The Presidential Page

Doing genealogy on all U.S. Presidents a 12 yr girl discovers (all but one Martin Van Buren) is related to a British King.

Martin Van Buren was one of the founders of the Democratic Party.
The Title of Nobility Clause is a provision in Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, that not only forbids the United States from granting titles of nobility, but restricts members of the government from receiving gifts from foreign states without the consent of the United States Congress. This clause is also sometimes called the "federal" Nobility Clause,[3] because a similar clause in Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 bars the states (rather than the federal government) from granting titles of nobility.
I guess that doesn't mean that they can't be nobility, just can't have the title. As if "president" is not a "noble title" enough.
Black Presidents of
These united States of American
This is what I found;

1. John Hanson (a Moor) was actually the 1st President.
Hanson served from 1781 – 1782 and he was black. The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.

2. Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President (1801 – 1809 ) His mother a half-breed Indian squaw and his father a mulatto (half white and half black) from Virginia.

3. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President (1829 – 1837)
His mother was a white woman from Ireland who had Andrew Jackson with a black man. His father’s other children (Andrew Jackson’s stepbrother) was sold into slavery.

4. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President (1861 – 1865 )
Lincoln had dark coarse hair, a swarthy (dark) skin tone and he didn’t look like the other white men of this time.
His mother Nancy Hanks admitted that Abraham was the illegitimate son an African American man. Thomas Lincoln, was sterile from childhood mumps and was later castrated, making it impossible for him to have been Abraham's father.

5. Warren Harding was the 28th President (1921 – 1923 )
Harding never denied his ancestry. When Republican leaders called on Harding to deny his “Negro” history, he said, “How should I know whether or not one of my ancestors might have jumped the fence?”
“Harding had black ancestry throughout both sets of parents.” A professor of economics and politics at Wooster College in Ohio wrote a book on the Harding family ancestry where he named black ancestors. Rumor has it that Justice Department agents bought and destroyed every copy of the book; destroying the documented genealogy of the family. Harding only had one academic credential from the Iberia College, which was known for educating fugitive slaves.

6. Calvin Coolidge was the 29th President (1923 – 1929) His parents were John Calvin Coolidge, Sr. and Victoria Josephine Moor whom he proudly admitted that his mother was dark.
His mother defended her dark skin by claiming a mixed Indian heritage, however, her maiden was ‘Moor” which in England was the name given to all blacks. According to Dr. Auset Bakhufu by the 1800’s the New England Indian population could hardly claim pure Indian accent because they mixed so often with blacks.

7. Dwight E. Eisenhower was the 34rd President (1953 – 1961) His mother, Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower, an anti-war advocate, was half black.

Truth is Barack Obama
is NOT the 1st black president. Everything about that man is a lie!

8. Barack Obama is the 44th President (2009-2016)
Parents; Barack Obama, Sr.a Muslim from Kenya and Ann Dunham was from Kansas US.

All of these men were Republicans.
(Liberals before "Democratic" party existed.)
The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest political parties in the world.
It traces its roots to 1792, when followers of Thomas Jefferson adopted the name "Republican".

The Democratic Party was founded around 1828
by supporters of Andrew Jackson.
Today the Democratic Party is
more socialist than democratic.
Socialism can be defined as a system of collective ownership and management of the means of production and the distribution of goods.
In other words a few own everything
and you get the scraps they choose to distribute..

This country is NOTHING like what it was when I was a child.