What You Need to Know.

First off, God never created a hell, as He doesn’t judge Himself, which is why He asked us to not judge (Matthew 7:1) each other or Him, which is what we do when we judge each other. And we do it just because we have been taught to do so, and can’t see the larger picture from here.
Oh but Religions did. They put fear in your mind, sold it to you “lock, stock and barrel” (for those of you who don’t know, that is a gun).
I found this “wonderful” (if you can call it that) article on;
“HORRIFIC Facts about Hell that your preacher never told you!”
It says,
“… One of the reasons for this is that the vast majority of professing Christian churches in 2015 are no longer preaching on Hell. It upsets too many people, so most pastors just stopped talking about it. As a result, many people who mistakenly think they are saved because they are “good people” will wind up in a place that God never intended for them to go. Is that YOU?
… Some readers have already predetermined within themselves that they are going to trust in whatever their religion says to the very end, no matter what God’s word has to say about it: whether it’s commandment keeping for salvation, enduring to the end for salvation, tongue speaking, trusting in lying signs and wonders they’ve “seen”, water baptism regeneration for salvation, etc.
… God specifically reserves the greater damnation to the unsaved false teachers and preachers. What exactly that is I don’t know, but it’s a greater damnation then just burning in Hell. That is precisely why having the right doctrine is CRITICALLY important. …”

I wonder if the man who wrote this has ever stopped to think about what it is he is saying?

Who goes to hell? Those who violate the rules.
What are the rules?
- There are the 10 commandments, which are;
1 Put no other gods before me. – Evil is another God, Our God is Love. While there is a lot of truth in all religions there is also a lot of evil – specifically the parts that cause fear & judgment.
2 Do not make any Graven Images – thoughts heal do tightly they are like stone. Oops, religion is really good at that, “My way or to hell with you!”
3 Do not take the Lord’s name in vain
4 Keep the Sabbath – We need a day off to relax but “we are in a hurry to get things done oh we rush and rush till life’s no fun.”
5 Honor Mother & Father (God) – Oops, religion kills Mother God(dess) calls her a “ghost” or “spirit” & masculine
6 Do not commit murder – which is killing without reason; there are only two reasons; for food to eat, and for self protection which is NOT preemptive.
7 Do not commit adultery – More or less means don’t break your promises. If you can’t keep them then don’t make them.
8 Do not steal – Don't take that which is not yours.
9 Do not bear false witness – Don’t lie.
10 Do not covet – Want something that is not yours, a lot like envy, greed & jealousy.
- The Greatest Commandment - Love each other.
- The Law of the Prophets / Golden rule - Treat others you would have them treat you. (Not as they treat you, as you want them to treat you.)
- And (Matthew 7:1) “Do not judge others!”

No matter the question,
Love is the answer.

If there is a “greater damnation onto false teachers and preachers”, what are preachers, teachers and just every day folks doing by telling folks, “You are going to hell!”, if not judging them?
Are we treating them as we want treated when we judge them so harshly that we make folks feel ashamed of themselves for the choices they chose for their lives?
Are we sure we are not causing more issues than we solve when do such? Why do you think so many give up on their lives and either turn to drugs or end them?
Is judgment, “loving each other” when what it instills in folks is fear? And fear not hate being the opposite of love, which is what our Creator is. Is that not worshiping another god?

Our Creator God LOVES mistakes! Mistakes causes learning, which in a being that is only energy, thought causes growth. Without growth comes death. Thinking of something new creates growth. Fear of judgment, of being removed or ostracized from “the herd”, causes the death of thought and creativity.
How do we learn what is wrong if we don’t try it to find out? A friend of mine often said, “I have to try everything twice, just to make sure I got it wrong the first time.”

Einstein said, “Doing something again and again and expecting a different result is insanity.
Ever wonder why the world is insane? They keep believing the same lies, making the same mistakes and expecting different results.