Where it is at!
Earth is a holographic school house.
We incarnate to learn. We are beings of loving light energy but what does that mean? How would we know what light is, if we didn’t know what the lack of light / the illusion of darkness is? How do we know what love is if we don’t experience the illusion of its lack / fear? How do we know what clarity is unless we had the experience of not seeing clearly? And how could you appreciate it?
Light casts no shadow..
Stop with the, I “should have” or “shouldn’t have” had a certain experience, don’t judge or condemn these experiences, for these were merely moments of growth and that is how God see it. So give yourself a break, God isn’t judging or condemning you, you are.
Your behavior NEVER deserves punishment, any more than a new child first learning to walk does. When he / she falls we know that is the way to find balance, and that is exactly what you are doing, seeking balance within yourself.
When you look back and condemn yourself, you are cutting yourself off from God. Everyone would feel better if they just thought thoughts that felt better.
Your emotions are a clear indicator of what is going on between your desires and beliefs that you hold on the same subject, this is your “emotional guidance system” which is composed of everything from appreciation, joy, love – stress, despair, to over whelming fear. The better feeling the less vibrational variance between your active thoughts and what you desire. A little bit of alignment goes a long way, it is life changing. When you practice being in alignment you will know when you are “falling off the path” and you can stop, examine your thoughts and quickly and easily come back into alignment because YOU control your thoughts.
When you don’t use your feelings as a compass to guide you, you are not likely to stay in alignment with God. A little bit of alignment goes a long way, it is life changing.
Stress, anxiety, anger, worry, fear are all indicators not that someone else has offended you, but that YOU are on the wrong thought path. You are out of alignment with God and how He ‘feels’ about a situation. This is an indication that YOU need to change your thoughts, or you will suffer from them.
Practice focusing on feeling good starting with the first 17 seconds upon waking for the next 60 days and the first thing that happens is your sense of self-worth comes into place and you can feel clarity and everything works out. This is sustainable because once you practice it, like a habit, you own it. Things that once overwhelmed, over took, or defeated you, now look like an opportunity, something interesting to think about, when you are able to respond like that, rather than react, watch how everything else responds.
What about past mistakes? God never forgives because there is nothing to condemn anyone for to start with. Remember there are no missteps or mistakes as God doesn’t make mistakes, so you can’t either. What we call forgiveness is in fact realignment with God. When you look at difficult things like that they become humorous and you find joy in the adventure of seeking till things work rather than cursing life; in this way you are resonating with God, rather than resisting the flow of life. Row your boat, gently down the stream.
Dying is seen as an inappropriate thing to do. In reality there is no death, for death equals clarity, eagerness, fullness, sureness, clarity, worthiness, passion and intense interest. When you find the path of least resistance it looks like it’s taking you out of your physical body. But you are in your physical body, making a statement of what you want / intend because you get to choose / decide and as long as you are having fun / meaningful experience and enjoying life there is no reason you can’t continue to sift though contract and give birth to new intentions. God will support you in that no matter what.
Remember there are ALWAYS choices even and especially when you are in a state of dis-ease. Lots of folks believe that when they become ill they have no choice, but that isn’t true and you know that because of how that thought makes you feel fearful. When you know clearly what you don’t want, you can choose to focuses on what you do want. When there is a gap between what you do want and what you are focused on you feel uncomfortable and fear fills the gap and it is this that creates the dis-ease.
- On obesity, stop looking for love in all the wrong places, stop looking for good tasting food, and start looking for food that feels good.
Thus fear is having a different opinion about things than God has. So healing is bringing your thoughts back into alignment with God’s thoughts.
You don’t need a middle man or intermediary for that because you are never alone, God and then angels are always with you. You don’t need someone to assert a healing, you just need to expect one, for when your expectations shift, fear is no longer there and in the absence of fear, healing can occur. All you have to do is to become aware of what you DO want (ie peace, health, clean air, food and water) and focuses on that, rather than what you don’t want (no more war, illness to go away, factories to stop polluting, or believing that things are somehow the fault of; Monsanto, the government, religion). Focus on the solution rather than the problem, because healing is clarity in what you do want.
Clarity is the best word for alignment because it is unquestionably knowing (claircognizance) and clearly seeing [(clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), smelling (clairambience), feeling (clairsentience), tasting (clairalienc)] what you want, then you can have, do or be anything that you want, because God always has your back. But people are always zig-zagging in and out of alignment. If you are tuned in, turned off, tune in, turned off, you don’t have much of an opportunity for a rendezvous with God or others. Thus you can’t be of much assistance or of service to anyone until you are “on line” full time with God because you can’t give if you have not first helped yourself, because you have nothing to give.
Look at the fear of the world as momentum watch which way it is going and acknowledge that this is not what you want because that is all it is for. Remember fear is a different option or misalignment from God, the departure from alignment has become a habit with society.
Redirect your thoughts towards what you do want instead of what you don’t want. To change the world a lot of people are going to have to want to feel better. Unfortunately most folks don’t want to change habits until the steaks are really high, you are willing to put up with being in departure from what you really want. That isn’t because you are terrible people, it is not because you have done terrible things, it is because you have a chronic habit of holding yourself away from alignment vibration because you have been taught to do that. Be determined to feel better, put your attention on that and you will come back into alignment.
Stop looking for love
in all the wrong places.
When you watch violence and horrors it causes you to practice the vibration of it, you spend time talking about things you don’t want instead of articulating what you do want. Humans misunderstand in that they believe that they have to find the problem to get to the bottom of it, wrestle it to the ground and kill it. This act causes you to bring more of what you don’t want into your life, as this is the start of the momentum that starts the Law of Attraction in motion which increases the momentum and you can’t win like that. You can’t get what you desire that way, turn the tv off, especially the news which is always negative. Rather than getting mired in the muck of “what is”, focus on what you desire. You have to believe it to see it.
God NEVER joins anyone in acts of war, EVER! However your vibration creates momentum in the Law of Attraction and with enough momentum, it can feel like inspiration, but it is not. It is born of momentum of that which you do not want. This happens because revenge feels better than being taken advantage of or the belief of being over taken, and you want to feel better but this is not inspired, it is motivated.
Here is the deal, when you think about soldiers; you want to “be with us rather than against us” because it feels better than being alone. You want to feel patriotic (red line) and “support the soldiers” who are just “doing their duty” and appreciate their sacrifices because these are ‘feel good’ thoughts. But you are also aware of what soldiers do and the truly awful things that happen to folks and this doesn’t feel good to you.
So what do you do? Do you stick your head in the sand? (This feels bad)
Or do you condemn those who do it? (blue line - This also feels bad)
Faced with what feels like a “no win” situation you try to fill the void with actions, but you are looking for love in all the wrong places. This thought comes from the belief that “you should face reality”, so you offer your vibration to what you are observing and so you add momentum to it and you get more of it. When you realize you have a choice, you can choose to focus on what you want instead.
Start telling the story of a world with more compassion, understanding, and more clarity. A world where children are safe and well fed, physically, mentally and spiritually. A world were people understand that there is enough of everything for everyone. Life is good for you, just the way you intent it.
You have the ability to make choices and when you do, you discover your true power. Just one who is connected is a million times more powerful than those who are not; just hold on to what you want. You don’t have to travel, or participate, or send money to anything, just align with Source / God energy in the subject of your desires, then the people who are tired of war, and have come to see that war is not the way, have an opportunity to tune into the cord you have created and join it making it stronger.
Many want to change the world, but the world doesn’t need changed, the world is perfect as it is, it is your thoughts that need change. You must move your focus of attention into alignment with that of God. Staying in a state of appreciation would take care of everything, gratitude is alignment.
God is always walking with you, thinking with you, living with you and having a thought about the same things. And when you feel good you are in synch with the way God thinks and when you feel bad, you are off track, and you are the one who launched the desire to start with, you are the creator of your own reality.
True masters have figured out how to access the energy that creates worlds, they know what leverage feels like and once you figure out how to stop shooting yourself in the foot and practiced staying in alignment with source energy allowing the momentum, then when you deviate from it you know it.
Look at the world through the eyes of God, God is always looking at the expansion.