What is evil?
We will start with what is NOT evil.
Sin is not evil.
What is sin?
Any act done without love no matter what it looks like from without. God sees no sin greater than the other, whether it's murder, disobeying your parents, lying, stealing, cheating, etc......these are all part of duality.

What is true EVIL?

Think about this.
This world is an illusion, nothing is real. Nothing can harm the soul without its permission. Murder is a way to get home after a life of how ever long. But disobeying your parents, lying, stealing, cheating, etc... they are all just mitsakes, that we pick each other apart for, while we are selves are filled with them.

Where do all these ideas of judging folks come from? Our graven images. Where do these come from? Things society (be if from family, religion or government) teaches us is so.

Because when you judge someone you literary destroy them,
by creating fear of "messing up".
What happens is you stop their creativity
and cause them to become fearful.
We either grow in knowledge from the mistakes we make
or we die and that is a fact.

This is important!
What belongs to "Caesar"?

What does NOT belong to "ceasar"?