Random Thoughts

On a path of transformation, you must be willing to give up your false beliefs and self-limiting stories.
Sai-Thong National Park in Chaiyaphum province, Thailand

Pandora shouldn't have boxed her demons in the first place, no one responds well to a prison… everything deserves to heal. - HB
Society's opinions that will ruin your life.
Good grades are the key to happiness & a successful life.
Not true, in fact they lead to a conformist life where you join ranks of the majority who feel no passion whatsoever in their jobs. Follow your dreams and do what makes you happy.
Insanely Successful High school & College Dropouts Prove You Don't Need A Degree
(see below)

Consumption makes you happy.
You can’t buy happiness, for it comes from within as a choice you make, not from without.

If money made you happy, why are they never satisfied? They always want more, more, more!

A “good job” brings you a lot of money.
Any job that is uninspiring, calls for long hours, and is unethical is not a good job no matter how much it pays.

The experts know everything.
Experts built the titanic and it sank, armatures built the ark ... Listening and learning from others who have experience is important, but find what works for you, try new and different things.

The individual can’t make a difference
The only thing that has ever changed the world was a thoughtful, committed individual. – Margaret Mead

What do you want to do?

Think about this.
The "BOX" of Labels

All is one, yet they put each of us in so many different boxes, we don't even know who we are any more. Can you remember who you were before they told you what to think?
Think about this. Just how many people fit into just one box?

In fact I had someone ask me that question the other day.
Words were;
"I consider myself to be a Christian, yet I don't fit there.
I consider myself to be spiritual but I don’t fit there either.
Congratulations, you have removed yourself from the box.

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It is not a sign of weakness to cry, but a sign of great strength to show one's emotions.