There are 5 types of love;
Love of stuff, Ego, Phileo, Storge, & God's Unconditional Love.
Each will be explained below.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as “good” and “bad” these are just judgments that we make. The truth is things are or they are not. What we are here for is to seek and learn to find balance in all things.
Love of stuff (money)

The idea that we must have some thing; be that a thought, a thing, or a person that we do not have is one that is not "evil" it is out of balance.
Consumerism is an example of love of things out of balance. This does not mean that you can’t have anything, or that you have to give up everything.
God created all things so you could
have them, not so that you could not live with
out them, thus there is no need to want..

Having things and the idea that "I must own" something anything at all, be that something must be a certain way which is a graven image (thought set in stone), a physical object, or a person is two very different things. You can't own that which doesn't belong to you.
Remember everything that is, is God there for is God's. If you didn't create it, it is not yours, so don't try to own it.
The need to own something causes us to suffer because we want something that we can't have. Thus suffereing is a free will choice that we make. To end suffereing we must let go of the attachment to the idea that something must be a certain way or that we must own something we don't have above all else.
However as with all forms of love we need not seek to destroy the love of things, but to bring within perfect balance. How can you care for anything if we don't love it? How can you care for things if we fear or despite it?

Fear not love is the driving force behind the idea that “I must have …”, whatever it is you seek. If you have underlying fears it will lead to anxieties such as, “What if I don’t make enough money?” or “What if I never find love?” etc., and those fears manifest into self-fulfilling prophesies.

The first step is to be aware of the underlying fears, because if the fears are left unattended will perpetually block you from receiving your desires.
If we fear or despise things how do you think it will react or respond to you, except with rejection? Again, remember everything that is, is God No aspect of God wants rejected. Thus chasing after anything means it will continuously evade you, because nothing likes to be chased, as it’s a frightening energy. Chasing after success, love, happiness, or money means that deep down, you’re afraid it might not really happen.
So instead of getting angry, anxious or frustrated put your focus upon the positive opposite and trusting the loving energy to give to you willingly rather than you trying to force or make it happen.
Nothing done with love is forced it is all “free will”. God always says “yes” to every prayer (as long as it doesn’t interfere with another’s free will).

That is ego out of balance defends, God always says "yes" to every request.

Seek balance in all things.

Ego - self love.
I have heard many say that you need to destroy the ego. That is the grandest lie ever. Just like the love of things, it simply needs brought into balance.
Think about this, God Himself is love.
If you destroy the ego, you are attempting to
destroy an aspect of God. ...
What did He say?

"Love others as I have loved you."
"Love others as you love yourself."
- If you can’t love yourself, then how can you love others?
- If you can’t love yourself, then how can you expect others to love you?
With thoughts like these, is it any wonder
we can be so crule to each other.
We know not what we do.

God loves you, and like any loving parent, wants you to be happy, healthy, and abundantly cared for. God wills the same for every one of us! Those who live in poverty because they don’t understand the energy makeup of the Universe must be taken care of by those of us who do understand. By you prospering, you bring in more resources to help others.
If you don't have self-love, faith in who you are and in life, and a grateful attitude for every small blessing, it doesn’t matter what you have, it will never be enough.
Phileo - Friend Love

What it is not

If those in your life better fit the idea above then you don’t have friends you have acquaintances. Acquaintances should never be worthy of "benefits". Because "benefits" & love are not one and the same thing. One of you is a "toy" to the other, sooner or later toys are discarded. To make love with someone is a vary sacred act, not something to be tossed into the mud and waddled in because you don't control your urdges.
Phileo - Friend Love
If those in your life fit the description below then you have something of real value
and true worth take good care of it.
Keep in mind that even beautiful roses comes with thorns. You are not going to get along with any one all the time, there will be storms in all relationships, but that doesn't mean that they don't stil love you. Everyone always does the best that they can under current circumstances. You need to find the keepers not the abusers.

Storge - The Love of Family

Unconditional God Love