I know I have spoken about this twice before but lately it has come up more and more like it was some desired option, trust me it is not! So I am thinking this subject needs it's own page instead of being a foot note at the bottom of a page.
Feelings & Emotions - Death; The loss of loved ones
Journey - Journey

This is because they dont know what to do to make it better. You can't blame them for that.
The truth is, they can't fix it, only you can change how you choose to feel.
The main cause of suicidal feelings.
From both talking to lots of others and my own personal experience, the reason we feel suicidal is the fact we take on other people’s opinions about us as if they were our truths..
However their opinions are not our truths, nor our facts, just their opinions. These opinions speak more about themselves than about you or me. So put your shields up & give them a hug, they really need it.
Further more ... the reason we tend to take on these opinions that other's offer us is because "birds of a feather flock together", everyone around you feels the same way about themselves so you keep hearing the same story from those around you. "Your not good enough", "Your unworthy". Remember this is how they feel about themselves and it has NOTHING at all to do with you, so don't take it on.
Soulution? You can help change by showing them how worthy they are (but don't set yourself up to be used) or you can find a new group of friends. the choice is yours.

About Suicide
I have always been taught by my spirit guide that suicide is essentially like breaking your agreement with God for the life you decided to live. What happens when you commit suicide is you are given a brief rest, depending on how damaged your soul is, and then thrown back into a life that will teach you the exact same lesson only much more intensely.
By brief rest by the way, we're talking like long enough to reorient yourself and jump into the next life. We're not talking about a long and blissful healing stay in Summerland.
So committing suicide is not a sin. But it's kind of a dumb idea on our part because we're just going to get pushed into something that is much more intense the next time around.
- Rebecca Avoni Blackstone

Nothing that ever happens to you against your soul’s free will. Nothing leaves NO-THING out.
You agreed to all the "BS" good or bad that you are experiencing in your life today before you were conceived. You signed a contract with God about it.
If you feel abandoned, abused or neglected. Yes you asked for that. If you feel "mistreated" in anyway what so ever because you are (...fill in the blank...) I am not kidding when I say, "You asked for that to happen."
YOU chose before you are conceived, who your parents are, if you will keep them or not. The color of your eyes, hair, and skin will be; be that red, yellow, black, white, or green with purple poke-a-dots. You chose to be male, female, or (today there are so many alternative sexual orientations, I’ll just use the word) "confused" about the issue. You chose to be deaf, blind, speechless , arm less, leg less, hand less, or even head less, brain less or whatever other type of handicap before you were conceived. You chose to be too fat, too thin, or not. You chose if you will be rich or poor, or if you would win the lottery or not (that is a life lesson all by itself). You chose if you would be free person or a slave. You chose if you would have enough food to eat, or be hungry and how you would obtain that food. You chose your occupation (Light worker, Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow are all occupations).
You chose where you would live, what you would be exposed to, who your friends would be, who you enemies would be. You know all the souls you incarnate with, every single one of them come in contact with in your life. And a "soul mate" is just a class mate whom you have a karma debt with, which is not the same as a life mate. You even know the soul of your worst enemy as well. If you choose to be murdered, this soul is your soul’s best friend, for whom else could you trust to play such a role?
You even chose how, when, where and by whose hand you would die by. You even chose if you would kill someone or not, if it be by accident or not. No matter what else happens in your life, no one else can change that no matter how hard they try. If it is your time to go ...
Doctor, "The operation was a success, but the patient died."
YOU and you alone, made all these decisions before conception. Then you went before God and asked God to make it all happen for you. God always said, "Yes" to everything you ask for; that was just the "out line" of your life.
Once here you get to make lots of other choices as well and they are YOUR choices.
So no matter how hard it seems, no matter how bad it gets YOU made all these choices and decisions and you and you alone are response-able for them so stop reacting like you are some sort of a "victim of circumstances" that are out of your control. YOU ARE NOT in any way being "punished" for anything. Much less punished for something you never did. Nor do you deserved to be punished for anything you have chosen to do. The truth is those who suffer the most, actually learn more, so it isn’t really a bad thing that you are having so much trouble.

However that is still taking place right NOW! You are still making choices about your life, via the Law of Attraction. Where ever your attention goes, energy flows. Whatever energy you send out, it comes back. What you "pay" attention to is an experience you "buy". If you don't like being mistreated, then stop carrying a chip on your shoulder and stop mistreating others. If you don't want bad things to happen, stop praying for them by worrying about it.

Thus in the end suicide is a violation of that contract you signed with God, you are not going to get out of that contract, period. You will keep your word.
When a normal “it’s time” death occurs, you get to go home to a celebration in your honor and you get to rest for as long as you choose. Nothing is ever forced upon you.
But when you violate your contract rather than getting to go home again, you are sent right back into uterus to relive all the exact same conditions you were suffering from the first time through only harder and more intense than before.
So the worst part of it all is, all the years you have already lived, you get to redo all them too.

Unrestricted = no attachments, no preconceived notions, no judgments.

Life lessons are not by any means easy. To help you out, I have written about a number of them. Look through “Life Lessons” & "Journey" and apply what is written to your life and see if it doesn’t change it for the better. You don’t have to learn the lessons the hard way, you can learn by watching others it is by far the easiest way.
You don’t have to try to prove me wrong, only to find out I am correct. I’ve learned these lessons the hard way myself, so I know.
But in the end, the choice is and always will be yours to make. Choose wisely.

of Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs
He was an American information technology entrepreneur and tweeker with his name appearing as the author of 346 patents in the US registry. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He is credited with the Macintosh (1984) desk top computer, the mouse, floppy disk and different fonts. Also iMac (1998), iPod (2001), iPad (2010) and I phone.
Net worth $11 billion at his time of death.

Here are his last words -
I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.
In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.
However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed.
At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death.
In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me.
Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth.
It should be something more important:
For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.
No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me.
God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take them with me.
I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.
This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead.
Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands.
What is the world's most expensive bed? The hospital bed.
You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.
Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never find when you lose: life.
Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls.
Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends...
Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors.

Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011 a very poor man.