As I started writing today …
I was amazed at where it led me.
“I am a leaf in the wind!” – Wash from Firefly.
Let us not jump into the middle, but start at the very beginning, at top of the tree.
According to Joseph Campbell,
The core of all myths (religions) are the same.

In a group I have on Facebook I asked for someone who had READ the Quran to please step forward and speak with me in private message. – I left the request at that.
The reason was if Joseph Campbell was correct then there would be some correlation between the Bible verses I have choose to post through the web pages of The Indigo Healing House and what the Quran has to say.
However after a week no one stepped forward.
And as I got to thinking about this and found I was not surprised at all. Just how many Christians actually read the Bible? Even those whom say that they do, don’t actually READ it, they pull threads out of the tapestry and try to discern what that one line means out of context.
The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers
Excerpts from all six episodes of The Power of Myth, the beloved 1988 PBS series featuring mythologist and storyteller Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers can be found; http://billmoyers.com/spotlight/download-joseph-campbell-and-the-power-of-myth-audio/
Quotes; http://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/971052-the-power-of-myth
- Star Wars - In the first episode of the series, The Hero's Adventure,[1] and the fifth chapter of the book, "The Hero's Adventure," Moyers and Campbell discuss George Lucas' report that Campbell's work directly influenced the creation of the Star Wars films. Moyers and Lucas filmed an interview 12 years later in 1999, modeled after The Power of Myth. It was called the Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas & Bill Moyers and further discussed the impact of Campbell's work on Lucas' films. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Myth
A few days later I followed that post which at the time I thought was unrelated, with this one which I posted because a number of different issues needed to be addressed.
Leaders - vs - Teachers
A "leader" is anyone who feels they have the right to tell you want to do, say or think, or anyone you look to outside yourself to tell you what you can do, say or think, with the feeling that you need their permission to do something.
When one asks, “What do you think?” Then precedes to tell you what to think and is then insulted if what you think is different from what they told you, you should think or believe; that person is also a leader, one who wants followers, not someone who is asking for information.
Certainly don't need to be a prisoner of someone else's thoughts or feelings. Release your thoughts, do not be a prisoner in your own mind. You have thoughts and feelings but you need not be a prisoner of them.
Leaders are usually weak individuals who need someone else to validate their existence.
Now if many folks have a common goal and one knows how to accomplish it and works WITH others to get there, is one thing but today we have all these "lords" who are so unattached to reality, yet feel that they are "better than" everyone else and have the right to dictate how things are done, is something completely different.
I am NOT a leader.
Do not think that
because I am not a leader
that I will follow you,
for I am not a follower either.
I am a way shower.
Walk beside me
and be my friend.

God doesn’t care what you think or do, nor do I. God cares only that you DO THINK for yourself. So many have absolutely NO CLUE as to how to think. All they know is how to regurgitate what they have been taught. These folks are at a clear disadvantage to thinkers as they will never go any further than those before them have gone. Furthermore it is not an "education" but a brain washing for the purpose of taking away one's power and controlling them. Sad thing is one goes deep into debt for that privilege.
How can you be a free spirit if you are a copy? God doesn't do copies, he creates only originals, be proud of who you are, one of a kind, needed & necessaary.
As Yoda would say,

I don’t care if you don’t agree with me, that is YOUR choice, not mine. Want to think differently that is fine by me go right ahead. I have nothing invested in that act.
The best way to "kill a god" be it a bad leader or corporation it to not listen to them to not PAY your ATTENTION to them. Because time is money, so too is your attention. Thus while one needs be aware of their presence, one can’t acknowledge that presence for to say "Stop you can't do that!" is an acknowledgment to the fact that they have some sort of power over you. Which they would not have if you had just ignored them totally, thus if you want to be rid of them be it a “bad” religion, government or corporation like Monsanto you must completely ignore their existence, don't BUY their “products” be that a thought, a bad law” or a physical product.

Truth be told while I do want you to listen to what I have to say, I don’t want you to believe me. I WANT you to question what I tell you. Because if you question it, that means you are thinking, as a teacher that is what I want you to do, think, not follow.
Take what I say, question it, ask your heart, “Is this so?” If it fits, great work with it. If it doesn’t feel free to toss it or stick it in your pocket for later reference, I really don’t care.
I don’t mean to be offensive to anyone when I say this but … one cannot expect a baby to understand algebra when the baby doesn’t know how to count. So when you give them an equation, no it isn’t going to “fit” anywhere in their thought processes. It may or may not ‘feel right’ but they will have no place to put that information other than “in the pocket for future reference”. Maybe they won’t remember that it is there, but they will remember when they “touched” that thought again that they have ‘touched’ it before. When it is run into again, it may have a place to go.

Do not follow, THINK!
It’s OKAY to make mistakes as long as you are willing to be response-able enough to own them, as that is how you learn. But point your wicked finger at someone else … you will just keep making the same mistake over and over again by choice, and you will never be happy as nothing will ever go “your way”.

Now lets go back to the top again. We were speaking of the Holy books - The core of which are the same - :Love one another.
This was I talking about when it comes to leaders and teachers. If one has not read that which one profess to believe in, one has no teachers, just leaders. Those who lead be it religion or political refer to the followers as a “flock” which is the exact same term that is used for sheep. Be it human or animal that are called sheep, they are always lead to the slaughter house. In human terms that slaughter house is called war. One is forced into martyring (this words means “a willing victim”) oneself for something they do not fully understand because they refuse to think for themselves.
Who wants to be a VICTIM of anything?

Everyone hates being a victim, yet they willing choose to be one because they find it … what, too difficult or un-easy to think? Is it any wonder that the world is so full of dis-ease today.
Hold on to that thought for a bit contemplate it … then move on.
So a human sheep is lead to the slaughter house of war by those who do not value human life; YOUR life! Because those who lead see YOU and others as EXPENDABLE, because to them your life does not have any real value or meaning to them. And this is what religion (Not the spiritual text, but the dogmatic religion) teachers us. they preach you are worthless good for nothing sinners who destroy the world! You want to know why they take away your power? It makes you willing victim, if you will not or can not think for yourself, then you are far more willing to do as you are asked to do. The fact is all atrocities that happen in this world happen because folks are “following orders” rather than freely thinking. Those who lead do not like those who stop to think. If you stopped to think about what you were doing then likely as not you would not do as you were told to do. Then you really would be worthless in the leader’s eyes. What a wonderful thing that would be!

Listen to your heart
Think for yourself

God by whatever name you choose to call Him, doesn’t see you or anyone as worthless. You were created “good” & as a soul created “in his image”. He states over and over again;
“Love one another as you love yourself.” Trouble is we don’t love ourselves, we have been taught not to by our political and religious leaders.
He also says, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
We can’t remember your Love Father! We have been brain washed and the veil makes us forget you.

"Right" & "wrong" are judgments, not facts.

Good news folks is this Even though there are 7 billion people on this planet. To change this conditioning we only need “100 monkeys” to change their thoughts to ignite the fire that will lead to a course change for the better for EVERYONE. YOU could be that 1 that turns 99, into 100! Your thoughts can make the difference! All we need to do is to learn and follow the “Golden rule” the “Law of the Prophets” “to treat others not they way they treat us, but the way we wish for them to treat us.”

Ah! Now I too understand something I was not fully understanding before myself. For you see I added the missing part. “not the way they treat us” See this is the part religious leaders and folks like Russell Barnd would leave out which would lead a follower into a ditch. Then someone like G. W. Bush would twist those words just a bit more and call for “preemptive strike” – What in the hell does that mean?
He says, “You are for us or you are against US.”
I had a military man say that to me. I stood up, looked him dead in the eyes and I said. “Do not get me wrong, I love my country as much as the next man, but you can mark me down as against!”
He was so shocked! He had nothing to say. So I explained my point of view. “You don’t treat folks in the way that they treat you, you treat them how you want treated. Do we want treaded like this? Is it any wonder we get treated like this?
The next time I saw him, he looked at me and said, “I too am against.”

Always stand up for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.
If war is the answer.
You are asking the wrong question!

It is not just public secular schools who don't teach anything but how to obey orders, but religions as well.
When one reads the meem on science one can see "science" represents spirituality, and "pseudoscience" represents religion.

Why do we?

Allow me to repeat what I just said twice before because 3 times is charm; We need to learn to “treat others not they way they treat us, but the way we wish for them to treat us.” That makes the idea of “defense being the first act of war” make sense, because in defense we are treating people as they have treated us, not in the way we wish to be treated.

Which leads us to “How to deal with difficult people”.
The conversation and posts which thanks to whomever it was who had me kicked off facebook for the 6th time because they didn’t agree with me, cause facebook who deems folks as guilty till proven innocent to delete all that info I had worked so hard to put together even though I didn’t fully understand it until now.
If you never needed a reason to not buy into the idea of “guilty until proven innocent” that be one of many.
1) All of one’s work is deleted no matter how valuable it may have been, we have to start all over again. It was such a struggle to put together a concept that was very alien to me having come from a culture where one believes “shoot first and let God sort them out.” It is always a good thing that that thought is over ridden by the idea that everyone is your friend until proven differently.
2) There is no such thing as proof of innocence, only proof of guilt which should be provided by the accuser, not the accused. Emotions are NOT proof, only facts are. Disagreement is not a fact either, the one who feels hurt needs to examine why they are hurt by asking the question “Is it true?”
a) if it is, and you don’t like it, change it for only you can.
b) if it is not true, what is the problem, for it lies not with you, but the accuser. Let it go.
Now this new thought paradigm suggest that even after one has proven not to be your friend, you must still treat them in a way in which you wish to be treated, with hospitality (welcome, warmth¸ kindness, generosity). You are always free to put him out of “your house” (which means ignore him/her).
Because you teach people how to treat you! How else does one teach someone how you wish to be treated? Do you wish to be treated with violence? No, who wants to be treated that way? Violence only leads to more violence. Peace comes only from within, where one has the willingness to “sit out a storm” or to learn how to “dance in the rain”.

Hurt people hurt people. You don’t heal someone by further hurting them, that thought is insanity! If you have a knife in a wound, you don’t keep sticking knives in them, you pull it out and mend the wound.

One night long ago, I watched an old sick (he had a trech) grand father sit down on a couch with his very angry young grandson who couldn’t have been 8 years old.
The child yelled out, “I HATE YOU!”
The grandfather with a finger of the trach said, “I love you”.
The child yelled out, “I HATE YOU!”
The grandfather with a finger of the trach said, “I love you”.
The child yelled out, “I HATE YOU!”
The grandfather with a finger of the trach said, “I love you”.
The child yelled out, “I HATE YOU!”
The grandfather with a finger of the trach said, “I love you”.
The child burst into tears and fell into his grandfathers arms.
When we meet hatred with love, all things are mended.

Now we need only to break the old habits and that, one person at a time will change the world. We, the people of the world, have ALL the POWER! We just need to learn to use it correctly.

Take back your power co-creator!