About The Economy &
Money is not evil.
Having money does not make one evil.
Money is not “the root of all evil” either. The “love of” or more precisely said, the attachment to money that is. The idea that one must have it, and more of it and I must have it at all cost!
Let me tell you, the cost will be high.
Money is a form of energy, nothing more, nothing less. As such money like all other forms of energy is meant to flow. The more money you have, the more you can spend the more you spend with good intent, the more flows to you as your pipe opens up.
But when we have money flowing in and it is not flowing out, it causes a blockage in energy. This blockage manifests as dis-ease, which is why (not all rich but) the greedy rich are never happy no matter what they have as they deny themselves the joy of sharing of giving of making others happy. We get back what we put out into the Universe.

This huge pile of money is not the result of capitalism.
It is the result of an illness, or what is in fact the first of
I said the cost will be high, how much higher could it get than be among the "7 Deadly Sins"?
God is love &
A sin is any act done without love.
So these 7 acts done with out God.

Features of a capitalist economic system
Economic freedom. Individuals free to set up business and provide goods and services they want.
– An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy – Farming; farmers are told what they can and can’t grow, how much of it can be grown, and how much of that can be taken to market and sold. or left in the fields to rot while folks are going hungry. And they lose their farms if they disobey. Sounds more like a bully than an economic system.
Consumer sovereignty. Consumers free to decide which goods and services to purchase.
– An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy - Obama care and auto insurance "must be bought."
Limited government. Government intervention limited to protection of private property and provision of public goods.
– An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy - "Asset forfeiture" by cops & "eminent domain" by both government and corporations. – Example; a lot of farmers lost their land to the I30 toll road.
Finance sector. Capitalism requires a developed banking and financial system which can provide loans to companies and banking services to households.
Profit motive is seen as important for enabling an efficient distribution of resources and encouraging innovation and responsive markets.
Market forces. Goods and services are distributed according to ‘the invisible hand of the market’ – in other words, the allocation of goods is determined by market forces. For example, if demand rises, firms have an incentive to increase supply.
Flexible labour markets – easy to hire and fire workers. . – An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy – You have to hire certain racial or sexual quotas. And getting rid of someone once you have done that is near impossible.
– An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy - companies are not allowed to hire who is qualified for the job, they have to meet sex or race quotas, and firing is near impossible.
Free trade. Low tariff barriers to encourage international trade.
– An example how the US is not a capitalistic economy - 20% tariffs is not “low” tariffs.

The US economy is not capitalistic but Corporate Fascism
Corporatism - control of a state or organization by large interest groups.
Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization.


Let manufactures

Corporate Fascism

Monopolies - in a capitalistic society are illegal.

Socialism is legalized plunder.
It erases from everyone's conscience the distinction between justice and injustice. It's one step away from

Stop regurgitating the lies you have been been told & learn to do your own research!
Think for yourself!

God so loves you,
He always says "Yes!"
to your every request
Even if He knows you likely don't want it, just because you asked for it.
Be very careful what you ask for, you just may get it and you WILL NOT want it!