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This is a big Life Lesson I keep seeing over and over again that needs learned.
If all you got from the movies Frozen and Maleficent was “you don’t need a man” you only got a small part of the message but you missed the whole concept of what the movies were all about. It’s not you don’t need a man, but you don’t need an outside other and true love does exist. If true love does exist, so too does God. Another message both movies had was let go of the fear and “believe in yourself”. Be vulnerable and forgive yourself and others.

The opposite of love is fear, fear takes on many shapes and forms, it can become hatred, anger and rage. None of which are useful; I think that is the true lesson of the movie Maleficent. King Stefan went into such fear of Maleficent that he missed out on a “life time” of joy. He sent his daughter Aurora away and the movie suggested he lost touch with his wife as well. Maleficent on the other hand came to see what her anger and hatred had cost her. Once she let it go, she found true love for those whom she thought she could never love.

The same is true in your lives.
When we blame those around us for things that happen in our lives, and we are unable to forgive them for these perceived wrongs, we can’t find happiness and without happiness, depression moves in. We can’t find happiness because we have given our power over to this other person whom we deem “responsible” for what is truly our choices and happiness. But true happiness doesn’t come from without, it comes only from within.

When you hear, you forget. When you see you remember, when you do, you understand.
We know all these symbols / words we hear and recite them all the time but they have no real meaning to us, because we don’t understand them. That is the purpose of incarnating. We are given lessons to help us understand what all these word symbols mean.
This hole within us where our power once was, creates a vacuum that must be filled. So the opposite of love, fear rises up, and feeling separated we become filled with depression, anger and hatred wishing for revenge, just as it did in King. What a waste of a life time; he died without ever knowing the love of his daughter, who only wanted him and his attention. But didn’t allow the lack of such to mess up her life. When she learned she might could change it, she tried. When she learned she couldn’t she didn’t waste time crying over “spilled milk” she accepted it.
I must say I was rather shocked at his extreme behavior, but then again most folks do live like that, not only on a personal level but on a national level as well. That is why we attract “bad things” into our lives, because we behave badly, no matter how good we really are.
The very idea of sending his daughter away for her first 16 years, the years she was not in any danger he missed all those years of happiness and joy because he was so consumed in fear. Years spent in anger and rage at someone who was complexly and totally unaware he still existed. Instead Maleficent was captivated by the baby, who softened her heart and taught her what true love was.

The movie Frozen was the same. princess Elsa of Arendelle, possesses cryokinetic powers thus she is able to produce ice, frost and snow at will. One night while playing she accidentally injures her younger sister, Anna. Afraid of hurting Anna again, Elsa spends most of her time in hiding, locked away alone in her room. This causes a rift between the girls as she chose not to be a part of her sister’s life, despite how much Anna begs her to come out.
When one comes to understand that they are the sum total of their choices that have been made to that point, one can then take responsibility for their actions, when that happens there is room for true love to grow where it has never been before.
It is so much easier to see that without than with in, but it is even more true within than without.
So lets look at your life for a moment. You know the one that you hide from with the aid of marijuana, mushrooms, or some other “drug”, it is not different than the older sister hiding behind the door from her little sister in Frozen. Afraid to find true
happiness that she had when they played before fear consumed her.

There are no accidents, every thing happens for a reason. A situation will repeat over and over till the lesson is learned. The longer it takes one to learn this lesson, because of a “graven image” this thought that one can’t let go of, this thought that some out side other is responsible for one’s happiness. That because they hurt you, you can’t forgive them till they make amends, something they are not likely to ever do, because of any number of reasons; pride, shame, or complete and total unawareness that they even did anything to hurt you to start with.
In the past history repeated because of Karma, every soul had to have a chance to experience things from every point of view, but we are past that now. All the chaos that this going on in the world right now, it is the final lesson, the final exam before graduation (ascension) and you are being given an “open book” learn to use it.
Learn that outsides others don’t owe you anything, not free house, not free food, not even an apology, anything given has no value. Even on the other side of the veil where God is, nothing is free, everything has a price. That price is “thank you”. Thank you for the lesson, thank you for this that and the other, here we call is praise or gratitude. When one can move into that place not with the mouth but with the heart, everything changes.
You must be held accountable for your choices and actions because YOU are the creator of them. You brought them into being via the Law of Attraction.
In the past we didn’t care about fresh foods, we wanted convenience. When you demand something from others rather than doing the work for yourself, you get what you are given. You don’t like GE but you find all sorts of excuse as to why you can’t grow your own food. It isn’t like you are doing anything with your life, if you are here on line. You are not out in the “fields” / yards working it, you are here complaining. “I want, I want, I want." But what are you giving to get it? When was the last time you told Father “Thank you for the food I eat”, you know the stuff you mindlessly shove into your face. Never aware that you have eaten, keep shoving it in, since it lacks nutrition you are never satisfied, thus you are still hungry so you keep shoving it in. Till suddenly you are eating everything that is, except food. One company brags, "We said it was eatable not that it was food." What did you expect would happen? You didn’t work for it, you never said “Thank you” and you got what you most didn’t want, and you blame everyone but yourself for how sick or over/under weight you are.
When you change your thoughts, then what you attract into your life will be different. Everything that happens is a test, the test is what you choose to do in response to what you witness. When you prove you are no longer affected by things that go on in the world, that you can carry on your marry way unaffected by what others choose to do, then you pass the test. You cause a transmutation of energy, and everything around you heals.
But the more you fight, the more you resist the more all these “bad things” will persist, as you keep creating it. In essence you are “polluting the waters with your very thoughts.”
When enough of us pass the test, we “tip the scales” and ascension occurs, no more “evil”, no more ge, no more radiation, no more death. The choice is YOURS, not someone else’s. What do you really want?

Thus if we want to change the world we much change ourselves. We must come to understand that we use the Law of Attraction to keep drawing into our lives the very things we don’t want in it. All these things that make us unhappy, depressed and a prisoner. It is only when we can step out of our own fears, and walked boldly into the unknown. Risking being hurt that one can find true happiness. Understand that while people are going to hurt us, the fear of being hurt, is what attract more of it into our lives than what would have been there had one not given it the power to be there in the first place.

Resist not evil, for violence it not the way. Love others, even your enemy, for they are nothing but teachers attracted into your life by your thoughts. Do not sell nor buy someone else’s thoughts, think not what you have been taught, but instead think for yourself, for your thoughts ARE your real treasures.
It matters not if they hurt you, that is on them, don’t let it be on you as well. Let it go.
It matters not if they destroy, that too is on them, don’t let it be on you.
Forgive and attract forgiveness, for what is lost will be replaced.
It is not and never was between you and them, it was always between you and God.

Open up and allow God into your life. Do not just mouth the words, feel it in your heart. Forgive the murder and the rapist, for nothing that happens in the physical can harm the soul unless you choose it, you will it, it’s just an experience. Everything born must die, murder is just a way to go home. The person murdered is just fine, it is how you react that is the question. Can you forgive them and move on, or do you expect them to say “I’m unworthy because I helped someone return home from school, as he asked me to do before we came here.” The body can endure many things as it unconditionally loves you, it is your mind that is at stake. What do you choose to think?
Dr Dyer says, on page 260 of, “You will see it when you believe it.” “Ridding yourself of blame, revenge, judgment”.
If we are unable to forgive those whom we perceived as having wronged us at some time in the past we need to look at the decision to blame them for our unhappiness. It said forgiveness was the way.” … “You are the sum total of your choices up until this moment.” … Everything that has happened to you is a lesson you can be grateful for. There are no accidents. Universe works perfectly. To think other wise is to from an attachment which will cause a blockage in your life. All situations including when you were a small child, contain immensely valuable lessons for you … lessons, which are blocked by feelings of hate and blame. … Assess how much you resist the principle of taking total responsibility for your life, there truly are not accidents in this perfect universe. Follow the logic. Someone has harmed you in some way in your past. You feel hurt and angry, and that anger ultimately turns to hatred. This is YOUR hatred. You carry it around with you wherever you go. You own it. It is you and you are it. The hatred is all thought, and is with you where ever you do. You have given someone permission not only to hurt you once, but to continues controlling your inner life. The hatred infects your life while the other person is still on their path doing exactly what he knows what to do, independent of your current miserable state. The absurdity of blame is that it gives the other person control over us at the moment of their dastardly deed, and continues to give them control over how we interact with others. We become prisoner without hope of achieving an higher sense of awakening and happiness for ourselves.
This is how blame works in us. And why it is a futile and destructive activity. As long as we blame others for the way we feel today, we will have to wait for them to change before we can grow out of our current immobilized state. Forgiveness is a tool we can use to transcend the negative effects of blame. Once we have forgiven another, we no longer need to blame them.
When we forgive another for anything that they may have done to us, we are really saying “I no longer give you the power to control who I am, how I think, and how I will behave in the future. I take responsibility for all of that now,” Thus we really have nothing to forgive, since we create our own reality by how we choose to process the behavior of others. … Being totally free from blame and taking total responsibility for life requires a great deal of discipline. It is the self discipline of self-love, rather than self-contempt. When we love ourselves we refuse to allow others to manage our emotions from afar. When we choose this action, eventually it becomes automatic reaction towards those who treat us contemptuously. Forgiveness is an act of self-love.
Knowing that all life is purposeful even the people who seem so destructively different from us, allow us to accept those “accidents” and those “Scoundrels” as events with some meaning for us. I assure you that once you no longer need the lessons in your life that unpleasant events offer you, you need to practice, you will continue to attract opportunities to practice it. If your reaction is anger and hatred and defiance then “those kinds of people” and “weird unlucky breaks” will continue to be in you life.

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