this page contains
politically incorrect information.
If you might be offended, don't look.

Honestly, I don't care if anyone is offended or not. I mean anyone! It is not anyone's right to dictate what folks can or can not know, not even if you are a "powerful corporation or organization".
This is God's knowledge and it shall be made known to all His aspects!
- I AM The Bringer of Justice!

These are all in fact parasites.
This one just happens to be a
9 week old human embryo
it is now old enough to be called a fetus.

You are so amazing sister you have so much knowledge within you, it's time to share it with the world. Because in the neighborhood I grew up in there were children who were having babies at a young age. It would be great if this could be different, if they could have a chance to grow up before they became parents.
I'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to use you.
- T.R.R. IV
So by request
because knowledge is real and true power!
Few of the other things on this page.

Natural Birth Control

I want to go on record, and say I think abortion is wrong.
Abstinence is the way to go.
I do not approve of abortion, however
With parents not teaching their children to not to behave like adults, till they are adults, and with a serious relationship partner (married or not) who wants more than just cheap and easy sex, because babies with babies can't supervise their children and because what

It is wrong to say, "Do as I say, not at I do."
You didn't like it when it was told to you, and you likely didn't obey either, so do not treat your children in a way you didn't like being treated, as they are not likely to obey you either.
"What is good for the goose is also good for the gander", so be a good example.
Just because the government does it, sure doesn't make it right! That in fact should tell you just how wrong it really is.

In the absence of mature minded parents who fail to teach their children to wait to have sex till they at least grow up, graduate from high school or collage before having sex and find someone who wants something more than just sex from them....
And in world full of pedophiles & rapists, as well as the absence of real mature men & families with fathers who have the back bone to both keep their hands off of children and protect children from these rapists and pedophiles. [My hat is off to those of you who are there, we need more of you, teach your sons well.]
There are natural plants, which are in fact birth control. As such as long as they are consumed in enough quantities daily they prevent pregnancies, but yet when consumption is stopped, a pregnancy occurs. So you don’t need “the pill” which has horrible side effects, or implants, or vaccines which unbeknown to you sterilize you for life, or have major surgery to remove reproductive organs to prevent pregnancies.
Further more, if you cannot, not do drugs, this is also for you because you can’t even take proper care of yourself much less a child.
The following herbs prevent pregnancies. So feed them or their fruit juices to your children instead of sodas or soft drink mixes, till they become adults.
1 Stevia 2 Papaya pawpaw fruit 3 Pomegranate 4 pumpkin seeds

Cotton is NOT food, but foods cooked in cotton seed oil, is chemical castration to a male. So even though you love salty potato chips, lay off of them unless you are willing to cook them for yourself in lard. Yes I said lard , non-hydrogenated lard, olive or coconut oils.
Natural Abortion Methods
Because a fetus is a parasite, things that are anthelmintic (kill and expel round & tape worms), taemoafuges (kill and expel tape worms from the body), vermifuges (kill & expel worms and other parasites from the body) or are emenagogues (stimulate menstrual function flow & discharge) should not be used heavily while pregnant, as they are abortofactants.
Who needs to walk past protesters who care more about your unwanted parasite then your life? And are willing to kill you to somehow "save your baby", I'm not sure how that works. Or guilt trip you into keeping a baby which will be unwanted, thus neglected or abused after it is born. Then punish you a 2nd time for that. Or pay a doctor for a dangerous procedure that might make you sterile for life, when all you need is a few more years to be in a place where you can properly raise a child, when there is a long list of kitchen herbs that will work?

The truth is Italian foods are heavy in such herbs.
Here is a very short list of the very long list of herbs that should not be consumed to excess while pregnant as they can cause an abortion / a woman to go into labor.
They are; aloe, basil, butter nut (white walnut), chamomile, caraway, carrot, celery, celery seeds, cinnamon, dandelions, fennel, fenugreek, garden sage, garden thyme, garlic, (onion is it’s close cousin), gentian, ginger, horehound, hyssops, lemon, lemon thyme, lovage, marjoram, papaya fruit, parsley seeds or root, peppermint, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, rosemary, rue, red raspberry, red sage, rue, saffron, thyme wormwood (absinthe).
Now let me ask you this. With such a very long list of common food herbs that can abort a fetus provided by God, do you REALLY believe God would condemn someone to hell for doing such?
Maybe not, but you know what you did, and you will have to live with that choice all the rest of your life. Some day you may wish you had that child around, but that which is done is done and can not be undone. If you are going to do this, please do it soon, before there is a heart beat at 6 weeks. You know when you are pregnant, you don't have to wait till later to do it. Those who teach this do so so they can consume your child, and that is so wrong. [I know a lot of folks who will argue with me about this, but the same is true here as well, it is about consumption the of babies. I am relieved to finally be able to say it.]
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. - Genesis 1:29
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. - Genesis 9:3
... and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. - Ezekiel 47:12
Where does it say we are "pharmaceutical pill deficient"? Or abortions are a sin?
Actually Father God doesn't care. He says, "The physical is an illusion and the soul is immortal. Nothing in the physical can harm the soul without the soul's consent."

This is truth, the government is so corrupt they do not want folks to be healthy so they actively work to make you ill, then punish those who undo their work, because there is no profit in it and they want to "cull the herd" because they are selfish and greedy and they think God is limited.
Legal definition of the word "license" = "Permission to do that which is other wise illegal to do."
One must have a "license" or permission to PRACTICE medicine, not perform it. Those with licenses who perform medicine are murdered.
These 60 doctors were murdered in 2017 they learned how cancer was caused and how to fix it. In early 2018 a CDC researcher was murdered for blowing the whistle on the the flu shots

No statement in whole or part, or of any of this information is intended to diagnose or prescribe or take the place of a physician.
The material in this page is for your information only. It is my feeling that it is your responsibility, obligation, and privilege to gain knowledge, wisdom and prudence and learn about your own body that you may get and keep your body well.

I am not a doctor, I do not have a license of any sort.
But I read & think, therefore I am dangerous.
Kitchen Herb Cabinet

- The reason chicken soup is legendary for “taking out” a cold has nothing to do with chicken at all, it is due to the herbs that are in the soup. Savory work on coughs, sage heals sore throat, parsley kills fevers, thyme is an antibiotic, and onion & especially garlic are antibiotic, anti-viral & anti-parasitic. L-tryptophan in turkey helps one to sleep (because it is used in melatonin and serotonin production).
- As well as being anti-vermin (parasites) fresh raw garlic (added to food after the heat has been removed and to a lesser degree onions) are anti-bacterial, and anti-viral (Hint; some cancers are viral) thus it’s “keeps a vampire away” lore is fact.
When someone can’t digest protein (specifically when red meat upsets the stomach) and they “smell of garlic” it is likely that they have cancer and a (near) vegetarian diet high in garlic is best.
Peppermint (tea or quality candy) will make the smell go away and it also aids in digestion. Who needs an antacid?

- If one has a high fever that can’t be broken, or needs to go to the bathroom to urinate and can’t; a tea made of parsley leaves will do the trick even if you are (literally) a horse! And it’s higher in vitamin c than oranges are.
“Feed the fever to starve a cold.” But of course when it gets too high measures need to be taken to get it back under control, you don’t want folks going into convulsions. Remember dry fevers kill; wet fevers heal so keep the top of the head wet and let the fever burn.
- For cysts, warts and tumors; a soup made of roots (high in potassium) beet, turnip, carrot, red potato, onion, garlic (you want the liquid soup, not the cooked vegetables). Potassium’s counter balance is sodium, so lay off the salt till the tumor(s), cysts (polycystic) or warts are gone.
Potassium Iodide as well boron protects the body from radiation poisoning.

- If one is bleeding heavily from a wound, or having a heart attack, cayenne will stop the bleeding (internal & external application) or heart attack (internal. Of course it will need washed down with water and it takes a bit but it will work.)

Before becoming a doctor, they are supposed to take they "Hippocrates' Oath" (above)
Clearly as you can see below, what they must be taking
is an "oath of hypocrisy".
Clearly this is not "first do no harm."
And you want to ban what?
Ya I can see why the government would want this, there is
lots of information is coming out that they should be shot for.
Though I am NOT suggesting that happen!

Please note; that just as mercury poisoning has been redefined, so too has polio / DDT poisoning. & it's back, Remember it is NOT contagious and DO NOT go into fear and allow them to vaccinate you, that is what they want. Instead shore up your Vitamin C levels.
* Please be sure to read the comments to the link above. One is reposted here so they don't "disappear" there and get lost.
In the 1950s polio incidence rose 9-fold following the introduction of the Salk vaccine.
In the 1960s the authorities rewrote the “rules” for polio diagnosis, thereby virtually wiping out many otherwise diagnosed polio cases.
What’s more, doctors were now instructed to diagnose non-paralytic polio cases as viral or aseptic meningitis. As a result, the number of cases of meningitis diagnosed went from near zero to many thousands while polio came down equivalently.
Other cases previously diagnosed as polio were suddenly classified as cerebral palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome or even as muscular dystrophy. (More recently, Coxsackie virus/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also sometimes associated with polio-like symptoms, has been added.
At the time, despite this fraudulent reclassification of polio, there were still too many cases of obvious polio. So, the authorities decided these cases were to be removed from the mandatory polio case registry.
From that point on, the authorities instructed doctors to refrain from diagnosing patients with polio altogether! Only the authorities were permitted to make any such diagnosis.
So-called “provocation polio” is still rampant around the globe, particularly in developing countries where polio vaccines are foisted on the population, following a shift away from the 1st world to the 3rd world in sales of pesticides, incl DDT and of dodgy vaccines and drugs.
Also note that multiple vaccine injections can increase the risk of paralysis / polio-like syndromes.
Polio-like symptoms are and were highly prevalent in regions with heavy pesticide use.
In the 1940s powerful neurotoxic pesticides were introduced to farming and households. DDT was the primary agent at the time. The NIH reported in 1944 that DT damaged the same anterior horn cells in the brain that are damaged in children displaying infantile paralysis.
By 1950, the number of cases of polio has increased threefold over those in the 1930s.
Dr Biskind, a doctor and health researcher reported to the US congress that the major cause of the polio epidemic at the time were the newly introduced pesticides.
Children’s bedroom were “protected” against the suspected poliovirus by having their walls sprayed with DDT !! Note, that polio was an epidemic mainly sweeping middle-class families where hygiene and the fear of germs were more prevalent that in the lower classes.
Some doctors who agreed with Dr Biskind successfully treated “polio” with chelation therapy (using dimercaprol). Dr FR Klenner, for example, reported in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery (July 1949) that he had cured 17 acute cases of polio with another anti-toxin: high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid). All patients were clinically well within 72 hours.
Further reading: Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts. - Veri Tas

Keep Reading

Yes, lets blame a combination of vaccination induced mercury poisoning and nano-bots being sprayed from aircraft / chemtrails on a tick and see if they buy that one.
Who is "delusional"?

How to detox from heavy metal poisoning.
Mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver & arsenic = selenium & vit E (guess what the best source is? The latest "boogey monster" - wheat. Fresh ground wheat berries (without agent orange / Round up sprayed on it just prior to harvest. - which is the cause of everyone suddenly being "gluten intolerance" when we were not before.
Herbs that remove heavy metals from the body are; milk thistle, saparella. Also bath in Epsom salts, baking soda, borax, and sea salt in equal parts totaling 3 pounds per bath..
Aluminum = calcium, magnesium, silicon, vit E (while it is not in my notes, bet selenium too.)
Arsenic = yellow dock.
Fluoride = calcium / milk
Lead = calcium.
So how do you get rid of Autism & Morgellons? ^^^ Detox the body!
Check out chelation therapy as well - EDTA chelation. (Do the research and oral chelation is $50 every 3 months. Go see a doctor and it is $100 a visit plus the risk of side effects.)
I've done my part, now you do yours.

The following is a very important excerpt from;
Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex and What Are They Doing? – An Extensive Research Report
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following report is an extremely detailed and extensive compilation of verifiable data points describing who funds the military industrial complex—a transnational organization with ties to banking and the elite. It also details what the money was spent on, a number of projects focused on remote influencing and mind manipulation technology.
What should become clear as one reads this report, is that most of the technology and systems developed are specifically designed for manipulating or shriveling human beings. Perception Management is the term insiders use to refer to what is essentially a form of mass mind control.
These methods are usually subtle in nature, employing electromagnetic and sonic devices to influence the minds of targets. In addition, the whole of modern-day computer and information distribution systems, such as the internet, television, cell phones, computers and so on, are all heavily embedded with technology chiefly designed to monitor and influence human activity.
While this information can be unsettling, to say the least, there is a silver lining.
The elite, the Cabal, or our would-be masters via the military industrial complex have no real power. Let me say that again for clarity, the Cabal have no real power over humanity, save through the power we give them via our ignorance and consent of action. This is underscored by the overwhelming emphasis the military industrial complex places on managing reality for the masses. That is to say, overt force against individuals and populations does take place, but the vast majority of methods used are subtle or subliminal in nature. The powers that should not be actually convince people to willingly participate in their own enslavement by using deception, social programming, and subtle conditioning.
The whole system of control is founded on our participation, and in order to maintain this, enormous amounts of energy, money, and human resources are devoted to manufacturing conformity. The risk is that the whole system of control is so ephemeral or delicate that if even one mind fully awakens to their true potential, the whole illusory control matrix could be at risk. This is why humanity is bombarded at seemingly all levels by non-stop interference and manipulation.
The good news is all of these methods can only work on an individual who has not recognized their own true power and potential. Mind control, propaganda, and subliminal conditioning can only work on someone who is not self-mastered, and from this place of personality infancy, we can easily be deceived into becoming pawns of the elite.
But people who can think for themselves, who can research and judge reality via analysis and contemplation are anathema to the control system. This is why our food is denatured, poisons fall from the sky, and electromagnetic frequencies that cause mental disturbance are pervasive. When one can see reality for what it is, without having to depend on an expert or guru, when one can recognize the illusions of the illusionist for what they are, then these deceptions cease to have power. Instead, they are recognized as attempts to deceive and manipulate.
The technologies developed by the military industrial complex attempt to bypass free will and the conscious mind, where choice, reason, and logic are the strongest. It is within the conscious mind, biologically active via the neocortex of the brain, where emotions and intellect blend to form rational or moral thought processes, where we actually come to know reality first hand, as opposed to merely possessing blind faith and belief.
As such, the key to protecting ourselves from these tools of enslavement is to gain key knowledge and understanding. To transcend blind belief with experience and wisdom. To personally come to know your reality so well that even if you are being targeted by electronic devices, you easily recognize this and simply decide not to act on the suggestion. And of course, not let the emotional and physiological assault persuade you to let go of your morals and values.

I must have struck a nerve!
This page has not been up 8 hours
and already I have come under attack for it.
You have enemies?
That means you’ve stood up for something,
sometime in your life.
- Victor Hugo in his 1845 essay, Villemain.
Guess that means I did a good job. Thanks!