What is God,
by any of His many names?

We are The Uni-Verse / The One Song

What is Love?

What is evil?
If God is / created everything, is God evil too?
No, God is not evil.
Most of what folks consider evil is not evil, but darkness. Darkness and evil are NOT synonymous. Evil is NOT a part of God. Darkness is is a shadow casted by the veil, it allows God and us a different perspective on things.

Originals are worth more than copies.
Be uniquely you.
On Religion

It matters not if you believe in God, for God believes in & loves you!
Because we are immortal energy beings of light and love, and ever thing that is that we call “reality” is all an illusion, thus nothing in the physical can harm the soul.
The vast majority of what happens is contracted, we agreed to it before we were born, not only agreed to it, we ASKed for it to happen so we knew how it felt.
Under those conditions, it matter not what happens. It is not that God doesn’t care, it is nothing can be harmed, us or the planet, it is just an experience, a way for us & God to better understand who and what we are.
Keep in mind that since everything is energy and energy can not be destroyed only changed. .... Where is the “evil” in that? Evil is just a judgment made in ignorance.

Think for yourself at all times.
If you want to be independent, it is vital that you think for yourself and not let anyone else do your thinking for you. Don’t let others tell you what you should think, how to think, or what to believe. There are many physical aspects of self-reliance that you have very little control over, but you have total control over your mind and your spiritual life. The only person that can stop you from being independent, where these two areas are concerned, is yourself.
Don’t be lazy. Think for yourself at all times. Do your homework on whatever topic you may be mulling over, and think rationally. Your mind is your own, don’t give anyone else control over what you think or how you think. It doesn’t matter whether or not anyone else actually likes what you think, or agrees with what you think; it is none of their business. Taking control over your mind is actually the first step in becoming self-reliant. If you can discipline yourself to become mentally independent of others, it will be easier for you to become independent in the other areas of your life. ~Bohdi Sanders