Free will &
Law of Attraction
Freewill is a gift from the Creator that is sacred and covered by the Law of Attraction. Human beings sometimes blame others or God for their experiences, but in truth they are attracted to you by your thoughts and actions. How else could freewill operate? Freewill is still your prerogative, but having agreed a plan for your life you are drawn to those people and experiences that will help fulfil [the plan]. Your Guides are also very active in keeping you on track, but the final word is with you. Having chosen our life plan prior to birth, we are now subject to that choice. Because we have no recollection of having chosen our life plan, we have no experience of free will around the events that occur in our lives. A petition to amend one’s soul contract is done at soul level, because only at that level can it be known if the person’s life circumstances are harsher than the experiencing chosen prior to birth.The light brotherhood observe the laws of the universe which include that only if a soul requests help, may it be provided with it. Earth herself asked and is receiving accordingly.
Circumstances that impinge on free will is the automatic, rigid responses we have to certain events. The control program is part of the incarnation blueprint and will have influences such as magnetic imprints (astrological configurations) that control how the consciousness perceives through its own lens, such as its personal likes or dislikes. This is similar to a ‘train track’ that keeps the consciousness of the being moving forward in the lifestream with some kind of directional impulse. Some control programs are constructive and wholesome and some are not. Part of our life plan will be to complete those that are not.
- Heidi Brown

Responsibility is the ability to respond with a clear head to an event rather than emotionally react to it.

Use your God Gift of Free Will