Disclaimer; first off I want to say this page is not meant to be “pro-“ or “anti-“ anyone. The memes just happen to fit what I am trying to say, you can put anyone's face in there it wouldn't matter.
YOU are responsible for your own choices. Choose wisely.

Whose fault is it
that the economy is such a mess?

It's China's fault! Back then (in 1965) China wasn't producing everything for the world dirt cheap.... So the wealth didn't just disappear, it only went up...guess money is lighter than air.
I was there, and yes they were. But back then "dirt cheap" stuff was junk. Technically it still is, when it is toxic, yet who chooses to buy it?
I'm not blaming China, It's the 1% fault, just saying things should be more affordable since they are mass produced at very cheap prices...but all the profits go to the top.
Again I ask, "Who chooses to buy it?" Profits will go where you send it. You can take away all the wealth of the rich, and give it to the poor and it would be all back in their hands plus some in a months time.
Do you know why that is so? Because you don't know how to "do stuff", you demand someone else do it for you. Can't and don't even dare think for yourself. But you know what you are told!
Oh and you have to have expensive sports shoes with someone else's name on it. Grandma would never consider such an idea as to wear someone else's name. But you think you have to have it.
You have to live in "good neighborhoods". What is that? Do you work to make a neighborhood good?
You see the building behind grandma? That likely was her house, she raised a family in that brick shack. Likely had dirt floors, no plumbing, that is what the out house was for. Walking water, not running water. And it may or may not have had electricty. They didn't spend all day in there, they had work to do in the fields. They didn't have time for TV, or if they had existed at the time computers & cell phones.
Her phlosophy was, "Use up, make it do, or do without."
There was no, "Oh look new shinny latest & greatest - Must have!"
She would never ever consider bying unnecessary things on credit, when she could make it, grow it, she did without it.. She didn't have all these fancy degrees like all you kids have. She learned from the "School of Hard Knocks."
LOL Guess where you are today?

That doesn't even make sense!

Do you want to talk about income inequality?
U.S. Senators don’t have to share their exact net worth.
Bill Gates’ net worth of $80 billion.
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s combined net worth of $121 million.
Doubt they know what the word "struggle" means.
Who do you think they care about more?
Themselves or you?

Do you want to know a little secret? NOTHING is ever “free”! Nothing leaves NO-THING out. Everything has to be paid for somehow.
Guess who pays for it?
Guess why this is true?

Whose fault is it?

Whose fault is it?

Whose fault is it?
You choose with thought
or with self imposed ignorance.
You chose to have someone else educate you
on what to think,
rather than learning on your own how to think.
What did they teach you think?

Here is an excellent example. He has been a politician for how long? "The longest serving congressman in American history", and yet he has not made this so. Do you really think it will change now? Doubtful.

Don't think any of them ever will, that is not how the "game" is played.

This is the truth!
You have been lied to
about capitalism.

If it is my fault, how do I fix it?

You were GIVEN the Gift of
Free Will Choice,
Learn To Use It.