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Trying to explain the Law of Attraction to someone who didn't understand, I had this amazing "!" moment. I myself didn't understand just how important and fully encompassing the Law of Attraction really is. Now that I do, I intend to share it with you.
The Law of Attraction
Page 3
Law of Attraction page 3

What ever you put out will come back to you.
What you sow you will reap.
Where ever you attention goes "No one loves me because ...." or "They shouldn't treat me like that." will only bring more of what you don't want to you.
You MUST BE THE CHANGE you wish to see.
You can't go around treating folks badly and expect the world to treat you well.
Law of the Prophets / Golden Rule states "Treat others the way YOU WANT TREATED not how they treat you. --that is the Law of Attraction in action.
As I write this up I have to admit I had no idea how powerful the Law of Attraction is or how much it encompasses.

One more time

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