Financially Poor

I recently met a few of you on line I was shocked at what I learned about the few I met. They showed me how “the norm” was. What I saw made me very sad.
Right now, you are in what is called “the prime of life”. It is the time of life to be out doing things, conquering the world! But what are you doing? Crying because you felt you got the “shaft”, or didn’t as the case may be, when you were born.
Good news, life is not all about "the shaft"!
Yes they say that "sex sells", but life is not all about sex as advertisers would have you believe it to be. In fact there was a study done and the out come surprised everyone. The real truth is sex does not sell. Yes it attracts attention, but attention doesn’t equal sales. In fact the attention it attracts is either curious youth too young to matter or negative / perverted attention, neither are wanted.
I want you all to take a good long look at your life right now. Then think ahead 20, 30 years from now. From the vantage point of 20 – 30 years from now when those organs that consume so much of your life now, are no longer important to you. What can you say about your life right now from that stand point? Likely not much. Besides I spent my youth crying about what is or isn’t between my legs. Then you will realize you wasted it! That is YOUR CHOICE, if you don’t want to look back and say that about your youth, NOW is the time to make a new choice.
Many of you say, “I want accepted!
Why won’t you accept me as I am?”
A better question is why can’t you accept yourself as you are? Sex isn’t about what you can or can’t do.
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the whole purpose is not about what is or it not between your legs but breaking stereotypes? The ceilings have been broken by those like myself, who have gone before you. We have done the hard work, now it is time for you to change thought patterns of the masses. There are far too many of you for this to not be the purpose.

Example; When you think of music ... it is male dominated.

Where is
the Queen of Music?

You scream “I want loved!” Yet you show me studies saying you are far and again more violent than heterosexuals. Even more frightening you confess to being that way with your partner when you are in the "butch" or male position in a relationsihp, which means you don’t love yourself, as only hurt people hurt people. Again you must first learn to love yourself, because any energy you put out, comes back to you.
If you can’t love you for who you are, and you are upset about it, that is the very energy you are going to get back from outside others. If you had studied science instead of fretting over what is or is not between your legs, you would know that is physics not just philosophy!
You are angry because you don’t accept yourself for who you are, thus it has NOTHING to do without side others.

Okay so you are a female but feel more like a man, then do man things like I and my girls do. We can and have installed electrical wiring & plumbing, built sheds, barns & homes. Done welding, hunting, skinning, butchering, automotive work animal husbandry, veterinary, computer science, science in general, medicine and so much more.
Women have fought hard to break into those fields, now it is up to you to change the public perception teach how woman can do it.
Okay so you are a male and you feel more like a woman, then do woman’s work, stay at home and raise children, clean the house, teach the children, cook meals, garden and gather foods, learn to preserve excess, sew, quilt do feminine things.
Men before you have fought hard to break into this area, now it is your time to change the public’s perception.
My son makes some of the best food you could ever wrap your lips around. Like his father he can out cook any of us girls, even his wife who loves to cook & weld.

It is these things that will allow you to feel happy, not beating yourself or each other up and certainly fighting with society about acceptance that you can’t even offer to yourself. Relax & breathe go about your life in a way that makes you feel good.
Get out of your own way and be fruitful! That means do something not necessarily to have babies, but do something creative and constructive with your life. Collect thought “treasures”. You look to your higher self for guidance, but if you don’t put knowledge in, you are not going to get any out.

YOU ARE HERE TO LEARN. Stop bitching and start learning. Start with learning that you are created from an energy being that is Love, thus you are lovable, loving and loved. You can’t be anything else. Now go earn some treasure to store in your higher self’s treasure chest.

Knowledge is True POWER
A lot of folks think I am rich person. They calm I have a “secret stash” but that is not my financial truth.
I don’t waste my money buying drugs, fake foods, or alcohol to drown my sorrows in because of financial poverty. Even though some times it does hurt that I can’t have or provide for mine that which others can:
I will not compromise my values for "irrelevant things" that socity says we "should have".
What I do spend what little funds I get on? Books. My personal library is larger than that of the nearest town and it spans two floors and spills out into everywhere else as well. You will find books in my truck or car. Usually they are used books, as it doesn’t matter if it is used or not, the content is the same either way.
Thus I am mentally or intellectually rich. Because of that, I can create a lot of things that I would not be able to have if I looked only to money to provide it. Because of that, folks think I roll in money. But there are a few who know the real truth. My husband out in the world earning what his boss called “the pittance that I pay him”.
And CEOs are calling me up asking me “How do you do what you do when you don’t work.”
Ha, I do work, I work very hard, just not for your pittance or profit.
Remember someone can break into your house and steal your things, and time causes them to rot & rust, but that is not true when it comes to your thoughts.

There is a reason that they out law books. Knowledge makes one a poor slave and hard to control..

If lets say, God forbid, my house were to burn down. I built it once, I can do it again. I built it one stick at a time, mortgage free. When it was built, it was paid for I owe no man for my home, it’s mine free and clear.
When my car breaks down, I climb in there and fix it. I may have to make a few phone calls and ask some questions but I do the work.
Do you know why?
Because I am
I can do anything!
What “law” says you ...
- must hire someone to do that which you can do for yourself?
- must work for a pittance”?
- can’t do your own thing?
- have to be “normal”? What is “normal” anyway?
- must do things as they have always been done?
- must have someone else’s acceptance or approval?
- must be in debt? Even though most of society is.
- must stay ignorant?
Be Bold
Be Yourself!

So you don’t know how to those things?
Neither did I, I wasn't born knowing everything. I bought a book read it and then did it.

Don’t read the same books everyone else does, if you do you can't learn anything new or different. Instead follow your heart, go where it leads.
If there is a will there is a way!
You already have a cell phone with google, use it to look things up for free! Today there are youtube videos out there that show you how to everything. Watch them! Learn! Then DO! Be fruitful! Then you will find you don’t have time to be unhappy and best of all you won’t image how you ever were and because of that you won’t know how to beat anyone else up, including yourself.

Speaking of things one could and couldn't do, a poor prisoner in NY said one of the wisest thing I have ever heard ...
"If you want to hide something,
put it in a book."
He added,
"That is where great knowledge and true power is hidden; in a book.
Take a look, it is in a book!"
He may have been poor but he wasn't dumb.

He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong poeple which netted him 8 months..
Lesson; be mindful whom you choose to call "friend".