Those who have the ability
also have the responsibly to act.
Aparently there is a catch that.
A few years ago my sister came out, it is the first time. I have not seen her in 2 decades. She is one who doesn’t like my being correct about stuff.
Anyway over the years she has gotten “sickly” and walks around with a paramedic’s warning bracelet on her arm for something. I don’t know what, just saw it there.
She came with our father and her son. She wanted to show her son around the ranch on a day that was 110 degrees out side. She wanted him to see “the big tank” which due to the drought was dry. LOL
They came out and picked up 8 oz of water for the mile journey back there and another back up to the front.
I warned them, “That is NOT enough water, especially for her. Someone needs to carry more water, you will need it.” Might as well been speaking to the wall.
She didn’t get half way to the back and collapsed – heat stroke.
My husband got the call, “Come get us in the tractor as the truck won’t make it back here it’s too dry and the sand is too loose.”
He goes out back and picks them up in the bucket.
I am ‘ordered’ to go help her. I have no interest in helping, I warned her, she ignored me. I did my part, now as far as I am concerned she can pay the price. I won’t do anything to harm her but I don’t have to help her, clearly she doesn’t want my help.
I again get ‘ordered’ to go help her. “Those who have the ability have the responsibly to act.”
Against my will I went up front to check on her. Oh dear Lord! She was sitting with her face in front of the small AC unit, which only barely works. That was it, so I jumped into action.
I got a bath towel and made it wet. Dropped the thing in her head and back and handed her more water to drink. This time ordered her to drink it! I would have dropped her in the cattle trough but she wouldn't budge. Think she would have rather died then "gotten dirty". As it was she complained about being wet from the towel.
In short order she was … well back to her old mean self. Chewing my Dad out for not knowing better and not … doing more to help her.
My thoughts were, “I warned you! I did, It is up to you to take care of yourself. You are an adult now act like it!”

Why was I 'ordered' to help her when clearly she was not interested in my help?

Not quite true.
Time slips by….
I play Freecell a lot to relax, and I like to think I am good at it. There are some days when I run into a game that I have to keep working at to win. Today I ran into one such game, took me about 4 – 5 tries to win.
I ‘hear’ "In life, just like in FreeCell, persistence counts, keep trying and eventually you win."
Life is a hard game to win. For one thing there are far more options and it seems like you never find the right door and you are forever starting over again and again. Some times to make matters worse you have to pay a high price for one wrong choice you make and that slows you down considerably. Then again some times that “wrong choice” was the right choice, but society will punish you for it because they don’t know the rules of the game and are floundering around more lost than you are.
Seems like the farther up the ladder you make it the harder the game gets. It is as if the rules are impossible to know, you can’t forget what you do know. And to make matters worse what you think you know is usually all wrong and everything seems to be counter intuitive!
Note the word "persistence" above, most folks call that by its negative name, stubbornness. Not always is "being stubborn" a bad thing, for it is those who have the rare virtue of being persistent who get the job done.

Further thought on the situation above brings forth another “tip” along the same lines. Had this been a human and not a goat ....
I won't help an alcoholic or drug addict obtain food. Even though it ‘feels’ cold to me, the truth is if that person can afford a suit case of beer then he can afford food, it is a matter of priority. One shouldn’t hide in a bottle, can or drug, be bold and courageous enough face your demons.

In my goat pens there is a buck, two nannies and two kids that do not belong to me. The goat's owners and I have had issues over the past few years. She has “her tail up over her back” and is always looking for new and creative ways to hurt me. Now I am not interested in going into details, as that isn’t what this is all about.
The point is that one of the two nannies has a very bad habit of shoving its head through the fence. And since it has horns it gets trapped in the fence and one or the other of us has to go out there and rescue it at least twice a week. There are two places she always get hung; one is the gate between the goat pen and the garden, the other is the gate by barn’s water tank. "Grass is greener on the other side of the fence deal."
Of course the nanny has to fight us. A number of times I was very concerned that she was going to pop my finger into at a joint as she would pin it between her horn and the stock panel wires. It’s not my goat and it is not worth the lose of my finger. So I have taken to texting and telling her owner “You are needed at the barn”.
Recently the goat's owner demanded I not, what she called “meddle" in her life. So three days ago when the nanny got its head stuck in the garden gate. I looked at that … shook my head. I thought “Do I make the text or ignore your cries for help and see how long it will be before your owner comes?”
When one has live stock one is supposed to tend to them at least once in morning and again at night every single day.
1st day came and went and owner didn’t come.
I want to state for the record that I have a very deep love for animals and small children. Yet I made the conscious decided I would ignore the goats cries for help reguardless of how hard that was to do, but I was going to keep a watchful eye out just incase.
The next morning the “weight of the world” was released off my shoulders. My back unfolded like an acordan. So I 'asked', was this what it was about? Was it about not helping the goat?
It seemed so cruel to leave her when I could help. I am able, do I not have the responsibility to help it?
Then answer that came back shocked me.
“No, leave it be.”
I was reminded that, "Nothing in the physical can harm the soul. Everything that is, is an aspect of God, is alive and sentient and as such is here to learn. Leave it be."
I also have issues; I am coming to terms with, regarding “other people’s opinions.” Here I was faced with “other people’s opinion” jewel once again. Just how many sides does this jewel have? But this time, that "other person" was me.
It has always been my thought that one should not just “live and let live” but “live and help live.” This “let it be” when "I had the ability" was getting all over me.
Why don't I also have the responsibility in this case? Other side 'ordered' me help someone who didn’t want it. The goat is asking. Why not help it? This was not making any sense to me.
The Second day came and went, the nanny was still stuck in the fence, no food other than what she could reach in the garden that she hadn’t already eaten. No water, except it rained a bit that day. At least it was a nice day, not like it was a 110 degrees out, just 80. Still it's owner didn’t show up. But at this point nanny's baby must also be suffereing because if she doesn't eat and drink she can't produce milk. So there is the risk of not just the one who shoves her head through the fence NOT knowing she will be traped there to die, but her baby as well.
On the morning of the third day I was really stressing out over this. I didn't want to go out side to see a goat hanging in the fence dead. I have the ability! Why can’t I help it? It can die like that!
We have lost so many animals to disease over the years, why let a healthy one hang in the fence till it dies?
I was shocked by the answers.
1) If you rescue it you prevent It from learning a life lesson.
Since when do animals have life lessons beyond being of service to man? Apparently they do now.
2) You teach others how to treat you. You are teaching nanny that it is okay to stick her head in the fence. She knows you will come and rescue her. By leaving her there for a while you are teaching her a life lesson, that is to not shove her head through the fence.
Okay I guess. But hopefully she has learned that because I gave up, and told someone who I knew would tell the goat's owner that her goat was hung and had been going on day 3 now. It still took her 3 hours after that to go out there and free nanny. :(
BUT for the first time in a long time ) I was told, she said "Thank you for letting her know."

I have often said, “No one gets out of life alive. Anything that is born must die sooner or later.” That is in fact a truth. It is a hard one to live with but it is in fact a truth.
It's okay if something dies, things in the illusion can't be harmed.
Nothing dies without its and God's consent.
Death is not the end.
Animal aspects of God are also here to learn lessons.
Nothing in the Universe is flat. Thus no life lesson is just for one soul, but for all those who are experiencing it from different directions. Of course the actors are; the victim, the hero, the witness. In this case I was the witness. The goat’s owner played the role of the “hero” and the goat was a victim of her own stupidity.
The goat learned not to stick her head in the fence. The goat’s owner learned she needed to pay better attention to her live stock. I learned not to interfere with life lessons, even of animals.
I “hear” we also hope you learned to trust.
You can’t learn someone’s lesson for them. No one ever seems to want to learn the easy way. I mean you can’t tell someone, “Look you are sitting on train tracks and the train is coming, you can’t play chicken with a train, it is not like being on a free way where the driver can steer way, that train will run over you and even if you are as big as an 18 wheeler it won’t give a shit and often as not won’t even notice that you are there, get off the tracks. GET OFF THE TRACKS NOW! No it can’t be that simple. Words of wisdom are often met with deaf ears.
God Rule; one does not help anyone who does ot first ask for it. Doing so violates their gift of free will. Not even angel will help you without your asking for it and for that reason. Thus you must “ask to receive.”

Hint: on this side of the veil, if you violate someone’s gift free will, the cost is you end up feeling used and abused, but it is your fault. It was your free will choice to commit such an act.

So the answer to the above question, “Why must I help her when she didn’t listen to my advice before she got into trouble?
Because at this point she learned her lesson
She was praying asking for help even though you couldn’t hear it. You are the nearest messenger and you were sent.
Her family needed her.
There is yet another reason which had not yet been disclosed.
So my next question is, "How do we know when we are dealing with a life lesson that we shouldn't interfear with, and when that lesson is learned so we can step in and help?
Ask, listen and you will be guided.

Nothing in the Universe is flat. More time passes and more sides of the jewel makes itself known.

It does not matter what "it" is; be it “destroying the Earth”, murders, riots, GMOs, or “a lack of education” the fault does not lie with “them” and “they” be it politicians, media, the recording studios, or whomever it is “behind the curtains” are not responsible for fixing YOUR bad choices. Yes I said that correctly YOU are responsible for your life choices.

To put the blame on others these questions were asked;
Who owns the media?
Who is behind the curtain?
Who glorifies the "thug life"?
Who allows drugs into communities?
Who makes GMOs?
The answer is "It's irrelevant"
Who owns the media? Who owns record labels? Who is behind the curtain?
The answer to all three of these questions is, “It is irrelevant”, for it is YOU who pays them attention.
Who makes GMOs? Who allows drugs into communities? Those who use it, not those who sell it. They would not do what they do if you did not encourage them with your money. Stopped buying it, they would have no market to sell to and it would stop being grown or brought in.

Law of Attraction

It's the educational system's fault
we lack an education!

The reason why this is allowed.....
it's generation after generation of poor parenting

If not you?
Then who?
If not now?
Then when?