More on Emotions
- Fear & Suffering -


Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.
Know and under-stand you are not your body. You can't be hurt by anything in the physical.

Pain can feel real, but suffering is optional.
Suffering is caused from an attachment to how you want things to be, but they are not that way. Let go of how you think things should be and the suffering ends. Accept that things are as they are and that you have no control over them.
--- Keep this in mind when facing fears, especially those of being hurt. You don't need a savior. There is nothing to save you from. Fear is a thought, an illusion.
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt 1932 First Inaugural Address

Fear is an option


The movie said, "Fear is an option, but the danger is real." Fear is an option, as it is a feeling ou choose to feel. Choose not to feel fear and you won't. You are complely safe
in the physical, nothing in the physical can harm the soul, That is why it appears that "bad" things happen & God doesn't care. Sure He cares, but you are not being hurt you just think you are. Once you realize you are not the meat bag you wear, nothing matters any more. It's ALL an illusion.
However the danger ... that is an illusion too.

Nothing is real in the world of illusions - that is what the veil is all about.
"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change."
- Dr W.. Dyer
Faith & Fear
Questions & Answers

How easy it is to fear yet it takes so much energy. It can consume us yet when faced you take back that energy. This transposes that which was negative back into positive which helps enable energy to flow and spread in other areas. We just need to have faith in our Creator that what we need is there when we need it. - Brenda Davis

Question; What is fear and how do we identify it?
Answer; Fear not hate is the opposite of love. It is man made and develops during a lifetime of listening to other people’s opinions. We have been trained by our parents, teachers and even friends to be afraid of things we do not know or understand. Don't be afraid of your instincts. Take up one new activity that scares you everyday and you will soon see fear for the illusion it actually is.
Bear in mind that fear is a choice, it is resistance to that which is. The inability to accept or 'go with the flow'. It can be viewed as F-ck everything and run, or Face Everything And Rise, for all it is, is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL (F.E.A.R)
"The first duty of man is to conquer fear; he must get rid of it, he cannot act till then." - Thomas Carlyle
God is Love. Fear not hatred is the opposite of love. When we don’t love, we react out of fear. Love is real, fear is the illusion. Anything that is not loving is fear based.
Sin an any act done without love. Only the doer of the act knows if what they do is a sin or not, as things are not always what they appear to be.
Example 1; A man give’s his bother’s wife a home to live in after his brother dies (this is in the US). That appears to be a loving act. Yet “behind closed doors”, he treats her badly like a slave, and he is abusive towards her. Thus that act is a sin.
Example 2; Yet another man may run up to you and in passing you, knock you down and send you flying. Was the act a sin? Well it would depend upon why he did that. He is just shove you out of harms way? If so then the answer is no.
Intent is everything!

Satan is not a being but a word that means “wrong thinking”. Any fear based thought is wrong thinking, thus is satan. When Jesus said, “Satan get behind me” he was speaking about what he was being told. He didn’t want to hear those thoughts as they were fear based. Put that behind me, I don’t want to go there.
Satanic is any act based in wrong thing. Any act performed in or out of fear is a satanic act. Thus anything you do because you fear being punished is a stannic act. You don’t like how the governments act? Then stop performing satanic acts.
The only thing you are not “allowed to do” is harm another, treat everyone not as you have been treated, but how you wish to be treated.
Question; Is having some amount of fear good, (Why or why not)?

Answer; There is no such thing as “good” or “bad”. Things are or they are not.
Fear comes with being incarnated, it is caused by the shadows cast by the veil behind which this world exists (for now). It is in learning to overcome fear that allows us to better understand who and what we are.
We ARE the Light, or aspects of it. The shadow only means something is between you and the light. Shine your own light and you need not fear the dark places.

The human body emits, communicates with, and
is made from Light

Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.
Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist.

Our Cells and DNA Use Biophotons To Store and Communicate Information
Apparently biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion. According to a 2010 study, “Cell to cell communication by biophotons have been demonstrated in plants, bacteria, animal neutriophil granulocytes and kidney cells.”[9] Researchers were
able to demonstrate that “…different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic activity at the other end.” Researchers interpreted their finding to suggest that “…light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals.”
Even when we go down to the molecular level of our genome, DNA can be identified to be a source of biophoton emissions as well.

Question; How do we extinguish fear?
Answer; Since fear is the illusion, the way to over come it is to face it.
Question; What happens when we face fear?
Answer; When we face our deepest fears we learn that it is an illusion, and just how strong we are. With God’s love all things, let me say that again ALL things are possible. Don’t allow fear to run your life. Nothing in the physical can harm the soul. When you have nothing else left, you find out just how strong you really are. Once faced, you no long fear that which once terrified you.
Question; How do we benefit (body & spirit) from conquering fear?
Answer; We learn just how strong we really are and that which once terrified us no longer has that power over us, and we become free.

Question; What does fear have to do with energy?
Answer; Since everything that is and is not is energy, Love is positive energy, since fear is the opposite, that makes it negative energy. It draws you backwards.

Question; What about allowing others to control our emotions out of fear?
Answer; One chooses how they wish to feel about things. You can always choose not to allow anyone to control you out of fear. What is there to fear? Nothing, there is nothing to fear, as fear is an illusion. So face your fears and learn that they can’t really hurt you. The Bible says, “Do not fear those whom can only harm the body.” You are an immortal soul with a physical body, not a physical body with a soul, thus you are completely safe to do and experience anything you wish as nothing in the physical can harm the soul.
Again it doesn’t matter what they do, you can’t be hurt without your permission. Fearing someone is consenting to being harmed. Keep in mind YOU have all the power, so face them and circumstances and show them how fearless you are. The body can be healed or released if too badly damaged, but the soul is immortal.

Statement; I’m scared cause my father and other men screwed me up in my head sexually.
Response; Take back your power! You need not give these men your power. You have already proven that you could survive such acts. By existing you have proven just how powerful and strong you are and that you are a survivor. Can you not see that? Shake off the past experiences, let the ghosts of the past remain in the past and move into the now where you will see you are perfectly safe.

Understand everything that happens, does so for a reason: your soul wanted to experience this as it know what it felt like to have that happen. On the other side of the veil it is forbidden, because it damages the soul. So keep in mind what happens here is just an experience, one which your immortal soul survive unscathed and your physical body survived it as well. What is there to be afraid of? Let go of the past, forgive them and yourself and make a new start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Fear is something you will experience each time you try something new, like a new job or a new relationship or a new place to live. You will never succeed as long as you keep giving in to fear. The fact is, we all fail! The failure rate of the human race is one hundred percent, and everyone (you & me included) qualifies for membership in this club. But that doesn't mean you have to live in the fear of failure. If you already knew the all the answers there would be no reason to incarnate. Faith in God gives you the courage to confront your fears and live the life you were meant to live. If you don't, you'll suffer the regret of 'if only' or 'what could have been', if you let it fear will control you. God offers you three better options: Love, strength and a sound mind. Go for it!

Just as faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, So too can doubt the size of a mustard seed prevent that mountain from moving.
Believe in yourself and your abilities.
You are a co-creator. Ask your self, "What do I want to create?"

The Anxiety Monster
A fiction in your own mind

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