Who is to Blame?
part 2
I had hoped to keep this one shorter for those who have slower net connections.
I have a love for memes so I am unsure if I can pull it off. :)

Who is to blame for the ills of society?
It is not the cop’s fault.
It’ is not the commissioner’s fault.
It is not the mayor’s fault.
It is not the president’s fault.
The truth is it is YOUR fault!

Here is why.
When you blame someone else you are a helpless victim of what is and you have no power to change or fix anything ,everything happens to you.

But when you take responsibility for what happens to you, then you are empowered and have the ability to respond to things as they happen when they happen.
Look at this word responsibility – it is made up of two words, respond ability, the ability to respond. That is what it means, not that anything is your fault but when you take Responsibility for how you feel and react you then have the Ability to Respond rather than emotionally react to what is going on in this way you are empowered to make changes in your life and in the world.

That is what he saying “Be the change you wish to see.” means.
Change from reaction to responding then you can better control your emotions. When you control your emotions you have control over your life. Not everything that is said or done has anything to do with you. It’s not about you, it was never about you!
When someone says something they don’t even see you! They see themselves, usually the darkest part of themselves. And instead of owning that and working to change it, they prefer to blame someone else. They are emotionally responding to things that are happening to them, they are the victims.
When a socity has victims we end up with a war. If you don’t think that riots are not a war, you are mistaken.

This is how our society works,
Dambed if you do,
Dambed if you don't.

It's time we GREW UP!
Opinions are NOT FACTS. Just because someone says something, anything at all, doesn’t make it your truth! You don’t have to own it. If you do, then it is your truth. If it is your truth and you don’t like it then you and you alone can change it. OWN IT and CHANGE IT!
If it is something you can’t change, it is what it is, live with it. What is the point in being upset over something you can’t change? Things are as they are, you either accept them or change them if you can’t do either then pray for wisdom. Keeping in mind that you alone are responsible for how you feel. You can make a different choice if they way you feel doesn’t feel good. See joy! Let the suffering go.

Do you want peace?
Do you want acceptance?

I stated, “I don’t understand rioting.”
KF the wise woman of many children said, “It's called displaced anger......and unfortunately blacks have been destroying their own for a long time. I believe that while what they're doing is very unproductive.....they're fed up. It's like throwing a temper tantrum. Are they handling it correctly, no.
… And, as we may understand that we choose our experiences, not everyone does. While I do not agree with tearing down your own, one must understand that we were taught to hate ourselves, and it's been carried through generations.”
… Now you know the truth, and it is time to change!
Time to face the truth


Tyrese Gibson's words of wisdom. Please listen to what he has to say.

In the Final Analysis it is not about white - vs- black, it is between you and God.
When you die and stand before Him, what excuse will you have for your bad behavior?
Be the change you wish to see in the world because.

I ask again, "Why do you riot?
I do not understand."

It's not about stuff.

Remember we are not ever alone in our suffering.
What we do to one we do to our selves.
Is it not time we stopped the madness?
Learn to love yourself and stand in your own power.
Take respons-ablity for your own life,
and don't allow others to make decisions for you.
Just because they tell you something doesn't make it truth.
You don't have to go along just because they want you to
or because everyone else is doing it. So what?


IN FACT - A lot of you have said, "I can't work in the system."
Well duh you weren't sent here to be part of the problem. You were sent here to uses your gifts and create something new, different and more importantly BETTER! Something encouraging to others because it is COOPERATIVE rather than competitive.
Change your thoughts - change your life.
Be that change you want to see stop trying to "fit in"
where you don't belong.