How to be prepared
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However if you keep an open mind and just ponder the thoughts for a while, you will come to see I am correct.

Pretty much all of what i am going to tell you, you likely already know.

So what I am going to do is to teach you how to prepare for anything that you may face, by teaching you how to keep your thoughts straight.

I would rather you start from the position of not believing me at all.

What have we learned?
- You don't need a guru.
- Keep an open mind about things.
- Think for yourself.
- Don't believe everything you are told.
- Trust your own instincts & feelings.
- Anger is a "lie detector".
- Always start with and speak YOUR truth.
- Constant stress and fear leads to brain washing.
- There is no 2nd place, for in the end it's all between you and god. There is no competition.
Let's go back to
Question #4
Why do we feel the need to prepare?

Why do we feel the need to prepare?
Let's discuss answer B and focus on the "fear' & "stress" factor. And find out why we feel that way and what we can do about it.

Worry is a negative prayer. Be careful what you ask for, believe it or not, Creator God says, "Yes" to everything we ask for. Thus you may get it, and you likely won't want it.
Examples of "Yes"
- One day I had, had all I could stand. The whole week had been a series of one disaster after another. When I felt pushed to the limit I yelled out, "How about a break here?!
It was a good thing we were already at a near stop at the traffic light when i said that, as with those words the car's brakes failed and we rolled into the person in front of us. "bump!"
As I'm sure you could imagine, I was so angry! but I could the angels laughing at my expense. And I got that it was exactly what I had asked for, even though it was the LAST thing I wanted, one more disaster.
- Father God is a very old being (compared to us but not to other Gods) so He does NOT understand slang. Keep in mind that years for us is nanoseconds to Him. So when you think you are being "smart" and confusing other people by misusing a word, keep in mind it is not just people who are confused, God is too and you really don't want that to happen. Though from the angel's perspective it creates a very cometic / karmic life for them to witness.
Here is an example of that; One day an acquaintance was driving down the freeway, she heard her guides / angels ask her to "Make a wish!"
She said, "I want a million bucks!"
Father God said, "Granted!" and a million male deer filled the already congested freeway bringing it to a complete stop. And the angels laughed, she was angry and God was confused. "I gave her exactly what she wanted. Why does she cry out in anger?" << Yes God is really like that. So if you think it is funny to do such a child ... pay back! Ha ha ha
- Remember to say what you mean and mean what you say, no slang, no "mush-mouth" speech. God says, "Granted" to every-thing and while the Angels love you very much, they do have a wicked sense of humor and love a good joke especially at your expense.

God hears every word you think!

The words "I am" starts the Law of Attraction into motion, so keep that in mind when you use those two words.
Never say "I am sorry" for no aspect of God is sorry, a word which means "worthless". If you mess up, by all means apologize, but use the word "apologize" not sorry."
Use condolences or sympathy when appropriate not "sorry".

Do not say things like;
- "I don't want to hear....." because you will do deaf.
- "I don't want to see ....." because you will go blind.
The worst part of it is, no doctor will be able to tell you why you are deaf or blind as everything will appear "normal" but you won't be able to hear or see. This happens because you are a powerful creator and you set the Law of Attraction into motion.

Be at peace!

What have we learned?
- Our "problem" is our attitude about the problem.
- We control our attitude.
- Fear is an illusion.
- Worry is a negative prayer.
- Yahuah says "Yes!" to everything we ask for.
- Life responds to our thoughts.
- We can choose peace.
As above, so below,
As within, so without,
As the soul, so the Universe,
As you see it, so it shall be.
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus
There are many levels to life.

The closer to the top the more control over your life you have.
The further down you go, well you still have some control but other people's free will choices are involved as well.
Each level carries with it it's own life lesson.

Now we know that we are in 100 percent control of the thoughts we choose to have and the these thoughts "color" how we perceive our world & what happens to us.
Question is, "How does this work?"
Understand we always have at least some control over everything that happens to us.
- We choose what we think about any given event that takes place.
- We choose how we we wish to feel about any given event that take place.
- We choose how we respond (nor not) to events that happen to and around us.
This is YOUR POWER do not give this away!

So what does God look like?
Since the only thing that exists is energy.
God looks likes energy.

Father God & (hu)man
While God is not some man in the sky, for the purpose of explaining thing we will say that He is just for a moment. If Yahuah was a man, each and every galaxy would be an organ in His body and the planets would be cells of those organs.
Within each of these cells, there are many different molecules and each do something different. Some make up body parts such as those which make skin, some make up the immune system and so on.
I don't want to get too deep into this thought as to lose you so we will stop there and say we (humans, plants and animals) are all like the molecules that make up the cells of God. I just want you to hold onto that thought when thinking about the conscious energy that we call God / Yahuah
Keep in mind that science has proven (back in the 1960s) that our cells are also conscious and alive.
Now we know who and what we are; aspects of Father, our Creator God / Yeshua.

Pay Attention. Attention is the rarest and purest form Generosity.

The only way to do this is to think for yourself.
What have we learned?
- God is Loving energy
- We are created by and with Loving Energy, thus we are loving energy.
- God is Now & there is no such thing as time.
- That our thoughts are our treasures.
- We have full control over our thoughts.

From the Biblical stand point,
- In the books Matthew, Mark & Luke, there are 46 parables told by Jesus and one more in the book of John.
- When Jesus told a parable / fable the followers would ask,
"Master what does that mean?"
Jesus would say, "What do you THINK?"
CLearly the point was you should think for YOURSELF!
"Narrow is the way"