Before I go any further I want EVERY ONE to understand this is NOT about race, creed, color or sex. I just do not understand human behavior.
Why do people behave like this?
Even some of my friends feel the same way, this was sent to me in a private message.
"Lion I'm in some kind of weird energetic funk, and have been crying all day. Could you please hand me a shovel to dig myself out?
I am always saying that I don't understand things, people, the way they rationalize things, the things they do. I don't understand why why everyone is so worried about Chris Jenner when there are millions of hungry and hurting people in the world. I don't understand why people discriminate against race, sex, dog breeds, or medicinal plants... I don't understand why people tear up beautiful things. I try to see things from their perspective in order to better understand...but I still don't get it.
How can people hoard money and waste money on bullshit when it could be used for the good of others?"
My answer;
"I don't know."

Store owners protecting their property from riots.
I can support this.
Not this!
Bad things happen. people are fed up, I get that. I support protests, but riots? That is stupid. Bad enough someone died, riot and get more killed, makes NO sense to me. >>>
To riot because you lost a ball game or did something wrong ... that is beyond stupid, it's moronic! Makes even less sense to me.
So the question was asked, "Why riot?"
First answers were wrong. "beacuse someone was killed", "A team lost the ball game.
Wrong, that is NOT an asnwer for rioting, that is an excuse for bad behaior!

Please do not take this wrong. Yes violance begets more violance.
But there is a big differance between spanking or dicipline and abuse which includes negelecting to dicipline a child properly. The attitude most "children" and even adults to day is a clear sign of neglect & abuse.

In either direction. Stop teaching your children to hate others. Clearly it is NOT working for you, it only makes you more angery.
Then a wise woman of many spoke the truth. She said it is called,
"Displaced Anger".

Anger is a gift
It is there to tell you, something in your personal BS (belief system) is all messed up and it needs to be change.

To help you find the courage ...