Commonly asked Questions
& Answers about God

- Is there really a God? Yes there is. However He is nothing like the men suggest He is.
God is the thinking / feeling energy of this Universe. Since we are a part of this Universe, we are a part of God. When you understand that God is the whole Universe, you can also understand that God CAN NOT incarnate into one single human body. But all things that are and are not are Aspects of God.
And when we hurt someone, we are hurting God. Since we are apart of God, we feel what He feels. What we do when we hurt others is we hurt ourselves, so let's be nice to each other and ourselves.
- How is God everywhere? God is everywhere because he is this Universe so everywhere you are in the universe He is there too.
- Where did God come from? As above, so below, as below, so above. The same place you did, His parents. Yes there are other Gods (masculine) & Goddesses (feminine), just as there are other people (male & female). This is why we are asked not to put other gods before Him.
He did not exist before His own creation. He is creation as we know it. He is eternal but He had a beginning.
As above so below - Just as we are "cells" in the body of God, God is also a "cell" in the body of a much larger being.
- Why doesn't God do something to keep bad things from happening? Did you ask Him to? "Seek and ye shall find, Knock and the door will open, Ask and ye shall receive." Because of the gift of free will, it is to be assumed that everything is okay till you ask for help.
- Why does God allow bad things to happen? "Bad" is a judgment. But "bad" things happen because God says "Yes" to everything you ask for. Be careful what you ask for, stop asking for "bad" things, which here, in a holographic school house we are learning in nothing harms the soul without its consent. Do not consent.
- Why does it hurt so much when bad things to happen if it can't hurt us? Because you have an attachment to how you want things to be rather than accept them as they are. This in and of itself is a life lesson, something to learn.
Just because it is raining does not make the day "bad", it's just raining. Because it rains, the flowers bloom on a "good" day, without the rain they could not grow.
- The Creator is complete perfection! No, He is not. If God were "complete" He would no longer grow. If He didn't grow, like everything else He would die. If He were perfect what would be the point in existence? We (not just us but the Creator too) are here to learn.
- What does, "Created in the image of God" mean? Everything in the Universe is energy. God is energy and so too are you. It is your soul that is "like" God, a co-creator like The Creator.
- Is God evil? -or- Did God create evil? No, evil came from outside
God, it is an "infection" if you will in the "body" of God. That is the purpose of The Veils of Illusion to keep evil out of the rest of God's "body".
This is a picture of YHUH, Yahuah, in Hebrew as יהוה (right to left).
Over 100 times from Genesis to Revelation in the original Hebrew text, Scripture defines that the faithful followers are to “call upon the name of Yahuah.”

However darkness is a part of God/ Universe / Yahuah, it is created by the shadow that The Veils of Illusion casts. Most things that folks consider evil, is not evil at all, only darkness. Thank Yahuah that most folks do not ever come to know what real and true evil is, however lately it makes the news.
a) Abortion is darkness, a life lesson for both mother and child.
b) Abuse of any kind, no matter how it looks.
c) "Homosexuality" to a degree, after that it, like pederasty is the corruption of society that shows up just before it fails.
d) Murder is darkness, it is an experience we choose before incarnating and is a way for the soul to return home after class.
e) Rape & molestation is darkness. It is ONLY allowed here in the illusion and is also an experience we choose before incarnating.
f) War is darkness. It is the same as murder but on a society scale.
It is why we are asked not to judge. We may make bad choices in this incarnation but we are not bad. Other things (a, c & d), was asked of us before we incarnated. Karma is when the the victim becomes the perpetrator, that too is agreed upon beforehand. In the world of illusion we can't be hurt without our consent. Don't grant it!
- Is Yolo true? No. As above, so below, as below, so
above. Just as you attended a human school day after day,
year after year, so too does the soul thus reincarnation is

- Why did the Creator create imperfect, short-lived, material human beings? Were are not "imperfect", that is a judgment. Yahuah and by extension we, are very young beings just learning.
As far as the length of a life time goes, you either have a "short life" (and reincarnate) or you lose the ability to have babies due to population issues. It's a give or take thing.
- Why am I here, what is the purpose, plan or agenda for my life? To learn. Everything you learn, Yahuah learns. Everything Yahuah learns, the human mind can't hold but it is accessible via meditation to the degree you can understand it. It would not make sense to talk calculus to a child who hasn't yet learned to count. Thus if you don't understand what I have to say it is due to a lack of understanding of principle foundational knowledge.
- Does God have sex? Why do we call him "He" and not "She"? No, Yahuah does not have (anything like human) sex (parts) male & female or man & woman. Yahuah is energy, so the Creator God & Goddess and "our likeness" of them (souls) have masculine / feminine gender.
Thus Creator God & Goddess do not create the way humans do, but as energy beings they create more like amoebas do.
The energy of Yahuah is that of masculine, He is love. The energy of Mother God(dess) is feminine, She is peace.

- Is one race, sex or religion better than another? No, we are all a part of Yahuah. Yahuah does not love parts of His hands more than parts of His foot or any other "body part". (That is meant to be an analogy.)
- Is the Jewish race / religion better than others? No
- What makes them "chosen"? While they are in Yahuah at the moment, they free will choose to worship Lucifer as their "god". That is what they are "chosen" for. All you have to do is to look at their love of money to see that this is truth, they only care about making another sheckle; "evil is the love of money". Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein admitted this on a radio program back on Sep 27, 2019. That was not the only thing he admitted to!
- The Jews want to kill of the world's population which they see everyone else as "stupid cattle", that they own and have the right to cull whenever they wish. - They do this by bankrolling both sides of every war then sit back and watch as the Yahuah's people fight each other to the death, this is why they call it "war theater". - They caused 911 and made many shekels off of it. - They have infiltrated the world's religions, schools, political and court systems corrupting them. And so much more, including admitting to the fact that they "don't work" (so typically they are "the eaters" that they think we are.) - Because of all this they feel "persecuted" and "entitled" to payments for things that never happened, but you can't say that! Remember they own the court systems and will beat you with it. A very clear threat, but I didn't say it, Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein did.
- What is God's will? For us to understand that He LOVES US Unconditionally! That is without us having to be a certain way, chop off body parts, or prove anything regardless of what we think we may have done. Remember EVERYTHING here is all an illusion, it is not real therefore the ONLY thing we can do here is teach and / or learn. EVERYONE is a teacher and a student.

- Am I going to hell? Except for those who choose to worship Lucifer, hell only exists in the minds of humans. So the real question is, do you want to create it? If so, why? Doing so is giving consent to harm the soul, chose not to. Having such an idea pounded into you, is the effect of evil. Make a different choice & heal yourself.
Furthermore if we are all one, and we are, as above so below, if Yahuah can't make mistakes, and He can't; because we are part of Yahuah and can not, not be a part of Him, by extension we can't make mistakes either. Why do you think He said, "Don't judge"? You can't make a mistake if it is not possible to do so. Like Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." That is how Yahuah thinks too. That is how Yahuah can love us Unconditionally, it's easy when you can't mess up.
- What happens to me after I die? You get to attend a grand party in your honor, everyone you met, lost or ever helped even indirectly will be there, as well as your guides, guardian angels and any ascended master you prayed to (such as Jesus) regardless of what "evil sin" you think you have committed. There is also a rest period and review of all you have learned. After that is it up to you.
The only exception to this rule is if you commit suicide.
Please note; Yahuah doesn't punish us, but everything we do, that harms another, at this time we get to feel what they felt more intensely than they felt it. Keep that in mind before you hurt someone. Remember the Golden rule / Law of Prophets; treat others as you want them to treat you, not how they treat you. In the end, you will feel it too. We can do nothing to God that we do not also do to ourselves.
- I don't believe in God. Does that make me "bad"? No, Yahuah doesn't care if you don't believe in Him or not, He believes in you. He just doesn't want you to hurt yourself or others.
- Why should we fear God if He is a loving God? Prior to 1920's, the word fear mean respect, not afraid. Thus we are to "respect Yahuah" not be afraid of Him.
Talk to Webster about that one, He purposely messed up the meanings of a lot of words to "take away the people's power" via ignorance.
Which is why Yahuah said, "Due to a lack of knowledge, my people are destroyed." You can not trust those whom are power hungry. Which is why Malcom X said, "Only a fool would allow his enemy to teach his children." Especially after Yahuah said, in Deuteronomy 6 "YOU shall teach your children diligently."
Did you get that, "YOU" not someone else shall teach YOUR children but YOU! That is in fact how it was for a long time till children were rounded up at gunpoint, removed from the family and carted off to public school to be indoctrinated on how to be a "good cow" or sheeple.
- You said that there were other Gods, we know there is only one. Oh, and what does Trinity mean, if not three? Where below do you see three in one? Only in the family unit; Mother, Father & Child.
One CAN NOT complain about homosexuals and then say that god is two daddies and a male child, talk about hypocrisy.
When you see the words, "Honor Mother & Father" in the Commandments, it is not speaking of human mom and dad, to which Jesus brought a sword to break up, but of Goddess & God. In Genesis, it says, let "Us" make "them" in "Our" image masculine & feminine.
This does NOT refer to the human body, but of all of creation, and it speaks of the souls within all things that exists. ALL is one.
Folks are now getting that animals have souls, so too do plants, minerals and the Planet it self, EVERYTHING is alive, even the elements as they are all a part of Yahuah. He is alive and so too are they.
- What is a miracle? As above so below, as below so above. Because this world is an illusion, much like a video game, some miracles is like Yahuah yelling “DO OVER!” right before something bad happens, so instead something good happens.
- I am in pain. Yahuah knows that, because Yahuah feels what you feel. Feeling is the language of the Universe. You are never alone in your pain because not only does Yahuah feel what you feel, but as below so above, you feel what Yahuah feels. So if you are in pain, it is because Yahuah is also in pain too. You have something in common with Him besides (your soul) being made in His image.
- Why is God in pain? As above so below, as below so above. Just like when you get cut and makes your whole body hurt. The "body of Yahuah" (Universe) is also hurt. We feel what He feels. It is why we are here to heal, what we are healing is the cells of Yahuah's body (us).
- If our being here and making mistakes is God learning more about Himself: Then how then does God know everything? He doesn't, that is why we are here learning. He only knows what we as the collective have learned.
There is no such thing as “past life” it is just a different dimension happening in the only time that exists, which is NOW. So here you are doing everything you can think of in every different combination coming up with all sorts of similar to radically different experiences and outcomes. There are Googol to the power of Googol dimensions all happening right now like a giant firework display.
Then we all trade places, so you may mama or daddy to your child now, but in a different reality, you are the child to the soul that is your child now. In that reality, you are doing everything you can think of to that child that your child is doing to you, and in every dimension there is a different set of choices being played out. And since you two don’t think alike the outcomes are different, ever so slightly, thus “history repeats itself” only the characters are different.
And sometimes you play the part of a male sometimes a female, sometimes you come up with a really crazy thought and say, “Hey lets really switch things up and get all confused about it all. WHAT FUN!” Does this sound familiar to this timeline?
This is NOT the same thing as "recruiting" or perverting the minds of young children with lies. Do not believe the lies that those doing it "can't help themselves". It is not "can't" it is "doesn't want to" This act is an evil sin! And its purpose is population control. If Yahuah didn't want you here, or the population was too great you would not be here.
If the parent was responsible for their creation, and taught their children diligently, this would be a less prominent problem.
But through it all, Yahuah keeps track of every single one of your right now lives, in every dimension and reality, as well as everyone else’s here and everywhere else in the Universe. That is a lot to keep track of. A lot of things are predictable, you have seen it once you know what is going to happen when things line up again therefore He knows what is going to happen. When you can comprehend all that, it is hard to not "know everything".
As an example if we study history, we learn that there is a fight, and someone picks up a big stick unless that stick is put down, someone is going to get hurt. That is pretty simple. When you have seen as much as we have done in all those different dimensions and realities in the very short time of NOW, it is really easy to predict things. That is why creativity is a good thing. The best creations comes our mistakes.
- What is sin? Any act no matter how good it looks to outside others, it is anything that is done without Love in the heart. On the flip side just because an act "looks bad" does not make it a sin. Intent is everything!
- If abortion, abuse, murder & rape are not evil, than what is?
One may find this very hard to believe, but judgment is evil. Why?Because when someone is judged for any reason it puts a halt to the things that they would otherwise do, choices that they might otherwise make, and what this does is stop to not only our personal growth but to Yahuah's as well. Thus to God, the only thing that is important is personal growth. Thus "Judge Not!"

- Who is Satan? Satan is not a who, it is a what. Satan as we know is the opposite of God, His adversary. Since God is love, and the opposite of love is not hate, but fear, then Satan must be fear, more specifically Satan is “wrong thinking”.
To prove this to yourself, replace the word "satan" with "wrong thinking" every time you hear it used and see if it doesn't fit. When something is "satan", the "thinking is wrong".
- And “Satanic” is fear based wrong thinking.
A satanic thought is "God is going to get you!" You are already part of the Universe, how much more "got" can get you than that?
- You are asked to "repent" - this means "to change your mind."
- Being energy beings, our "treasure stored in Heaven" is the knowledge and wisdom that we learn while we are incarnated. After all "knowledge is real and true power."
Back to Satan;
- What / who is the being who is thinking wrong, the angel "to whom all sin is ascribed" is named Azazel (aka; Lucifer) for he taught men how to make swords, knives, shields and breast plates, then taught them how to use them. Azazel taught women how to beautify themselves with costly stones and coloring tinctures to cause lust. Azazel is the being behind all the cannibalism "eating of flesh and drinking of blood", torture, the offering of sacrifices, how to commit murder, and pedophile, pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia that the news is full today.
But Azazel is just one of the 200 fallen angels. Semjaza the leader of The Watchers is #2, and his 18 chiefs; Arakiba, Rameel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaras, Batarel, Anenel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satrarel, Turel, Jamjael, and Sariel, (20) and the ten angels under each of The Watcher Chiefs: These are the fallen angels who defiled themselves with human women creating the Nephilim who destroyed mankind when the mile high giants could no longer be sustained and demons and besides that subdued the human race. The Watchers also taught mankind "charms and enchantments" (black magic), "the cutting of roots" (creating mind altering drugs for occult ceremonies), and how to cast and remove spells, they also taught men to fear and about punishment, adultery, and all manner of wickedness. But the absolute worst thing they did was to corrupt the DNA of the life on Earth.
The corrupting of the DNA of life on Earth was the cause for the great flood for which Noah built the arch so that such could be destroyed. And they are doing it again.
- The Book of Enoch 1 & Justin Martyr "Second Apology"
- What is karma? Karma is why history appears to repeats itself. It has nothing do with humans being so stupid as to keep making the same mistakes. Karma is one soul doing something to another (which was agreed upon before incarnation) in one lifetime, then they swap out rolls and the one who had it done to them, gets to do it to the other soul. Thus in the end both souls knows what it feels like to do something and to have it done to them. At this point they understand why it is wrong to do it, it hurts.
- What “go around comes around” (something that happens to someone in the same life time) is not karma, as I said Karma takes life times to occur, but it is the Law of Attraction in action. Most folks get the two mixed up or call the Law of Attraction, karma

- When we die do we become angels? No. Angel is a species of soul. The only ones who become an angel after death were the souls which were an angel to start with before incarnation.
Human souls were created for human bodies, however clearly many species of soul can incarnate into the human body; including angels and “star seeds” which means those souls were created for other words other than Earth.
- I believe that angels are perfect beings. Not true, not true at all.
Angels start out just like any other being, as babies who must grow and learn and to do this, they must make mistakes, as this is the best way to learn. Thus angels are not any better or worse than any other species of being. The difference between an angel and a human, is they can easily pass back and forth through The Veils of Illusion to deliver messages from Yahuah to those who have incarnated in "the holographic school house" we call Earth.
Then there are the 200 fallen angels spoken of above.
- Are there more than one species of angels? Yes, as above so below and below so above. Just as there are more than one kind of species incarnated on earth. Examples; mammals; dogs, cats, bears, horses. There are more than one species of angels as well, the most well known are; Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Angels, Carrion and Fae.
Fae is a branch of Angles, which in and of itself has many branches. Fairies are plant angels, Dragons are animals angels, and there are the Elementals and many others.
- Archangels are the lowest rank of angels. No, Archangels are not a species at all much less a "rank of" any species.
Archangel is an occupation, just as "Light worker", "Indigo", "Crystal" & "Rainbow", and as below "teacher", "warrior", "doctor", "surgeon", etc.
Furthermore all species can be and are represented in the ranks of the archangels, including humans; twins the wise scribe Enoch (Metatron) & the prophet Elijah (Sandalphon), elves, dragons, etc.
- How is can Angels be everywhere? (Linear) time as we know it here on Earth, doesn't really exist it like much else here is an illusion created by mass and gravity. The only time is "now", which is more like a giant "fireworks", and the Universe is everywhere at the same time. Thus working outside the Veils of Illusion which makes time seem to "drag on forever" in a straight line. Outside of that one can, from our prospective on Earth, "time travel", that is how they do it.
- Do we have angels looking out for us? Yes, and not just one, but a whole team of them. Not just angles look out for us, but we also look out for each other. Depending upon the time lines, someone whom you hate the most here could be watching over you in one timeline and you watching out for them in yet another. Because whom would we trust to be so mean to us, but our very best soul friend. - Keep in mind nothing can harm a soul incarnated behind the Veils of Illusion without us first agreeing to it.
- Can my dead loved one hear me? Yes, they can hear, see, smell, speak to and touch you just the same as they could before they died, only now they don't have a body. They can even communicate with you by sending you things if you just ask for a "sign" and are willing to receive it or accept it. The same is true of your guides, guardians, ancestors, angels and Yahuah. Anyone you want to 'talk' to, it only takes a thought with intent.
- Since our bodies are behind The Veils of Illusion can our souls cross The Veils? Yes, were are not our bodies and we can astral travel anywhere we want to whenever we want to, IF you know how! This is in part some of the knowledge 'treasure' you gain while incarnated.
- When is the Rapture? Will I get to go? The last Rapture took place October 6, 2008, if you are here, you missed it. The reason you missed it is because it was for "ghost", it was a 2nd chance to choose to return Home to Heaven for those who were too afraid to go home after death. It was never for the living humans.
Yahuah so loves us He says "Yes" to our every request. That includes "I want to stay here, even though I am no longer among the living."
Yahuah does NOT judge us after we die. We do that ourselves. We re-experience everything we did in "fast forward" and we also get to see and it more intently feel it from other's perspective. That is not judgment, just a different experience.
Ok, I just have to ask. I've been trying not to but I just have to. One of my biggest interests is our Origins. From everything I've been able to come up with, which you've never really made reference to, is that, according to Sumerian tablets the Annunaki did create us. To be more specific Enki created us. Enki's brother, Enlil on the other hand hated us.
You've never said what God's NAME is.
There is a genealogy of the Annunaki in a book called The Seventh Planet Rising that I want to get my hands on but apparently. The Annunaki have coming back throughout time as all the God's down through time. Enlil is said to be Yahweh, one of his sons was Thor. One of Enki's sons was Hermes.
Now as I said, Enlil hated us. The tablets say that it was him that caused the flood in order to destroy us because we made too much noise......talking and other reasons, but in the Bible it says one of God's names is Yahweh. Why would we be worshiping a "man" that hated us and wanted to destroy us. Enki it is said has always tried to protect us. Would you care to weigh in this please Lion.
That is a very good question, and I want to thank
you for asking.
Father's name is Yahuah, pronounced as Yah-oo-ah.
The Jews developed a superstition the name YAHUAH was too holy to pronounce or even lay eyes on it, so they replaced every occurrence of the name YAHUAH (over 8,000 times in scripture) with the title LORD in keeping with their Babylonian captors whose god was also the LORD god Ba’al.
Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein admitted that the Jews rewrote the Bible to suit them in Latin because "the cattle were too stupid to learn Latin"..
The word Lord should be rendered as Elohim or Master.
“Lord” is used as a title of deference for various gods or deities. The evil ones of this world call Satan Lord. The title of Lord transliterates into the name Ba’al. So we definitely don’t want to use that title.
Lord in the Old Testament should be Yahuah.
Isaiah 45:5, “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside Me.” KJV
‘I am יהוה, and there is none else – there is no Elohim besides Me.” ISR98
Isaiah 43:11, “I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.” KJV
“I, I am יהוה (Yahuah) and besides Me there is no saviour.” ISR98
Genesis 2:4, “These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heaven.”
“These are the births of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that יהוה (Yahuah) Elohim made earth and heavens” ISR98
Lord used in the New Testament to refer to the Father should be Yahuah.
Matthew 23:38-39, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” KJV
“See! Your house is left to you laid waste, for I say to you, from now on you shall by no means see Me, until you say, ‘Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of יהוה!’ (Yahuah)” ISR98
Hebrews 8:8, “…Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.” KJV
“…See, the days are coming,” says יהוה, (Yahuah) “when I shall conclude with the house of Yisra’ĕl and with the house of Yahuḏah a renewed covenant” ISR98
Lord used in the New Testament to refer to the Son should be Master.
Matthew 7:21, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” KJV
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Master, Master,’ shall enter into the reign of the heavens, but he who is doing the desire of My Father in the heavens.” ISR98
The tribe of Yahudah (Judah) reflects the Father’s name.
The name of the Father, Yahuah, is in the name of the tribe of Yahudah, from which the Messiah Yahushua was born and salvation came to man.
The “Yahu” (first 3 Hebrew Letters (Consonants)) appear in both Father and Son’s Names.
The Hebrew fourth letter, the “dalet”, is inserted into the name of the Father, to form Yahudah, which means to celebrate or praise the “Person” of Yahuah.
“And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing.” Genesis 29:35 KJV
“And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, “Now I praise יהוה (Yahuah).” So she called his name Yahuḏah. And she ceased bearing.” ISR98
As you stated Enk & Enlil are Annunaki. Annunaki, Human and Angels are a different species of beings in the Universe. ~As above so below.~ Just like Canine, Feline, Ursidae, Equidae and Homo sapiens are different species of beings on Earth.
They are not Gods at all, nor are they gods, just an older thus more technologically advanced species of beings than Humans were / are. Thus they did not “create” Humans any more than Humans created dogs by breeding wolves. Which is no different than cross breeding a jackass with a horse “creating” a mule. Because what they did to “create” Humans was the Annunaki males cross breed with Homo Erectus females.
That is why the phallus /phallus / patriarchal system is so important to them.

Again notice the "y" on the end of patriarchy.
It is a lie that men hold authority over women and children. We are all equal aspects of God as is everything else is.

None of that has anything to do with the real and true Creator Father God, Yahuah who is very loving and tolerant of the mistakes that are made within Him, from which He learns and grows from. Yahuah LOVEs mistakes, He does not punish us for them.
More on the Crucifixion;
What they don't want you to know, is hidden in plain sight. Physically due to the bone layout in the hands and feet, no creature, man or beast can hang from their hands and feet the way they depict Jesus hanging from the cross.
Why do that do that? It is an "in your face" "We have taken away Jesus's power to heal you!" Because that is exactly where those points are; the bubbling springs chakras that are used to heal.

To hang a man from a nail, it would have to go between the two bones in the arm (ulna & radius) near the wrist (as depicted on right / below) or between the two bones in the legs (tibia & fibula) near the ankle. Otherwise a person would just fall of the nails as easily as an infant can pull an earring out of a woman's ear.

In order to hang on a cross by nails one must hang like this, not how is commonly depicted by churches. Thus here we can clearly see a lie being depicted by the Luciferian worshiping powers that be.

By the way, his name was not "Jesus", that is a modern English word and he was not English.
And there is no "J' in Hebrew.
The name Jesus was not used in the original 1611 King James Version of the Bible. Matthew 1:1 reads “The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ, the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.“
His name was Yahusha, which means the Father, Yahuah, Saves.

- Is there life on other planets? Yes, this not the only inhabited planet. Nor is it the only planet behind The Veils of Illusion; there are 3 solar systems behind Veils of Illusion in The Milky Way (the name of our galaxy). One solar system on either side of our solar system. Other than that, no, I don’t know the inhabited planets names. Nor does it pertain to my job here & now, so I don't care to know.
Regarding the Nephilim
As of Monday, July 18, 2016 Earth time, the Nephilim, the sons of gods and the daughters of man, are no longer deemed "fallen" due to parentage. And are no longer to be hunted by the Council’s Huntsmen.

Tell me about my gifts. How do I make them stronger?
You were created in the likeness and image of Yahuah. You are a PART of Yahuah. You can not be anything that Yahuah is not. Yahuah is not a "worthless sinner", nor are you. Yahuah is Love and so too are you. You are very valuable to Yahuah as any and every part of your body is to you.
A “gift” isn't really a gift, nor does it need to be "revealed". It is as much a part of you as your body's seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling, knowing is. But these things called "gifts" are the soul's ability to see, hear, feel, touch, smell, or know. It is just you being in touch with your soul. For you see, you are not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body.
Thought image - Think of Yahuah as a tree. Think of yourself as a leaf on that tree. Most leaves look down and are terrified at what they see. Those with "gifts" know that they are firmly attached to the tree and speak to the tree via it's stem.
So to enhance your "gifts" all you have to do is stay focused on the stem, know you are speaking to the tree. Believe what you see, hear, feel, know, smell, taste, touch. In other words believe in yourself. Know you are worthy of being a part of the tree.
Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker
By Cameron Day, on August 23rd, 2013
This ^^^ needs read and understood.
She is making the point between the "New Age" religious monument
& spirituality. These are two very different things.
Point #1 There is no such thing as "hierarchy" within the body of Yahuah.
We are ALL ONE. Example; your hand is not higher up in "hierarchy" than your foot, heart, brain, or any other body part including your excrement porthole. Therefore angles, humans, fae, Archangels or Ascended Masters nore not higher up than anyone else. Remember these are just "labels" used to describe something.
Point #2 No one, but Father God / Mother Goddess should be worshiped.
This desire to be worshiped by Lucifer is what got him kicked out of Heaven.
Point #3 And as far as channeling goes ... most of that is nothing more than a bunch of random souls / like folks in a mall wanting to be heard. Just like humans tell stories, channeled souls will tell stories as well. So use common sense (the message must be all positive, produce no fear) and test them to make sure they are who they say they are. Discernment (using facts to decide what is right or wrong. Not judgment which is opinions expressed as fact) is in fact vital. Do your own research! Trust your own inner senses. Take no one's word on anything, not even mine. (I won't be offended, for these is nothing worse than a blind follower. Think for yourself!)
Point #4 Real and true Archangels are aspects of Yahuah just as you and everyone else. Archangels are not a species, but an occupation. Thus anyone could be an Archangel, but only those created as angels can be an angel.
So no Archangels are not all the same species of beings. In fact two well known archangels Metatron (Patriarch Enoch) & Sandalphon (Prophet Elijah) were humans souls incarnated on Earth. Were as most of the others who are well know are some sort of fae (plant or animal angels soul types). Raphael is an Elf, and I a Goddess (this is NOT my universe, I will will once again repeat myself, "Worship Father God & Mother Goddess ONLY." )
And as far as "high ranking" goes, this is what an archangel really is, a "Gate Lion"
And we have other duties as well. So just how "high up" do you consider a Sentry of the Grenadier Guard posted outside St James' Palace to be?
The real and true answer; equal to everyone in and out of the palace. We are there to perform a service.

Important note; The Indigo Healing House is NOT affiliated with the New Age movement, which in fact just another religion controlled by the same ... bunch that controls other religions; it was in fact created by a Luciferian, Madame Helena Blavatsky. Which is why Cameron Day has a beef with those who call themselves, "light workers".
Personally I don't care what "label" you choose to put on yourself, I care only about how you choose to behave.
The Luciferian agenda traces all the way back to the Garden of Eden when Satan tried to become Godlike and failed. Ever since then he has been a serpent of evil whose only plan is to destroy everything of God. This includes our free will (something Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein said Jews do not have), our thoughts, our environment, and what he wants most importantly is our souls.
In some groups it doesn't matter what you call yourselves (Lightworkers angels, preachers, "brothers" / "sisters", Indigos, Rabbi, Pope, President, BLM, Democrat, etc) if you attempt to micromanage what others say, see, do or think you are not what you claim to be. You are in fact a control freak, this is something God would never do, nor His messengers should do regardless of species or occupation. Keep that in mind the next time you try to shut someone up.
Who is the Antichrist?
In the book of Daniel;
- Beast is a superpower.
- Water is a densely populated area.
- Horn is king / kingdom / power
- Blasphemy is to claim to be god or have the power to forgive.
- Time, times, Dividing of time is 42 months / 1260 days / 1260 Earth years.
- Dragon is satan / pagan Rome
- Sword is Bible or civil power
- Images is likeness
- Worship is to bow down or prostrate in submission and obedience to.

In the book of Revelations;
- Little Kingdom
- Came from 10 Kingdoms
- Came up after Rome was divided into 10 Kingdoms
- It uprooted three tribal kingdoms
- Blaspheme God
- Persecuted and made war with Saints
- Thinks it has the power to change prophecy and the law of God
- Ruled for 1260 Earth years.

2 John 1:7 - For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 - Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
1 John 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Mark 13:22 - For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.
1 John 4:3 - And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
1 John 2:18 - Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mark 13:6 - For many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and shall deceive many.
1 John 4:1-3 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Revelation 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The little kingdom is Vatican City, and antichrist is none other than the Pope
What is the "mark" & why is it in the hand & forehead?
A mark is a scratch or etching, a stamp of servitude, sculptured figure (statue) or graven image.
Hand is action, the head thoughts.

And the antichrist's symbols is the Hex (a curse or malicious wish)-ogram.

Again The Indigo Healing House is NOT New Age.

Who was the "sword" / the "civil power" that mortally wounded the beast?
Napoleon Bonaparte became sick and tired of taking orders from the papacy and he sent one of his top general Louis - Alexandre Berthier to arrest the pope and claim Rome. He took the power away from the papacy in 1798.
General Berthier accompanied Napoleon throughout the brilliant campaign of 1796, and was left in charge of the army after the Treaty of Campo Formio. He was in this post in 1798 when he entered Italy, invaded the Vatican, organized the Roman republic, and took the pope Pius VI as prisoner back to Valence (France) where, after a torturous journey under Berthier's supervision, the pope died, dealing a major blow to the Vatican's political power which, however, did not prove as ephemeral as that of the First Empire.
The antichrist Roman Catholic Church regained its power after sustaining a ‘deadly head wound‘

What is a seal?
A seal is a signet; a stamp impressed as a mark of privacy, of genuineness, literally or figuratively. It contains a person's name, title, and territory.
Example of a seal; Name; Donald Trump, title; president, territory; United States.
What is Yahuah's seal?
Name; The Lord Yahuah, title "made" or "Creator", territory Heaven & Earth, the sea and all that is in them is.

But that was in the past. BUT there are Two Beasts!
Revelations 13:1
The Beast out of the Sea
& Revelations 13:11
The Beast out of the Earth
It’s the second beast that causes all of the world to make a decision about the mark of the beast.
The second beast is called the beast of the earth. It’s a false prophet system of darkness masquerading as light. It represents power to the people, wealth, prosperity and hope. < Trump & Q Annon
Revelation 13:11, it says: “11. And I beheld another beast coming out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him.”
This is the beast that will deliver the mark. This beast, the beast of the earth, doesn’t make its presence widely known to the world until the very end of days.
Who Do the Two Beasts Represent?
Revelation 13 shows us that the two different beasts, although separate and distinct, are both derived from the pits of hell. But they have different agendas.
Their agendas can be described in the New Age belief system as dark vs. light. Although “light” may sound like something positive that we want to believe in, remember it’s not the Truth and the Light that comes from Christ.
It’s a very false light that’s meant to deceive us into believing in a different god than our Heavenly Creator.
It’s a light that, through a false prophet system, promises prosperity and hope, but does not point us to the one true God and eternal salvation through the sacrifice of Christ.
Although most people believe that the mark of the beast will come from a dark, evil, clearly Luciferian leader that will arise in the end times, the truth is actually very different.
The mark of the beast will come from a leader within the second beast system that promises peace on earth and prosperity for all.
It will be a deception that will be set up to fool even the most elect in Christ.
The transition between the first beast and the second beast is happening right now, during the Covid-19 agenda. That’s why we need to understand what it is before we become a part of the Great Deception that now seems to be heading our way.
Economic Collapse
As you look around the world, it’s difficult not to notice that the entire economic system of the first beast has begun to crumble before our very eyes. most small businesses have been shut down by force and will never recover, while nearly 40 million Americans are now out of work since the Covid-19 scare began.
Where are these people supposed to find jobs when and if the lockdown is ever lifted?
The truth is, these things are all being done on purpose for two reasons:
To destroy the current economic system while preparing us for the new system (which has not yet been announced).
To make the population rely completely on the new system once it’s announced.
In other words, without accepting the mark of the beast, it will be nearly impossible to live any semblance of a normal life in “the new normal.”
Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard created the NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] proposal during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s and was introduced into the United States. The proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to all members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits. NESARA was secretly passed by Congress on March 9, 2000. In fact, Bill Clinton is said to have signed it into law under heavy military duress.
Bill Clinton is a part of the dark cabal; the first beast system. But the US military (which strongly backs the Qanon movement; part of the second beast system, or the Alliance) pushed the NESARA agenda forward under threat.
NESARA is the new economic system that will be introduced into the US after the dollar has fully collapsed. GESARA was signed into law in 2015 as part of the Paris Agreement.
Remember, Trump removed the US from the Paris Agreement in 2019. This wasn’t due to climate change. Simply stated, the US doesn’t need GESARA because it has NESARA already in place.
With a little research on NESARA, you’ll see that it’s the hope for the new world that the New Age movement is looking for.
In fact, even many in the Qanon community have learned about NESARA and are waiting patiently for its announcement.
The New Age says that NESARA is: “A spiritually directed financial program that can be attributed back to Saint Germain. It was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the time of transition.”
The idea behind NESARA and a dark-to-light financial reset began with Saint Germain in 1729. It was then that he began a World Trust that all elite “followers of the light” have been contributing to for hundreds of years now.
The amount of wealth that the Saint Germain World Trust has accumulated is incomprehensible. In fact, the number is so large that it might as well be infinity.
Saint Germain’s plan was for the World Trust money to be distributed during Christendom’s Second Millennium, or the year 2000. This was when he intended for the world to transition from dark to light; from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius; from the first beast in Revelation to the second beast.
However, as we got closer to Y2K, the dark cabal wasn’t yet ready to surrender control of the world. In addition, there were many prophecies that had not yet happened, and the population of the world wasn’t yet prepared for such a large-scale transition.
The next plan was to bring forth NESARA on September 11, 2001. However, the cabal was still not prepared for the transition. And you remember what happened on that day in order to stop the transition from happening.
It’s thought that the gold to back the economic transition to the Saint Germain World Trust was stored within the World Trade Center and was stolen by the caba at the time of the alleged 9/11 attacks.
However, the Alliance has since taken back the wealth. It’s believed that it may now be stored in the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard.
The transition in power from the first beast to the second beast is happening right now.
As Q routinely posts, we are moving from dark to light.
As Trump famously said, we were in “the calm before the storm.”
Welcome to the storm; welcome to the transition.
But remember, the light that will emerge is a false light pretending to be the real thing. It is not of the Heavenly Father, but rather Lucifer, the angel of light.
The coming promise of NESARA and a worldwide economic reset of prosperity for all is a false light that will be the mark of the beast.
When the new economic system is announced, all who choose to become a part of it will be forced to make an oath to humanity that will eternally separate them from God, in order to become a part of the new system of earthly “prosperity and peace” offered by Lucifer; a false prosperity and peace.
But why would swearing an oath to humanity be a bad thing?
In the Bible, James 5:12 (KJV) tells us: “But above all things, my bretheren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.”
In addition, Matthew 5:34-35 (KJV) says: “34. But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35. or by the earth, for it is His footstool.”
Matthew 6:24 (KJV) says: “Ye cannot serve both God and money.”
Matthew 6:19-21 (KJV) says: “19. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal: 21. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
The mark of the beast is the new economic system of prosperity that was laid out by Saint Germain and his World Trust so many years ago. It’s the false promise of a Utopia on earth without the need for the God of Heaven.
Yes, a physical implant or mark that will allow you to buy and sell will be a requirement of becoming a member of the mark of the beast system. But that is only a symptom of what the true mark is:
A decision to choose earthly riches over eternal riches.
The mark of the beast is you deciding to partake in the new wealth of the world and the light Luciferian system that backs it, rather than the eternal treasures of the one true God and the Heaven on earth that He promises us when Christ returns. (2023)
The great awakening promised by Trump and Q will be the greatest deception ever perpetrated on mankind.
Mark 10:24 (KJV) says: “How hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!”
God is not the god of this material world.
The mark of the beast is what will eternally separate you from God, because God doesn’t promise you earthly riches and material wealth. In fact, He is in direct opposition to it.
It’s your heart that shows God where your allegiance is.
Are you focused on Him, or are you in love with the things of this world? When you’re forced to make the decision to take the mark of the beast that will seal your eternal fate, what decision will you make?
11 Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. [Rev 11:6 & 7 - 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. (CertificOfVacinationIDentification-2019) 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. ]
12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.
13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. [(5G satellites) Matthew 24:24 “ For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.]
14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. [2 Thessalonians 2:9
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.]
15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. [Revelations 16:2 2 The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.]
16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, [Revelations 7:3 3 “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.]
17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. [Revelations 14:9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.]
18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666. [Agenda 21]
We must spread the word about the dark nature of this population control agenda to as many people as we can before our ability to speak out against this agenda is taken away for good.
Thanks to the likes of Bill Gates, the virus of this population control agenda is already here. It is threatening to crash the system as we’ve known it.

Methods of "Population Control"
We we do NOT Unite as one Child of Creator, regardless of color, religion or sex, Jews are funding Black/White, Muslim / Christian & Male / Female wars. We will most assuredly fall prey to Lucifer and his minions.
Pederasty | The New Agenda For The West
"If a pedofile is not responsible for their feeling towards children." How can you expect us to "change our feelings" about pedofeila? What kind of nonsense is that? We should not judge or condeme pedifilia we need to accept them. BULL SHIT! Same nonsense the LGBTQ (22 sexes crazy in the head folks) used, this "having sex at 3" crosses the line..I do not care if you are offended by that! REPENT or burn in hell! Not my problem.
China's one child rule – 35 years old - Failed
Iran Needs To Make More Babies
Harvested Alive - Investigation of Force Organ Harvesting
Are you offended by these answers?
You need to ask yourself, why?
What do you gain, by having your head in the sand?

Two most commonly asked questions I can NOT help you with as it is irrelevant to my job here, are about;
1) Your spiritual family tree; all I can tell you is before going to bed at night, ask to receive two things. One is for your guides to either go or take you to the Life section of the Hall of Records which is one of 3 Libraries in Heaven that contains information about you, it is also known as the "Akashic Records" to look that up. The second thing is to remember that information upon waking up. I suggest you have a note book beside your bed to write in upon waking, and DO NOT raise your head till it is written down, or voice recorded on your phone, otherwise you WILL forget it. Truth is if you needed to know that information it would have been ‘told’ to you.
* The other two Libraries that contain information about you are Laws & Histories. Histories is where most psychics go to answer your questions. The reason that they are some times wrong is it is a best guess based upon your prior actions, thus what they do is access a record of "YOUR history", you are always free to make a different choice. Just because you have done something in the past (past life) does NOT mean you have to do it again. Do not do anything you don't want recorded. EVERYTHING you do IS written down.
No, "Jesus' blood" doesn't erase any of it, it is all there. Yahuah does not punish one being for any acts that lacked love / sins of another.
2) And aliens; I don’t know much about them, except that they are there. It won’t be long before you will be meeting them. It is okay they were always there; it is just that we couldn’t see them because we were in a different dimension and behind the veil.
Or they were wearing the same meat bag over their soul.
Beings from all over the Universe incarnate here. If you feel "alien" to this world, there is a very good reason for it. You did choose to be here, so adapt because you came to learn and the body can't leave.
Having said that, don’t be fooled by holograms. Governments might want you to think we are under attack, when we are not to implement their idea of a “one world government”. We are already one, we don’t need more or a larger government. Stop looking to them or any religion to “save you”, you don’t need saved.
And Yahuah doesn't have a religion, nor does He play favorites regardless of what some would have you believe.