Life Lesson - The Golden Rule
I wanted to share this little jewel with you today.
This meme is speaking about how you treat others.
However what I wanted to talk about is another side of the jewel.
That is how others treat or mistreat you as the case may be, then later they need you.
There are 3 ways in which one can choose to behave towards someone who has hurt you, then later learns that they need you.
One way is the wrong way, two is a "good" choice and 3 is the correct choice.
1) To hurt them back. But vengeance doesn't belong to you it belongs to God - Karma.
Note that it says "as you would have them do onto you." Not as they have done or might do onto you. There for there is no such thing as "preemptive strike", which in and of itself is a act of war.
Telepathy is one thing, but no one should be a mind reader.
2) Do not harm, but choose not to help anyway.
3) To help them anyway - which demonstrates unconditional love.
We are incarnated here now to do just that, demonstrate unconditional love and by doing so teach others how to live by the Golden rule; treat others the way YOU WANT TREATED not how you are treated. When you need help, you want helped.
The idea of competition must die. War is not the answer, for violence begets only more violence. No more “you are either for us or against us.” No more "My god is better than your god or prophet. No real prophet would dare think such a thought. For a real and true phophet would know that, "There is no us or them. WE ARE ALL ONE!"