For part 1
See "Lynch's Fear"
"Feelings & Emotions".

How to transmute "Lynch’s fear"
into Love via Empathy.
We must learn to use our empathic abilities differently than we have been taught. We are NOT to use them to turn tail and run, or to outcast someone who is not like us, is in fear, or in pain. No!
Now keep in mind I am not saying don't use sheilding. But don't cast someone out because they are in pain. Heal them. That is the whole point of being an empath.

There are ways to shield yourself from another's energies.
1) You can ask and believe it done.
2) Envision white light around you.
3) Envision a bubble around you.

When we sense fear we need to stop, breathe, recenter then transmute that fear into love.
Keeping in mind that fear is an illusion.
When you radiate back the fear you feel, it heterodyne and only gets worse. Fear causes distrust and miscommunication, which causes hatred to grow and from there abuse, neglect and in extreme cases war.

If you can’t accept the “bad” you can’t have the “good”. Yin / Yang is ONE thing, not two. There is always good in the bad and bad in the good, thus the smaller circle in the “head” of the “tadpole”.
Love means being venerable. When you “build a wall of safety” out of fear to prevent some imaginary attack, and cease being vulnerable, when you block out fear, you also block out joy, happiness and love.
If you remain STUCK on some idea as if it were set in stone (graven image) that some one out there harmed you in some way, you will never be free of fear.

We must learn to love our brothers and sisters, even if they are our enemies, because the best and only way to change someone from enemies status to friend status is with love.
Love is all that exists, we are all one, thus there is no need to fear anything ever.
Nothing in the physical can harm the soul without the soul’s consent.

There is NOTHING to fear ever!
Don’t give your consent, transmute the fear.
Be the LIGHT, send out only LOVE.
Fear Not
If you truly understand who and what you are, fear cannot live in your mind or spirit.
When you really, truly understand who and what you are, you will no longer be afraid. I am talking about the irrational fear of the unknown or the fear of dying, not a rational, healthy fear like one you may have of a deadly snake; this kind of fear is more akin to a healthy respect of what that snake can do, and is not the same as the person who is deathly afraid of any snake and climbs the walls at the mere sight of one.
Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Fear can make you cling to the strangest of things.

Fear, although a natural emotion, can be overcome by understanding that you do not simply disappear into nothingness when you leave your mortal body; your true essence, who you truly are, is immortal. Basically every sage over the centuries has taught this. Once you internalize this, and truly know it with all your heart, irrational fears will no longer plague you.
This is one reason that the warriors of old could look death in the eye without flinching. Sure, it still takes courage to face those situations which could cost you your life, but once you have internalized this truth, it becomes much more controllable.
-Bohdi Sanders - The Wisdom Warrior

To change the world we need to be that change we wish to see.
If we want peace, we must be peace.