Succubi or Incubi "Attacks"

You have
all the power!
Choose a new thought!

Succubi or Incubi attacks
are NOT real, which is why your shields against them don't hold. It's your own fears that create it, thus they are figments of your imagination which is why those around you think you are crazy. When in truth they just don’t

understand what is happening to you, any more than you do. All they can do is tell you, there are no monsters on you.
That doesn’t make you crazy, it is a terrifying sleep disorder that many people suffer from, it is called ‘Old Hag Syndrome’ and is also known as 'sleep paralysis'.
Sufferers often wake up in the middle of the night, out of a dream, unable to move or scream, but are able to

see, hear, feel and smell. It is often accompanied by strange smells, frightening sounds, apparitions of shadows or people, and a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible.
It is caused by the hormones, which keep us paralyzed while we sleep and thus preventing us from acting out our dreams, not ceasing function immediately when you wake up. It usually only lasts up to a minute.
Once folks understand what is really happening, because the fear goes away, it stops happening all together.
What happens is while asleep and in the middle of the dream for some unknown reason usually it is fear based, you jerk wake. You are not supposed to wake up in the middle of the dream. When you do wake up in the middle of the dream you are paralyzed, then fear of the unknown takes over.
While not all dreams are real, many are actually very real – Your soul which is what you are, not a body astral travels to another place & time. When you jerk awake, often times you are confused about where you are and fears take hold. Being paralized you feel as though you are under attack when in fact you are not. Just learn to relax and breathe, and you will fall back to sleep and then can wake up normally again. Or just relax and breathe and the paralyses will pass all on its own in a bit.

You do not have to keep suffering! Make a new choice, one not based in fear.
Fear Not!
Just say "No" to fear.

Aspect of God, You have ALL THE POWER Of your creator within you. Use your gift of Free Will Choice and choose not to suffer from fear in any of its forms. Ask your guides & guardians to purify and uplift your thoughts and feelings. Also ask them to help you wake up properly so you don't experience such.

Note; you do not have to know who your angels or guides are; the important thing is they know who you are. They are always there even if you are not aware of them. Take a leap of faith and call upon them, and ask them for their help, watch miracles happen.

You are never alone!

Final note; No matter now "bad" an experience, due to the gift of Free Will Choice your guides and angels are NOT allowed to help you, unless you ask for that help. You must ASK to RECEIVE. Then be willing to receive their help.

Most importantly know & understand that you are perfectly safe and protected at ALL TIMES!