From the book Co-creating at its Best
Abraham said,
“We would rather you felt revenge over despair or guilt. “
Why? Because revenge is anger, you are still in the game fighting; despair or guilt is giving up. Real and true Evil is into guilt
trips. Who is more into fear based guilt trips than religions / governments?
Why because evil eats souls, especially the weak, so they want us to give up and give in.
Birth is violent.
Let us birth freedom from fear - peacefully.
That is why only the best of the best souls are allowed to incarnate here. It doesn’t mean we don’t get hurt, because we do, but we are also able to heal and come back stronger than ever.
Be proud of yourself and all you accomplishments, for they are greater than you know.
Abraham goes on to say;
“We would rather you felt overwhelmed than rage."
Rage is more violent in nature than being overwhelmed.
"We would rather you felt, hope over overwhelmed."
"We would rather you felt Love over hope."
How great are your accomplishments?
Abraham says, “Contrast (duality) exists on both sides of the veil. But it is far more powerful on this side that than side.
Dr Dyer asks if we can reach the state of joy that has no opposite?
Abraham said, You don't want to do that, it is duality that causes God to grow and us to be immortal, if we stopped expansion we would no longer be immortal because expansion is necessary for eternity.
Not learning new things, not growing in knowledge is death.
Abraham goes on to say, Incarnated, you get to explore contrast and find a variety of things that interest amaze and delight you, this encourages you and gives birth to new ideas.
What is contrast?
Variety, difference, knowing what you don’t want so you know what you do want. When you ask for something God always says “Yes”, and it is immediately given.
Often times we don’t know what it is we are asking for, or we ask for the wrong thing. Sometimes it is given but we ‘feel bad’ about either asking for it, or too guilty to accept it, so we refuse it. Thus there is a vibration gap between what we want and what we asked for. This gap causes discomfort and pain, because we want things to be different than how they are. We don't like feeling guilty, ashamed, unworthy. Honestly we shouldn't feel that way, those things are always lies, which is why it hurts. It is someone else's opinions implanted upon us and believed to be true when they are not.
Where does all this lead you?
Well to making mistakes of course.
How else do you learn about contrast / duality if not playing with it?
There is so much violence in the world today.
Think about this!
We ARE a part of God!
God makes NO mistakes how can we?
Where does this take us?
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas A. Edison
Do you understand what this means?
You are causing growth to happen! Your mistakes create eternity, it keeps God alive. Why should we fear making mistakes?
The mistakes we make, makes us God's "growth hormones".
No wonder there are so many paths to God!
This is why,
If our being here and making mistakes is God learning more about himself: Then how then does God know everything? Simple. There is no such thing as “past life” it is just a different dimension happening in the only time that exists, which is NOW. So here you are doing everything you can think of in every different combination coming up with all sorts of similar to radically different experiences and outcomes. There are Googol to the power of Googol dimensions all happening right now like a giant fire work display.
Then we all trade places, so you may mama or daddy to your child now, but in a different reality, you are the child to the soul that is your child now. In that reality, you are doing everything you can think of to that child that your child is doing to you, and in every dimension there is a different set of choices being played out. And since you two don’t think alike the outcomes are different, ever so slightly, thus “history repeats itself” only the characters are different.
And sometimes you play the part of a male sometimes a female, sometimes you come up with a really crazy though and say, “Hey lets really switch things up and get all confused about it all. WHAT FUN!” Does this sound familiar to this time line?
Through it all, God keeps track of every single one of your right now lives, in every dimension and reality, as well as everyone else’s here and everywhere else in the Universe. That is a lot to keep track of. A lot of things are predictable, there for He knows what is going to happen. When you can comprehend all that, it is hard to now know everything.
As an example if we study history, we learn that there is a fight, and someone picks up a big stick unless that stick is put down, someone is going to get hurt. That is pretty simple. When you have seen as much as we have done in all those different dimensions and realities in the very short time of NOW, it is really easy to predict things. That is why creativity is a good thing. The best creations comes our mistakes.