Pick A Crystal
Take a deep breath and pick the Crystal you feel the most drawn to. Scroll down and then find their meanings.
How to pick a crystal that is right for us. Some people look through their crystal books searching for the crystal they want. We think the best way is to think of what you want the crystal for, or even who you want the crystal for, and one will jump out at you. It might not be one that you would normally go for, but most of the time it will be the one for you. Why don't you have a go and see if you can pick the right crystal for you.
Now you have picked your crystal look up the number to find out the name and some of the properties this crystal has. Is it the right one for you?
1. Bornite - Is said to be an effective protector against and transmuter of negative thoughts and beliefs. Good to have when dealing with traumatic
situlations and helps to identify the lessons behind them .
2. Moonstone - Its most powerful effect is that of the mind. It soothes the emotional instability and stress and stabilizes the emotions. Moonstone is the stone for travellers. Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy & childbirth
3. Kyanite - Is said to be excellent for attunement and meditation. It instantly aligns the chakras clearing the meridians. Kyanite does not hold negative energy so it doesn’t need cleansing. It dispels blockages, anger & stress.
4. Garnet - Is said to cleanse and reenergize the chakras. It was long ago worn as a protective talisman. It is a strong healing stone bringing strength and stamina
5. Yellow Fluorite - Is said to cleanse the aura. It helps release toxins. It’s said to help cholesterol and aids the liver. It also helps relieve pain in arthritis and rheumatism.
6. Labradorite - Is said to relieve stress. Calms an over active mind. A protective stone that deflects unwanted energies from the aura forming a barrier to negative energy. Helps with colds, rheumatism and balancing hormones
7. Rhodochrosite - Is an excellent stone for the heart and relationships. It soothes emotional stress and helps to bring about a positive attitude. Helps to relieve migraines
8. Carnelian - Is said to be a highly energetic stone which helps to ground you. Its good for restoring vitality and motivation. It also has the ability to cleanse other stones. Can activate the base chakra.
9. Rutilated Quartz - Is said to cleanse and energize the aura. Is said to help with exhaustion and energy depletion. Sweep over the aura to draw off negative energy.
10. Blue Lace Agate - Is Said to have a beautiful cool and calming energy bringing peace of mind. It is good for the throat chakra allowing you to express true feelings and thoughts . A powerful throat healer .
11. Tourmaline - Is said to clear and balance the Chakras and forms a protective shield around the body. A mental healer transmuting negative thoughts into positive ones.
12. Mookaite(Australian Jasper) - Is said to be an excellent stabilizing stone that can help with the immune system .
13. Amethyst - Is said to be a powerful healing and protective stone. Helps ease headaches especially caused by stress. It’s said to be helpful in treating insomnia, put a piece under your pillow or by your bed.
14. Ruby - Is said to energize and balance. Excellent for stimulating the heart chakra. It's said to bring a positive and courageous state of mind. It's also a protective stone.
15. Turquoise - Is a protective stone and has been used since time immemorial. Its said to be a good stone to help with exhaustion, depression and panic attacks.
16. Apatite - Is said to be excellent for meditation. It balances the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies and the chakras. Is said to be good for arthritis and joint problems.
17. Atlantisite - A combination of serpentine & stichtite. Is said to clear and align all the chakras. Lowers stress levels and encourages thinking before speaking. Helpful for breaking away from the results of poor choices or old wounds. Excellent earth healer
18. Unikite - Is said to help balance the emotions. Is great for grounding. It brings a calm, gentle energy and can negate the effects of electromagnetic pollution from TV sets if placed on or nearby.
19. Citrine - This stone never needs cleansing, it absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy. It helps with the digestion and bladder problems. Put in the wealth corner of your home or business to attract wealth, prosperity and success and all good things.
20. Selenite - Is said to be a stone of calm and instils deep peace an excellent stone for meditation. Can be used to form a protective grid around the house. A large piece Iplaced in the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere.
21. Honey Calcite - Is said to have an uplifting energy. Is good for meditation as it enhances a deep state of relaxation. Good for the solar plexis chakra.
22. Red Jasper - It is said to be helpful in times of stress. It brings tranquility and wholeness. It aligns the chakras, and provides protection and grounds energies and the body.
23. Howlite - Is said to be an extremely calming stone. It helps insomnia especially when this is caused by an overactive mind. By calming the mind it is excellent for meditation.
24. Sodalite - Is excellent to use during meditation. It clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed by the computer to block emanations. It is also said to help the immune system.
25. Bronzite - Is said to be a brilliant stone if you have difficulty stilling you mind. It was said to be a highly protective stone against curses turning negative thoughts and ill wishes back to the source but magnified. Good for chronic exhaustion, cramps and pain.
26. Phantom Quartz - It’s said that it’s main purpose is to stimulate healing for the planet and to activate healing abilities in individuals. It is said to enhances meditation.
27. Rhodonite - Is said to be an emotional balancer. It stimulates the heart and heart chakra. It grounds energy and balances yin and yang. Is said to be good for arthritis .
28. Rose Quartz - Is said to be the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. An important stone for the heart chakra. Placing a piece in the home can bring a calming and reassuring energy.
29. Hematite - Is said to be an effective grounding stone. It harmonizes mind, body and spirit. It prevents negative energies entering the aura by dissolving negative energy. Good for circulatory problems.
30. Hypersthene(Velvet Labradorite) - Has a gentle grounding, protecting and strengthening energy It is said to help surround you with a healing light.
31. Copper - Is said to be good for commbatting lethargy, restlessness, excitability and non acceptance of oneself. It's said to be the 'bestower of good' bringing benefit to the user. It's also said to bring good luck. Is good for arthritis, rheumatism and the circulatory system.
32. Jade - Is said to be a symbol of purity and serenity. Much prized in the east as it signifies wisdom gathered in tranquillity. It is a protecting stone, which keeps the wearer from harm. Attracts good luck and friendship. Assists in fertility and childbirth.
33. Celestite - This beautiful crystal is said to promote purity of the heart and attracts good fortune. It heals the aura and brings balance and alignment. It is said to be an excellent healing stone .
34. Tigers Eye - Is said to be a protective stone that was carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. It balances yin & yang energizes the emotional body. Helps alleviate depression and lifts moods.
35. Sugilite - This loving stone is said to protect the soul from shocks, trauma and relieves spiritual tension. An exceptionally good pain reliever. Helps to clear headaches and discomfort at all levels.
36. Quartz - Is said to be the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. A master healer that can be used for any condition. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.
37. Tangerine Quartz - Quartz is said to be the master healer it can be used for any condition as it stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Tangerine quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra stimulating the flow of creative energy.
38. Fluorite - Is said to be highly protective. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Used in healing it draws off negative energy and stress of all kinds. Its said to be good for arthritis and rheumatism.
39. Aquamarine - Is said to be a stone of courage. It has lovely calming energies that help to reduce stress. It is said to be good for sore throats and helps to strengthen the body’s cleansing organs, eyes, jaw, ,teeth and stomach.
40. Citrine - This stone never needs cleansing, it absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy. It helps with thedigestion and bladder problems. Put in the wealth corner of your home or business to attract wealth, prosperity and success and all good things.
41. Cherry Quartz - Enjoy the beautiful colour and healing power of cherry quartz. These stones have a wonderfully rich yet soft colour that looks great in any setting. Cherry quartz is said to heal emotional wounds and aid spiritual growth.
42. Lapis Lazuli - Is said to be a protective stone that recognizes psychic attack, blocks it and returns it to its source. Helps alleviate pain especially that of migraine headaches.
43. Chrysocolla - Is said to be a tranquil stone. Is excellent for meditation. It calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. Good for joint pain such as arthritis. Also lung and chest conditions.
44. Lepidolite - Is said to clear electromagnetic Pollution and should be placed on computers to absorb their emanations. It activates and opens the throat, heart and third eye and crown chakra clearing blockages.
45. Azurite - Is said to bring about a clear understanding a new prospective, and expands the mind. It releases long standing blocks in communication and stimulates memory.
46. Larimar - Is said to radiate love, peace & tranquillity & calms the mind when meditating. Helpful for cartilage & throat conditions dissolving energy blockages in the chest, head & neck. Placed on a painful spot it’s said to quietly draw out the pain.
47. Sunstone - Is a joyful stone that is said helps you to value and nurture yourself. Good for lifting dark moods and is said to be good for S.A.D. Brings good fortune and abundance .
48. Chiastolite - Is said to be a powerful protective stone. It was used to ward off ill wishes and curses. It’s said to help calm fears enabling you to face reality. Helps to balance the immune system.
49. Snowflake Obsidian - Placed on the sacral chakra Snowflake obsidian calms and soothes putting you in the right frame of mind. Is said to help provide balance for body, mind and spirit.
50. Bloodstone - Is said to be an excellent blood cleanser. Is a good grounding and protecting stone. Is said to help regulate blood flow and aid circulation.

Crystal Energy Work

There is a huge hole in the ground where the weather washed away lots of dirt and rocks carrying down stream eventually into the ocean. Why can't we help the process? It is not like I am taking the what ever rock off world, just "carrying it down stream" like mother nature does.
Thus on the same token different facet: How much more does one want? We already have a whole world's worth beneath our feet. It is all already ours, we only need to “reach down” and connect with it.
Often times I 'ask' for assistance and a crystal “volunteers". Would it not be better to “ask” for that assistance rather than trying to own and store it? That way you don’t have to “worry about security” if you own the “world’s largest diamond”, but you can still 'tap' into its power by simply ‘asking’ just as one grounds themselves into the Earth.

Often times you go some place and you see a sign that says "Don't pick anything up" in references to stones.
I was thinking "Why not? So that some museum can squirrel it away never to be seen again by anyone and they call that “saving history”?
Yet you can go into the shop and pay for them. It is gotten so that they search your cars to make sure you didn't pick anything up. ???