them is forbidden, this isn’t want you really wanted to do, but it is what you do, because “it is close enough”. You don’t listen to your guide who is telling you don’t do that. But you went there and did it any way and got caught and punished for it, this too is the causes of disease and suffering. Or maybe you listened and moved on down to the next beach and all went well and you had a great time. Or you boarded the next boat and had a great time. Maybe once you caught the boat and went out, you literally “went overboard” once out there. All things must be in balance.
Remember just because we deem an act as “bad” doesn’t make it so, is it often times just a lesson we chose to learn about, or a means to an end. The veil prevents us from actually seeing what it is we chose to learn, and this is why we are asked not to judge it as we really don't know.
Life is not lost by dying,
Life is lost minute by minute,
Day by dragging day,
In all the thousand small uncaring ways.
-Stephen Vincent Benet
End of the Journey
Your life goes on but with all good things it must come to an end, your “vacation time” or class room time is over. You have done all you wanted to do, some of what you wanted to do, or you didn’t do any of it at all and you think life sucks, nevertheless it is time to go home. And there are eight opportunities in your life to choose from to return home in, you get to free will choose if you want to go home or stay longer. Some folks cut their trips short; others stay longer and accomplish more things. The choice is always yours. The first seven ‘exit points’ are usually “marked” in your life by some “accident”, which you are surprised that you managed to escape unharmed. Of course the final, 8th, exit point there is no choice, time is up and you must go home this time was predetermined by you before you were born.
While it may seem like “Oh this bad person did such a bad thing to so-n-so and now they are dead. Shame on them.” No that isn’t how it works, you can not die if it is not your exit point, thus the saying “you be amazed what you can live though.” Yet how easy it is to die", thus the person who did whatever that caused the physical death of another was meant to do it, it was all preplanned.
Just like in the “old days” if you failed to learn a lesson, you do get to repeat that grade again and again till you did get it.
Folks like Hitler are not "the devil", they have a larger lesson to teach the masses. The reason history repeats itself is because there are that many of us who need to learn the lesson. Not everyone can be incarnated at the same time, in the same place.
It is best not to “cling” to someone who is dying, because you can “force” them to suffer needlessly because you are suffering. Or they become a ghost, and that isn’t a good thing either as they get trapped here when they want to go home and take that much needed nap before returning to their “normal lives” on the other side of the veil. You wouldn’t want to make them late for their own party now would you?
You never know they might have planed to be both your parent and your child, clinging to them would prevent them from coming back to you.
Be sure to bless and thank those whom you lose, and tell them to hurry home. Don’t morn anyone who dies, they are safe, healthy and happy. Instead mourn for yourself, your job isn’t completed, and the loose of your companion. Never for them.
There is no point in committing suicide. Before you came here, you signed an agreement that certain things would happen. Suicide is a violation of that contract, and rather than getting to go home again, you are sent right back into utero to relive the same conditions you were suffering from the first time through.
You might as well stick it out, or you will be just going in circles till you figure out what you are doing wrong. – Which usually involves not following your guidance, and doing what you want to do, rather than what you planed to do.
Punishment for Sins
If you are disobedient, and don’t do what it is you chose to do before you came here, or you choose to cause others to suffer
needlessly while you are here, going home can be freighting thing to do because religions teach you will be punished for this. But that is not true and you need not be frightened, as there is nothing at all to fear, so it is unnecessary to try to cling to life. You were merely playing a part, you came here to play, all the choices were yours to make. The “punishment” you fear, has likely already occurred. that is why you saw your life as a "living hell", that was your choice. You will get to come back to school and try it all over again. Best to get it right the first time around, and be kind to those whom you meet along the way.

After Death
Just after the moment of death, you are escorted through by your guide and / or what ever Deity that you worshiped in your life. Once you have exit the tube all your friends who returned home before you, are gathered there waiting to great you. There may even be folks who passed through your life that you didn’t even notice, but you “marked” their lives by some kind act you did for them, even if it was just a smile in passing, as well as those whom you left behind when you went on the ‘journey’. All are there waiting for your return, they so glad to see you, it’s “PARTY TIME!” They want to hear all about your great adventures, you are the center of attention, as these folks escort you all the way to your mansion in Heaven, like groupies on a rock star. Isn’t that exciting!
Here you are crying for those who died, and they are having quite the grand old time! No matter who they / you are or what they did here,, it is all good there. So there is NOTHING to fear when it comes to death, as everything is just a lesson.
Once home you are very tired, as that was quite the adventure and party, so you tell them “Thank you for escorting me home. I’m tired and I need to rest, see you tomorrow”. You go inside your mansion go to bed. Depending on how tired you are, you may take a quick nap, or you may sleep the rest of the day, through the night and wake up then next morning. This is of course your choice and its length is determined by how long it takes you to “unpack”; how easy or difficult it is for you to assimilate all that you have earned.
You are even permitted to walk out on the balcony and look down at those whom you left behind and whisper to them, “I home safe now, thank you for being apart of my life, I miss and love you very much.” Sometimes things like, “I’ll see you soon!” or “I’ll wait for your return” are also spoken.
I know that my mother-in-law attended her own funeral, everyone was too busy crying to notice she was there trying to get their attention. So depending upon how “bad” those who were left here feel, the loved one may keep coming to the balcony to keep an eye on those whom are still incarnated. Sometimes the non-corporal leave a trinket to remind the incarnated of them. or extra hand now and again to let the incarnated know that all is well, they are being watched over with great love.
As above, so below, as below so above;
You have a life, family and friends, and employment on the other side of the veil as well. So you go about your normal “life”, doing what ever it is you do there, just the same as you do here. There are biologist, teachers, guards, solders, mail men, moms, dads, etc. all on the other side of the veil, and that is where the information comes from when new way of doing things appears here. That is what you do in Heaven till you decide you want to go on another journey, everything is always left up to you, as it is your choice.
You were not “toss here”, “kicked out across the universe” you CHOSE to come here. This is a very exciting time to be incarnated.
Death of the physical is not the end of any thing but your journey to school so physically dying is just returning home, it isn’t something that need be feared as religion teaches. Nor are you going to rot in the ground for all eternity, as it isn’t a one time shot and then nothing. It is just the exact same as we come and go here from our homes to other places here; the same is true with our Home in Heaven. Your rotten bodies are left in the ground, you don’t need them any more. So you need not worry about spending large sums of money preserving your old carcass, because when you choose to reincarnate again, you get a new body. Honestly do you really want to come back looking like a zombie? And you are not going to be “raptured” into heaven in your body or any other such non-sense, certainly not in the next few days.
The Rapture
Maybe your worried that someone you loved would be to frightened to return home after death, that can happen. Usually becoming a ghost occurs only to folks who were “caught off guard” when they died, and / or didn’t know that they died. Sometimes they just want their stories told before they are willing to return home. They want to let someone know how they died and who did it, once that is heard they are okay with going home.
So, once a universal year all those who clung to the planet are asked if they have changed their minds and are ready to go home. A yes to this is what the rapture is, all those who clung here, are escorted home all at once.
No one alive is “taken home” during a rapture, the last Rapture took place on the 6th of October 2008, so it will be a while before it happens again.
Remember God doesn’t judge your vacation any more than your boss does, you do that. You are a far harder judge on yourself than God would ever be. He just allows you to go, to learn, to experience every thing you asked for. He hopes you have a wonderful time while you are here.
There need be no suffering involved, that like everything else is your choice. Suffering means you are off your life path, and you move over and get back on it. It’s not really a punishment, those who suffer the most, actually learn more, so it isn’t really a bad thing.
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.