Within Heaven
Heaven's Gates -
Pearly Gates -
Akashic Records -

Some folks will tell you that there are four Gates into Heaven, other will say that there are seven Gates into Heaven. But the truth is there are actually 12 Gates into Heaven; there is a ring of 7 Gates, around a ring of 4 Gates, around the Gate to the Throne Room where the "God Head" is.

Each of the 12 Gates is guarded by its own team of Archangel(s). Thus Archangel is an occupation not a species; like angels or humans. The occupation of Archangel has many different species working with in it guarding the Gates. There are angels, dragons, fae, humans and a goddess watching over the Gates of Heaven. All Archangels are "Gate Lions".
The outside ring of seven Gates into Heaven align with the seven chakras, and it contains The Pearly Gates which we enter into Heaven after death. We do not just “vanish” into nothingness.

Sentry of the Grenadier Guards posted outside St James' Palace
The commanders of these teams you know the names of; Ariel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Metatron, Ragaul, Sandalphon, Zaphkiel.
The center four Gates are commanded by Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Urel.

The center Gate is The Crystalline Gate. It is the "Door" into the Throne Room where Father is seated and I Haniel, am its Gate Keeper - Gate Lion.

Other Archangels have also made themselves known to you; Azael, Azrael, Barachiel, Chamel, Jegudiel, Jeremial, Michael (yes there are two of them), Oriphielto, Phanuel, Raziel, Samael, Salathiel, Simiel, Tzaphkiel name a few.

Now as far as the “extreme vetting” is concerned I want you to understand that ALL (which leaves none out) of God's children, no matter how "bad" they were in life, get to go Home after wards. Remember we are in an illusion to LEARN to make mistakes in a safe environment where the soul cannot be harmed without our concent, no matter what happens to the body.
Now that doesn’t mean we should choose to be “bad”, but that the mistakes we make out of our own (soul's) ignorance are not held against us no matter how “bad” or even “evil” they might seem to others here on Earth.
Women who abort their babies are allowed Home. People who commit murder are allowed to return Home, even if they do it on a massive scale.
Why because these folks are here like everyone else to teach and learn lessons. Just because it can’t be seen or understood from Earth’s side of the veil doesn’t mean that Father God doesn’t know exactly what is happening and why.

Our free will is such we can choose to return home through the Pearly Gates after life, to rest, a life review, and a grand party is held in our honor.
Or out of fear after we die we can choose to remain here on Earth, as a ghost.
This should give you an insight to ghosts you meet. Why they may behave "badly" is because they are afraid of judgment.
We can help them come to understand they have commuted no "crime" and they are welcome Home at any time they see fit to return. And we can take them there.
And as I have said twice before, “The Rapture" is the "seasonal" round up of ghosts who have decided that they are tired and are now ready to return Home, because NO ONE is "left behind". The last Rapture took place on Oct 6, 2008. There will not be another one for a very long, long time.
In this review we get to see the whole picture, not just through our little peep hole that the body allows us to see. This is the so called "judgment" time in which NO ONE but you do. It is when we come to understand and learn from what we did or did not do in this life time. Father does not punish us for anything we did or did not do in any way shape or form.

Pearly Gates
The purpose of St Peter being at the Pearly Gates has NOTHING at all to do with “Oh you were bad you can’t come in” at all, is to make note of who arrived after death, and who free will chose to remain behind as a ghost.
This information is stored in the Akashic Records.

What is the Akashic Records?
Many of you hear me speak of the “Library” on the other side of the veil. The Library I speak of is also known as "The Hall of Records" or "The Akashic Records". The word “Akashic” is Sanskrit; “akasha” means “sky”, “space”, “luminous” or “æther”.

The Hall of Records are divided up into 3 parts.
- The first part is the Book of Life; it tells all about what you are, your species and who your family is.
- The second part is the Book of Laws; it tells about the laws that govern you and how.
Before you incarnated you signed a contract saying why you were incarnating and what you incarnated to learn, that is in the Book of Law as well.
- The third part is the Book of Histories; which tells about your actions, stories, memories, and lessons you have learned or failed to learn.
The Book of Histories is the book that most psychics visit to predict what you may or may not do. The problem with this is, when read for, most folks tend to do one of two things.
- They feel that what they are told is their fate and they will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
- Or they will do whatever it takes to prove the psychic wrong.
Either way, rather than taking responce-ability for their own free will choice of actions many folks prefer to blame others for the outcome of their free will choices rather than to take full responsibility for their lives.
This is the primary reason I will not read for folks. In response to this, I tend to also visit the Book of Law and to find ways to empower someone to make their own choices, rather than predict what they may or may not do by prior choices, so in this way effecting a positive change and growth.
Understand that while the future can be predicted from past behavior, is not by any means fixed. By changing our thought patterns and behavior we can influence it and alter it to reach a better more desired out come. What we focus on personally and planetary we bring into manifestation.