The purpose behind
The Indigo Healing House
is to heal people.
A man is turned out of a church for what he knows.
What do we know?
We know that ... we are always under "attack". We are always being threatened by someone who wants our power.
We are all told that the following is true. Father is male, the son is male, and that the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is also male. How odd is that, 2 fathers and a son? And yet we are also told that this is unexceptable. - Why?
There is a word for that - Hypocrite.
How dare any so called "church" or religion;
1) adulterate God’s words, 2) give false testimony about it & then 3) judge the soul!
Think about that one.
Who is going to hell?
I bet you never expected that.
Who are we? How do we know?
God is Loving energy.
To be created in His likeness you must also be
Loving energy which we called a "soul".
You are a soul, with a body.
When souls free will choose to incarnate into human form, we choose what we want to look like and many other qualities.
Sex; male & female, belongs to the illusionary physical world and doesn't exist in the spiritual realms.
In the spiritual realms the soul is of masculine or feminine gender. And as long as a soul doesn't co-create with its own mother soul, anything else is allowed, although co-creation outside of a marriage is greatly frowned upon.
Exodus 20:12
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
This commanment speaks NOT of your human parents, but of Father & Mother God.
How else can it be anything but that?
Not all human parents are deserving of honor.
Although in the world of illuion everything is just an experiance, because nothing in the psyscial can harm the soul without the soul's own concent. These thigns are allowed to take place here - it's an illuion after all.
Yes there are other gods & goddesses, but they are not our Creator Father God & Mother Goddess. <- Note capitilization, it is important.
Do you understand what this means? It means if you "follow the crowd" (be it religious or political same deal) you will get no further than the crowd. However if you think for yourself ...
Oh yes that is exactly what "narrow gate" means.
How important if free thinking? Wells let’s look and see.
Let us see, here is a list of 46 parables that Jesus told, in books Matthew, Mark, & Luke. There is one more not listed here in John, for a total of 47 parables.
After Jesus told a parable, story, fable, a fairy tail, or what ever you want to call it,
Jesus was often asked, "What do you mean?"
What did he say?
"What do you think?"
Clearly Jesus wanted the people to think for them selves and not be told what to think, now to think. when to think or what to think about.
Further more Jesus said,
So what is the purpose of the church if not to be "seen by men"? When one considers all the wars religions have been involved in, you can clearly see it is the "wide path that leads to damnation".
Truth be told it matters not which religion it is true of all of them.
Father God does NOT play favorites, and it matters not from which angle you look at Him from.
Notice how they are all 3 of these are alike, They all say, "Do not do it to be seen by others."
That seems to be the ONE thing everyone does these days. "Do things to be seen by others, as if they needed their approval or something.
This is very important. In a Universe that is energy, where thoughts are treasures, Intent is everything.
So, what did Jesus have to say, on the subject of homosexuals?
Children of God,
Father is greatly distressed by your tears. He doesn’t understand why you cry. He wants you to know that you are very dearly loved. You are worthy of love because you are made of love and can't be anything but love no matter what anyone else's opinions on the matter is. So let yourselves be happy, love whomever your heart calls you to love (as long as they are of age and it is consensual. As you are not allowed to violate another’s free will right to choose not to love you in return.)
Though Gate Lion has worked hard to heal many homosexuals, I must say that it is something that should have never "come out of the closet". Not because anyone needed to be ashamed of it, but because it is not anyone's business whom we choose to love. Just as Matthew 6 says over and over again, “Don’t do anything before (hu)men to be seen by (hu)men”.
And as far as “rights” go, you are given the gift of Free Will Choice, and no one can take that from you. Thus you don’t need anyone’s permission, acceptance or anything else to love whomever you want to love.
If Father God doesn't care whom anyone free will chooses to love, who are “you” to care or condemn anyone? He didn't die and leave anyone in charge, but He sent me to set you all straight. Don’t judge anyone, vengeance belongs to God alone.
I hope this helps God's children to heal.
Who are you to judge another, when God doesn't?