“Your Children
are in Grave Danger!”

Ed Murrow said back in 1950's “TV could go in one of two directions, it could teach, illuminate, and inspire or it could be nothing more than a box of wires and lights.” It has become the later. The TV nightly news focuses on drama, shallow stories, and misdirection and they missed the big stories, such as the terrible things happening to American & it's children.
In CIA language ”Psych" - short for "psychological operations" or disinformation – teaches people to call everyone who can see clearly a “conspiracy theorist nutcase”. Focus here on this hand while the other is about to slap the shit out of you and you will never see it coming!
There is a Policy Review essay entitled “Home -Alone America”, by social scientist Mary Eberstadt; in it she writes “The essence of home-alone America is just this; Over the past few decades, more and more parents have been spending less and less time at home, and most measures of what social scientist called “child well-being” have simultaneously been in what once would have been judged a scandalous decline.” Put another way, as more and more mothers have opted for work outside of the home over taking care of their children at home the results have been disastrous.

Between 1979 and 1988 suicide rate for girls aged ten to fourteen rose 27 percent and for boys it went up 71 percent. This isn't important to reporters because stories of loneliness and sadness isn't mysterious or sexy enough for shallow news stories. It isn't important until one of them kills a few teachers and students, but thankfully most latchkey children don't do that. But dead kids in the school make for “good TV” and newsmen are asking for your vote every night, not once every 2, 4, or 6 years.
- Mid 1990's Census Bureau estimated about of 4.5 million children, that about 2 out of 10 children between 5 & 14 were latch key children. And they were not doing a very good job of taking care of themselves. They fell into a pit of emptiness and alienation and this happened at the same rate as mothers left home for the workforce.
In 1970s The National Center for Health Statistics survey noted that fewer than 5 percent of girls under age of 15 had sex. Today the number is one of every 3 girls at the age of 15 is having sex. And 3 million teenagers are affected with a sexually transmitted disease each year.
Between 1980 and 1997 the number of sexual abuse cases in America increased by 350%. The connection to home-alone is undeniable. While children do risk abuse at the hands of biological parents, they are much more likely to be abused by a cohabiting male who is not biologically related and to do this they must first have access to the child and the increasing absence of the biological mother increase the access of would be predators.

Do not let someone else's hand, especially that of the government, day care, public school system rock your cradle.

April 2001 a government study found that 17% of children left in daycare for more than 30 hours a week argue a lot, demand a lot of attention, act cruelly, they show explosive behavior, talk too much and get into a lot of fights. In a nutshell children are more aggressive and defiant regardless of the quality of the day care. Oddly enough the fear is not about the children being in danger but the mom's career being at stake.
Children deserve your love and attention. Turn the TV off, put the cell phone down, just having it in your hand or on the table next to you says, "You are not important to me." and it ruins your relationships. Denying a baby / child that which is their birthright (it's parents love and affection), causes addictions later in life, which leads to even more rejection. The last thing they need. You will regret that too, what you put out, comes back to you.
Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild did a study of 5,000 8th graders and their parents and discovered that children who were home alone, for more than 11 hours per week, were more likely than other children to abuse alcohol, tobacco or marijuana. And those uninterrupted hours allowed access to violence and pornography.
TV sets and I pads are not babysitters! Want to know what is this doing to the adolescents? Take a look at the 20 & 30 something’s of today. The number of immature “adults” who behave as undisciplined two year olds and invented a new word, “adulting” because they can't grow up.
Studies show that Korean and Japanese kids score higher than American kids on standard tests. Children need help with their homework, and while mom & dad are at work, there is nobody there to provide that help to the American children, Where as Korean and Japanese mothers “invest” in their children's education. But no one wants to connect the dots. The absence of mothers from American homes is without historical prescient, and millions upon millions of children have been left to fend for themselves and with dire consequences.
- Source Bias A CBS Insider Exposes how the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg

They say children need to be in public schools rather than home schooled due to a lack of “socialization”. Do they ever have that backwards!
A lack of parental discipline and training as one of the biggest problems American families face You need to expect kids to behave like adults, but you should not give them the authority of an adult. Parents have done just the opposite. They have turned their commands into questions and made their children the final determiners of what they can and cannot do. Dr. Sax calls this a state a sign of “cultural confusion” and suggests that we’re on the wrong path when we treat children with medication to control their behavior: Kids need authority, and when parents step back from authority, which is happening in many cases, and instead of parents setting clear rules of right and wrong, you’ve got this kid running around, throwing things, and is put on medication. parents are afraid to lay down the rules and take responsibility “to teach right and wrong.” Parents need to re-established their authority, firmly, but lovingly, and teach their children right from wrong, but you can't do that if you are never there.

Children haven’t changed, but our expectations of their behavior have. In just one generation, children are going to school at younger and younger ages, and are spending more time in school than ever before, despite research showing that it can do more harm than good.
In 1998, 31 percent of teachers expected children to learn to read in kindergarten. In 2010, 80 percent of teachers expected this. Now, children are expected to read in kindergarten and to become proficient readers soon after. They are increasingly required to learn academic content that is well above their developmental capability.

In their report Reading in Kindergarten: Little to Gain and Much to Lose education professor Nancy Carlsson-Paige and her colleagues warn about the hazards of early reading instruction. They write, "When children have educational experiences that are not geared to their developmental level or in tune with their learning needs and cultures, it can cause them great harm, including feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and confusion."
Instead of recognizing that schooling is the problem, we blame the kids. Today, children who are not reading by a contrived endpoint are regularly labeled with a reading delay and prescribed various interventions and frequency administered potent psychotropic medications.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that approximately 11 percent of children ages four to seventeen have been diagnosed with ADHD, and that number increased 42 percent from 2003-2004 to 2011-2012, with a majority of those diagnosed placed on medication. Perhaps more troubling, one-third of these diagnoses occur in children under age six..
It should be no surprise that as we place young children in artificial learning environments, separated from their family for long lengths of time, and expect them to comply with a standardized, test-driven curriculum, it will be too much for many of them.
New findings by Harvard Medical School researchers confirm that it’s not the children who are failing, it’s the schools we place them in too early. The youngest children in their grade have a much greater likelihood of getting an ADHD diagnosis than their older peers. Large numbers of kids are being overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD because they are too immature to be in elementary school.”
Parents need to challenge government schooling motives and mandates, and to opt-out.
As universal government preschool programs gain traction, delaying schooling or opting out entirely can be increasingly difficult for parents.
On Monday, the New York City Department of Education issued a white paper detailing a “birth-to-five system of early care and education,” granting more power to government officials to direct early childhood learning and development.
As schooling becomes more rigid and consumes more of childhood, it is causing increasing harm to children. Many of them are unable to meet unrealistic academic and behavioral expectations at such a young age, and they are being labeled with and medicated for delays and disorders that often only exist within a schooled context. Parents should push back against this alarming trend by holding onto their kids longer or opting out of forced schooling altogether.

3 Clues Why Today’s Students Can’t Write
November 2015 Nation’s Report Card announced that no more than 40% of America’s 4th and 8th graders are proficient in reading and math, 27% of American 8th and 12th graders attained proficiency in writing.
1897 text by Dr. Edwin Lewis. Entitled A First Book in Writing English, he recommends;
1) "One of the quickest ways of learning to know good English, is oral reading. For him who would write the language it is therefore a great economy to learn to read it. It is an invaluable habit to read aloud every day some piece of prose with the finest feeling the reader can lend to it. In no other way can one so easily learn to notice and to remember new words. In no other way can one catch the infinitely varied rhythm of prose, and acquire a sense of how a good sentence rises gradually from the beginning and then descends in a cadence. This rise and fall of the sentence is not merely a matter of voice; it is a matter of thought as well. ... If the student reads aloud from writers whose work was natural, unforced, original, he will gradually come to see his own ideas more clearly, feel his own feelings more keenly."
2) "To gain new words and new ideas, the student must compel himself to read slowly. Impatient to hurry on and learn how the tale or poem ends, many a youth is accustomed to read so rapidly as to miss the best part of what the author is trying to say. Thoughts cannot be read so rapidly as words. To get at the thoughts and really to retain the valuable expressions, the student must scrutinize and ponder as he reads. Each word must be thoroughly understood; its exact value in the given sentence must be grasped. - No speed reading.
3) "To the habit of memorizing, many a person is indebted not merely for high thoughts that cheer hours of solitude and that stimulate his own thinking, but for command of words. The degree to which the language of modern writers is derived from a few great authors is startling. Shakespeare’s phrases are a part of the tissue of every man’s speech to-day. Such writers as Charles Lamb bear Shakespeare’s mark on every page. The language of the King James version of the Bible is echoed in modern English prose and poetry. It formed styles so unlike as those of Bunyan, Ruskin, and Abraham Lincoln. Most teachers would declare that a habit of learning Scripture by heart is of incalculable value to a student’s English.”

of the 'Well-Educated'
The problem is that the education is not as good as they thinks it is. If they were educated in our secular system, she would have learned nothing whatsoever about theology, presuming that, if there is a God, He, or She, agrees with them. If not then He or She can go to hell because He or She is made in our image (we are not made in His/Hers) and we can do what we like with Him or Her. In short, we can treat God with the same arrogance and superciliousness with which we treat our neighbor: “What God calls sin, we call being well-educated.”
If she was educated in our secular system, she will know nothing of philosophy, of the Greeks, of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and still less of the great Christian philosophers, such as Augustine or Aquinasif they have even heard of these people, they would not know what they were talking about: “What the ancient philosophers call error, we call being well-educated.”
If she was educated in our secular system, she will know nothing of history, if so it would only be from her own twenty-first century perspective. History would not be about learning from the people of the past's triumphs and their mistakes, but is about sitting in judgment on the stupidity judging them to be unenlightened. “What the people of the past believed to be immoral, we call being well-educated.”
If she was educated in our secular system, she will know nothing of great literature, or, if so it would be from the perspective their own twenty-first century pride and prejudice. They would not think of trying to read the great authors of the past through their own eyes because, living in the past, such authors lack the sense and sensibility which she has. “What Jane Austen calls pride and prejudice, we call being well-educated.”
Once we understand what being “well-educated” actually means in the deplorably illiterate age in which we find ourselves in, What we, the uneducated, call bad behavior, the liberal elite call being well-educated.
To be “well-educated” is to be ignorant of theology, philosophy, history and the great books of civilization.
To treat our neighbor with supercilious and scornful contempt, presuming that he is stupid because he is not as “well-educated” As well as to treat the greatest minds and the most brilliant writers in history with contempt because they are not as “well-educated” as we. In short, to be “well-educated” is not merely ignorance, it is the arrogance of ignorance.
Economically; The most stable structure known to mankind is a pyramid but, after around the 1980s, the power-elite redesigned the financial system to resemble an upside-down pyramid (the most unstable structure), so they were able to create larger and larger financial crises each time until they could finally sovietize the entire system so as to make way for Technocracy.
That is analogous to the agenda documents that call for gratuitous over-regulation of medium-sized companies to drive them out of business, so that only two classes of enterprise survive: sharks and shark-food.
Meanwhile, exorbitant taxes and fraudulent fees charged to owner-occupiers destroy all remnants of what was the middle-class. Like both communism and national-socialism, Technocracy’s agenda is to create top-down-driven collectivism and it is backed up by establishment-sponsored pseudoscience and non-science in the areas of economics, psychiatry, behavioral psychology, eugenics and genetics.
There is a significant number of women who leave their children out of genuine necessity; be it poverty, failure to marry, low educational attainment or divorce, which has become common place. For you the above will still hold true, but the following is not about you.
More and more women are working outside the home not because they “must” but because they prefer to. Among married women with preschool children seven in ten have paid employment. Not all of who have full time employment or leave their children with strangers at a daycare center. But The Heritage Foundation found that 80% of preschool children in day care are from married couples with two incomes. The college-educated working mom doesn't seem to know the difference between “must” or “need” and “prefer”. They think that they “must” work because they “need” a 6 digit figure lifestyle, “need” to be around “grown ups”, “need” to vacation in Paris, “need” to drive a fancy car, or “need” to live in a bigger house. Not one of these things is true; they are all wants or preferences not needs.
Children being without their parents is beyond public judgment partly because
1) Career women need so much “coddling”. To protect women, academia and the media find a way to pronounce anything associated with day care including infectious disease as a good thing, to shield working mom's from “bad new”, even if it is an outright lie. This new approach to motherhood in which most women are disinclined to care for their own children as primary occupation is going unnoticed by the media. Of all the “explosive subjects” in the news today, none is as cordoned off as the debate over the question of just how much children NEED their parents. Mothers who choose (not have to, but choose) to work full time and abandon their young with others are not normal, they are an aberration, and run counter to motherhood and it should never be encouraged. Working moms are the center of many of cultural ills.
Lack of the presence of fathers & crappy pay to working fathers doesn't help matters any.
2) Reporters are lazy. Mark Twain said, “Generalizations aren't worth a damn, but generally true nonetheless.” Most reporters never look at the bigger picture or wonder why certain things are happening. They choose to do the easy stuff, and executives don't expect too much serious journalism, the kind that requires real work.
Because working women are working they are not doing a very good job of raising their children. Maybe they will feel guilty as they should, this may turn into anger and they may want to aim that anger at the messenger, but this won't solve the problem. Heaven forbid the guilty party be responsible for the things they create; like their own children. Hint; If you don't want to take care of children, don't be having them!
Reporters, especially men, are afraid to piss liberal feminist off, especially their co-workers by running stories about how poorly their children are doing. It would come off as “uncaring and unsympathetic to the plight of working moms.
Is it any wonder “adulting” has become a word? All I can say is “Oh you poor babies (reference to women who choose working over being moms). What about the lack of caring and sympathy towards the plight of your own biological children? You are failing your physical immortality! Is any wonder abortion rates are so high? You're being selfish, and self centered! As a grandmother, let me give you this tidbit of advice; when you are old and gray, your career won't take care of you, and if you abandon your children when they are young, don't expect them to step up to the plate f. You will be treated by them the same way as you treated them.
We are willing to do anything “for the children” except suggest that their moms say with them. We are committed to “leaving no child behind”, except by it's mother who is rushing off to work.
NEW FLASH! More money, more laws or foreign nannies won't fix this problem. Maybe true that too many day cares are not as good as they should be. But in all honestly if you really cared about quality day care for your child, why would you abandon your children in daycare to start with? Children are far better off with their parents than with strangers. While changing diapers is not always fun, there is no need to speak “baby talk” to young children. Just because you have young children doesn't mean you can't be creative WITH them. There is nothing easier to teach than a two year old full of curiosity. Stop telling them “no” and start doing things with them!

For more information
on how to raise children correctly click here.

A century of genocide; In 2017, one anemic apple gives one-eighth the goodness (nutrition and minerals) of a 1937-apple, so you will need eight 2017-apples to match one 1937-apple. This one-to-eight-rule after eight decades also applies for anemic tomatoes, anemic carrots and other vegetables, and the power-elite regard this as a major point scored for Team Genocide against humanity. Vitamin supplements of any real potency have been outlawed.
^ a must read
25-year-old female meets a 25-year-old male, both of whom were raised on GM-food and both 70-times-vaccinated, microwave-phone users, consumers of water and soft drinks from plastic bottles. The probability of these two ever having a single normal child is close to zero because, as everyone knows, genocidal vaccines, microwaves, GM-food and plastic bottles (laced with bisphenol-A) are all intended for sterilization because the goal is zero “wild breeding”. After that state will have sole authority over the decision on who will be granted a “breeding license”.
Thanks mostly to genocidal vaccines, the number of autistic children in the USA is expected to exceed the number of non-autistic children for the first time in four years (this has already been conceded by the USA’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and written extensively about by Dr Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT). In this way a mint is made through their deathcare system (which they orwellized to “healthcare”). This calls for high levels of ignorance about the genocidal methods being deployed to achieve it.
The generation born after 2000 becomes the first generation since WW1 to predecease its parents, but most parents today simply do not care. If they did, they would be protesting or doing something to protect their children. Instead, they are brainwashed by new-age-positive-thinking slogans like “Go With The Flow”, “Go Along To Get Along” or “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”.
If an underprivileged person lands in hospital today, the medical commissars already have a secret points system that gauges what value that person has to society (those who largely consume have much lower scores than those who largely produce) so the white-coats know to slap a DNAR order (Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate) on that person so that he can be more easily euthanized if the opportunity arises.
This is why more and more stories in the news of parents fighting to keep their children alive for a few hours longer so they can recover rather than be organ harvested before they die.
13 year old Trenton McKinley's story - declared brain dead, doctor's were rushing to harvest his organs when Trenton woke up,
George Pickering, III was declared brain-dead, being to be taken off life support as doctors wanted to harvest his organs. George III's father felt it necessary to pull a gun to protect his son's life. A few hours later George III woke up. George II then surrendered without incident and spent a time in jail for saving his son's life.
How wrong is that?
Protect your child and end up in prison.
Try to murder someone, but because you have a license you walk way free to try it again.
Plans for the future - if you allow it to be.
System-critical dissidents or citizens who prefer free speech to political-correctness can easily be forced to toe the party line by curtailing the energy-credits paid into their “smart”-cards at the start of each month.
After 2050, human settlement is confined to Agenda 21’s “habitat areas” only, i.e. Domed “smart-cities” (an “Orwellism” for dumb cities, smaller than their current sizes and covered by geodesic domes) where the remaining population can be more easily controlled or microwaved using the mobile-phone towers currently being completed worldwide for this purpose and, as usual, under the guise of a fake (ostensibly benevolent) purpose.
The food given to the remaining population is also to be manufactured in the same domed cities and not in the countryside, which, after 2050, is being subjected to “rewilding.”
I do not watch the Simpsons, however they have this funny way of being able to “predict the future” - actually you are being warned, are you listening?
Stephen King's Under The Dome & The Simpsons Movie (2007) have shown these “dome cities”

At this time; countries, borders and even continental trading-blocs have all become irrelevant as the only remaining populated areas on Earth are “world city states” (Agenda 21’s domed habitat areas or “sustainable” centers of civilization), with plenty of vegetation and wildlife in between. Only the power-elite and their top Technocratic nomenklatura will be permitted a house or a hunting-trip in the country. Tourism is all but dead (except voyaging by virtual reality) because ordinary people are to be permitted essential travel only.
Their glorious-soviet Technocratic system of apparatchiks controls the remaining people, who live in the “habitat areas”, get pacified by fluoride and other poisons in the air, water and food and are kept undernourished so as to more easily control them. The power-elite’s version of “permanent peace” is now well-established, which means total control and predictability of all citizens of the Technocratic World Union (TWU).
In the proposed TWU, artificially intelligent robots, or automatonic Cyborgs will do most of the work. < Wouldn't it be funny if this backfired on them?

* I have nothing to do with what companies choose to put into their products.

The Truth does not fear investigation, so the reader has nothing to fear. In today’s world, most things worth knowing are couched in lies. If the Truth is news to you, then spread the word. Just like all generations without any exception, this generation too will have to choose to either pray for hope or fight for life to secure its freedom.
Do not be afraid to speak THE TRUTH.