Edging God Out
The way to learn something new isn’t about “figuring things out”. It is by connecting the know with the unknown. So to help you better understand the following meme, I’m going to attempt to connect something you may already know to this so you can better understand it.

Being offended and “our reputation” both stem from taking someone else’s opinion as fact. Opinions are NOT facts, nor are they truths. They are just opinions which have more to do with the one speaking than the one being spoken about.
Win / lose, right /wrong, good / bad (evil) are judgments. Judgments are not fact either, they are also opinions. Things are or are not and that is all that there is to it.

Superior –That concept of being superior to another would presuppose that we are separated in some way, we are not. This is competitive thinking; it is time we learned to cooperate. How can one be superior to another part of itself?
Achievements is having done something successfully, which the lack there of presumes that you have in some way failed. That is not possible unless you failed to try.

Doing something.

"There is no failure, only feedback."
Don't carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones! Take a moment today to reflect on what you thought were mistakes at the time but left you better off in the end. Thank that experience and make a note to remember this the next time you make a "mistake."