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Temperamental People
The world is filled with all kinds of temperamental people. Everyone has their triggers, you'd have to be catatonic not to feel emotional chaos stir up inside you ever, even if you weren't to express it externally. It's a huge factor as to why stress is such a burden on the "civilized" world and why substances to numb yourself from those emotions is prevalent.
Emotion is an integral part of the human grid work, the whole point of being human is to feel. Babies and children before they get programmed into the Adult mindset will cry when their sad or hurt, shout when they're angry and laugh when they're happy. They feel it all and give a shit about how it affects others, they don't filter anything. Somewhere along our journey into Adulthood we learnt to judge those emotions in others and in ourselves and because of this many of us don't express our emotions because it's "wrong" or we don't have the courage in ourselves to let it surface. Many others were never guided to deal with certain extremes of emotion and their emotional intelligence never evolved to a level of maturity to handle specific triggering situations.

It's easier to guide children into healthier "mindsets" on the emotional body and how to work with it than to deal with older people because as adults we feel judged when confronted on our "personality" traits like there's something wrong with us. Shields go up, defensive mode is in play and arguments commence. The severity of the argument as well as the resolution of it or lack of will depend on the EQ level of each within the dissonance.
There are many empaths too unbeknownst to them who pick up on emotions not emanating from themselves. They have to learn to recognize when this is happening not only for their own sanity but also to avoid confrontations with others who weren't ready to have those feelings tapped into.
Being human is a work in progress, be patient with yourself and others.
- Heidi Brown

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