You're offended?
How does it feel to be so weak that words can hurt you?
It seems everywhere you turn today, someone is whining about being offended about what someone else said. Most people claim that they support freedom of speech, but it seems that the majority of them only support freedom of speech as long as that speech is something that they agree with. That is NOT freedom of speech folks!
Other people are not obligated to walk on glass just because you can't handle different opinions. If you are constantly finding that you are offended by what others say, maybe you should ask yourself, "Why?" Are you so insecure in your own beliefs that you cannot allow for freedom of speech? If so, what does that say about your beliefs? Do you have anger issues? Why is it that you constantly allow others to control your emotions?
I am being serious here, guys. If this sounds like you, you should reflect on this and discover why you continue to allow this to happen.
If you are looking for opportunities to be offended, you will find them in abundance. But why allow others to constantly disrupt your inner peace? Don't let other people control your mood or your thoughts. If you absolutely must address something that someone else says, respond, don't react. Don't let the opinions of others get to you. Refuse to be offended.
You can make a conscious decision to not be offended. After all, we are talking about other people's opinions, not an assault on your family. I have had to learn this the hard way. I no longer get offended by what people say. I respond, if I need to, and if not, I just move on.
Others have the right to their own thoughts, no matter how ridiculous they may be. You are in charge of YOUR thoughts, not their thoughts. You control YOUR own words, not their words. Control what is in your power to control, and don't worry about the things that you can't control. Respond to what you need to respond to, and leave it at that. Never give someone else control over your emotions or your inner peace.
- Bohdi Sanders
~ author MODERN BUSHIDO: Living a Life of Excellence
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/The.Warrior.Lifestyle?ref=stream

Back when I was a child, we had a saying that went like this;
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."
and we blew off other people's opinions.
Today folks are so "super sensitive" it is not even funny. To which I can only say, "Get a life!"
Opinions are like excrement portholes, in that everyone has one and most stink!
If what is being said, is not true, it is not you, and there is nothing to worry about. So why be offended over it?
However - if it is true, it is not their fault, it's yours. So there is no point in getting angry or offended about it. If you find the truth offensive, then it is up to you to change yourself. If you don't like the choices that you have made in the past, make a new one today. You are always free to make a new choice and begin again.