The loss of loved ones

Statements & Responses
Questions & Answers
Statement; YOLO!
Response; False, you have many, many life times, thousands of them, if you so choose. The choice is yours to make, God doesn’t force anything.
Statement; When you die you lay in the grave forever!
Response; False The body is mortal and passes away. But you are not your body, you are an immortal soul.
Question; What happens at death?
Answer; At the moment of death, the soul lets go of the body, and you are escorted home by any number of beings; your guides and guardian angels are always with you, sometimes depending upon your beliefs, an ascended master such as Jesus or previously passed loved one will also escort you home to Heaven. Once home there is a grand party in your honor everyone you ever met, whose lives you touched will be there to say "Hello & Thank you!" Even if you didn’t know you did such for them. After which there is a period of rest where you experience your life review and you come to understand things you didn’t before.
There is NO JUDGMENT passed upon your actions by anyone but you! Truth is we are far harder on ourselves than God would ever be. But once released from the body we can see things from the perspective of love and the lessons we learned along the way. In Heaven there is no “good” or “bad” these are aspects duality which exists on Earth because it is behind The Veils of Illusion.
Question; Do my loved ones know I miss them?
Answer: Most defiantly they do.
Question; Can my loved ones hear me?
Answer; Yes they sure can, and far better than they ever could when they were alive.
Question; Do my loved ones miss me?
Answers; No, because to them you have never parted ways. They are still right there with you, just not in physical form.
Question; Now that my loved one is dead, I think I can ‘feel’ them with me.
Answers; Yes you do, because they are there with you. And they will stay right there with you as long as you need them to be there for you. They will always love you.
Question; Someone who lives elsewhere says my loved one is with them. I say they are with me.
Answers; Both are true. Because time is an illusion, someone without a body can be in many places all at the same time.
Question; I think my son is my father.
Answers; That could very well be true. Sometimes we choose come back again into the very same family because we love you that much. It usually takes a few Earth years though, it doesn’t happen right away from our perspective. Though from the other side, it is “right away” because time is very different between there and here, it is way slower there than it is here.
Question; You say my loved one is with me. How do I know?
Answers; Ask and you shall receive. You can ask for “signs”. Tell them what you want to see or how you wish to be shown. Some ask to see feathers or coins, certain birds such as a robin or a cardinal, the smell of a favorite flower such as rose, lavender lilac. Some associate certain things with someone that they have lost, and you be amazed that the creative ways that that message comes to you, images, items, toys, sounds, even in the verses of a song.
Question; Why does their death hurt so much?
Answers; Because you have an attachment to how you want things to be. Rather than accept things as they are. Death is a part of life and everything that is born into the physical dies. Let go. Remember the love but let go of the idea that you “need” them to be there with you in the physical.

You life is in your hands, don't be a prisioner to the past, make peace with it and learn to love yourself inspite of it all..

Ask your loved ones for a sign, they are all to happy. Keep in mind age at the time of death doesn't matter, we are souls not bodies.

Do not think this thought twice!

Question; Why not think about suicide?
Answers; You are under contract to live and learn. You are not allowed to break that contract in this way. You may pray and ask for assistance or have the contract changed but you can’t just end your own life and get out of the lesson in that way.

Question; What happens when one commits suicide?
Answers; one of two things.
Go right back into utero and are reborn into the exact same conditions as before and you get to start all over again from the top. It is better that you stick it out and work it out. Try anything it is better than quitting.
You get stuck as a ghost, because you are too ashamed to admit you quit. As in the Monopoly game, “You do not pass go and do not collect $$$.”
An aware incarnated loved one has to
help you release attachments so you can go
back into utero and restart your life lesson.
You wait for the Rapture, then restart.
Just because something is a commonly healed belief doesn't make it the truth. Just because a / your religion says something, doesn't make it so either.
There are NO VIRGINS waiting on the other side for someone who commits suicide. Truth is souls have gender, they do not have sex parts, only physical humans do! Oops.

To understand more about the contract you signed, read "Life's Journey" ^^^,
and the pages beneath it. Thank you.

The Rapture

The Rapture is a “seasonal” event
It happens once a UNIVERSAL Year, the last time was Oct 8, 2008.
Common misconception is that the Rapture is for the living. No it is not, it is for ghosts who choose to remain behind at death usually due to some sort of fear, they are given a 2nd chance to go home. Nothing is ever forced on anyone, ever. No matter what we choose to do it is always based on the Gift of Free Will choice, at no time is any soul forced to do anything not even return home after death, we are free to hang in a state of "limbo" as long as we wish to do so.
If suicide was how you died, you are held to your promises that you made and are sent back into uturo or you can choose to be a ghost untill you can come to terms with what went on in your life.

Sometimes such as in the case of murder, they want someone to know who the murderer was. It is best to just let it go and go home. It was all prearranged, your best soul friend who did it. Often times by the time you find someone to is not too afraid to hear what you have to say, that person is long dead too. Sometimes by hundreds of years. Just let go and go on home.
Some times souls at the time of death choose to remain behind due to fear based religious beliefs, “You are going to go to hell!” for some “sin” you committed. No that is not true at all. Hell exists only in your mind, there is no spiritual / physical place called “Hell”.

Good news!
It does, any time you want to go, the door is always open, meditation will get you there.