Say what you mean,
mean what you say.
Secrete to getting what you want:
Is proper & polite communication.

There is no statement
truer than that.
"Please" & "Thank you"
does open doors that might other wise be closed to you.
Just as "Yes sir", Yes Ma’am,"
"No sir" and "No ma’am."

Communication between two or more is hard enough, so don't "code speak".
Say what you mean, mean what you say. No, means no, yes means yes. If you don't follow that simple rule, be quite.
Other wise you will get your feelings and possabily more hurt when no one understands you. You will will have no one to blame but yourself as you did it to yourself with your own personal "code speak"..
It is why education is so important, it gives you the tools to use to make sure people understand you..

That is free thoughts, not regurgitated non-sense propaganda that the masses have been taught to vomit out on command as if it were facts or truth..

speak in anger.

We misunderstand each other all the time in formal written letters, face to face conversations, texting, as well as in other ways of communication (body language).
The remedy????
Be willing to explain. Clarify what you're saying, use words with percise meanings, and don't use "code speak" so there is less opportunity for a misunderstanding.