Anger & Stress
All matter, including you, is composed of energy. The behavior of your energy is revealed is through your emotions. Your emotions expose how far out of balance your energy is. The more out of balance you are, the more intense your emotions and aura will be. Your emotions are designed to help you rebalance and achieve a more tolerable state of mind.
The word "emotion" originates from the Latin word emovere, to "move out," and can also be looked at as E-motion, or "energy in motion." When you show an emotion, a buildup and imbalance of energy from within you is moving and being released. This is the mind's way of equalizing your energy in the attempt to find a tolerable state of existence.
The same process of energy release, occurs with everything else in the universe, except it is not called emotion. This type of a release is observable but it usualy goes unnoticed.
The "emotion" of the sun is called radiance and occasionaly it has "flare ups" (pun intended), the sun radiates virtually the same energy to the solar system every day.
You are just like the sun in that you emit energy out to your universe every day, and, just like the sun, this energy has an effect on everything it comes in contact with.
The differences between the sun's energy and yours is intensity and style of output of this energy and how it changes depending upon the polarity of your energy. If you get a job promotion, fall in love, have a baby, triumph at sports, or win the lottery, generally you will shift to an imbalance on the positive side of the energy spectrum, and positive emotions are likely to result. If you experience the passing of a loved one, lose a job, undergo a financial crisis, get hurt, see others hurt, or experience the undesired end of a relationship, you will likely shift to an imbalance on the negative side of the energy spectrum, and negative emotions conceivably will follow.
Anytime your state of energy shifts into an intolerable state a release of some of this energy will need to take place. Such as crying, is a release of energy and a way to bring things back into balance. Thus the avenue for this release is the purpose of your emotions.
The reason for the release of positive or negative energy is always to attempt to return a system back to a state of balance which brings clarity and peace.

Here is why. Everything that there is and that is not, all that there is, is energy.
To this energy, the only thing that matters is thought; that is your “treasure”. Everything here is an illusion. This place, Earth, is a school and you are here to learn. Dealing with anger, with the though of anger is a valid lesson. Few address it till the pain becomes too much to bear.
Who makes you angry? No one can, as it is a thought you choose to have in response to what you are thinking about.
What makes you angry? I can’t tell you that, that is something you have to go with in and find out for yourself. But I can tell you where it originates from. It originates from you either believing or living a lie. Something about your life is a lie that you have told yourself too many times. If you can feel your anger welling up within over that thought, you know I am correct.
Likely as not it was told to you when you were a child, as if it was the truth and you never questioned it. Now don’t be angry because someone told you a lie. Keep in mind that they are just as ignorant and deceived by the lie as you are. They honestly believe that it is the truth and it is all that they know and they think that they are “helping you” by telling it to you over and over again. But your personal truth detector knows better. Thus your anger is a gift, a sign that says, “HEY BUDDY, SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH THAT THOUGHT. FIND OUT WHAT IT IS AND TOSS IT OUT.” Once you understand that what is being said is a lie, you can dismiss it and move on, might even make for a good joke and a laugh.
Dealing with Anger Issues
Believe it or not, anger is a gift.
The first thing you need to do is of course admit you have an issue with anger. Once that is done you need to find the cause of the anger issues. Keep in mind that anger un-addressed breeds violence and violence breeds more violence. Violence breeds pain and suffering. Trust when I say, don’t bother pointing the finger at someone else, it isn’t their fault that you are angry, the issues lies within you.

It is a very good chance that the reason you become angry, occurs when someone insinuates that you are worthless or unworthy in some way. It is a lie that you are (or anyone else for that matter is) worthless or unworthy, because all that is, is sacred and holy, thus because you believe this unquestioned thought, anger wells up within screaming, “Not true!”.
Your job is to listen to the anger, see that what you are being told that is false and then deny the acceptance of “the thought gift”. This thought gift is just an opinion, not a truth no matter how many believe it to be so. Everyone has opinions, just as they have excrement portholes (trying to be polite here) and they usually stink. Just look at all this “strange advice” you have been getting when you ask about anger. Opinions are not only not facts or truths, but are just opinions usually based in total ignorance of what really is.
Just look at how many folks once thought that the earth was flat and if you sailed too far you would fall off the edge of the planet. You may think that is funny now, but a lot of folks really believed it. And it was very difficult to prove it wrong because no one wanted to invest in something that was going to vanish off the edge of the world forever.
The real truth is and you not only need to know but understand that you are worthy and acceptable, no matter how many mistakes you have made in the past. Mistakes do not make you a failure, they are how we learn. Nor do they do not condemn you to any hell that exist out side of your own mind, no matter what you have done in the past. Let me say that again NO

MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! I do not care how many folks disagree with that. The truth is this, we are spiritual beings in a physical illusion and nothing in the physical can harm the soul. NOTHING.
Again you are here to learn, so without mistakes how would you learn what works and what doesn’t work? So forgive yourself, forgive those who told you the lie, believing it to be a fact and move into your truth. When you move into your own truth, then you can find peace within yourself and when you do, nothing that happens without can disturbed that peace.
God Bless you all.
- The Crystalline Gate Lion
It might seem like an odd gift, but it too is a gift.
Thoughts are harmless unless we believe them. It is not our thoughts, but the attachment to the thoughts that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it is true without inquiring about it. A belief is a thought that we’ve been attached to for years.
Most folks will think that they are what their thoughts tell them that they are. That is not true at all, thoughts just appear, like the rain and wind, they come from nothing and go into nothing. They come to pass, not to stay. There is no harm in them until we attach to them as if they were true.
No one has ever been able to control their thoughts. They may tell you that they have, but they don’t, you meet them with understanding and they let go of you. Like raindrops, thoughts are not personal. Met them with understanding and the next time that thought appears you mind find it interesting, then funny, then you may not notice it at all.

Become aware of your story.
Look for the thought behind the suffering. Often times you feel the feeling long before the thought happens. The thought that argues with realty has a stressful feeling. It is easy to get swept away in some overwhelming feelings so remember that any stressful feeling is like a compassionate alarm clock that says, “You’re caught in the dream, wake up.”
Depression, pain and fear are gifts that say “Sweetheart take look at thaw you’re thinking right now, You’re living in a story that isn’t true for you.”
Make friends with reality because you don’t have a choice. Realize it is insane to oppose it, as when you ague with reality you only lose 100 percent of the time. How do you know that the wind should be blowing? Because it is blowing! How do you know that it should be raining? Because it is raining!

Stop the argument and simply accept reality.
Some say, “If I do, I’ll become passive.” Or “I may even lose the desire to act.” But how can you know that is the truth? Which is more empowering?
“I wish something hadn’t happened” or “What can I do now?”
Reality is what you think shouldn’t have happened, but not only should it have happened but it did happen. Accept it because no thinking in the world will change it. It doesn’t mean that you condone it, or approve of it, it just means that you can see things without resistance and without the confusion of your inner struggle. Things happen. How can it be helpful to mentally argue with them?
We know better than to do that, but yet we do it, because we don’t know how to stop. It hurts when you argue with realty. We can know that realty is good just as it is, because when we when we argue with it, we experience tension and frustration. We don’t feel natural or balanced. When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind and fearless.
We are disturbed and suffer not because of what is happening in our lives but by the thoughts about what we think is happening. We want things to be different from what they are, so we tell ourselves this story not about what is, but what we think we want or what we think is true but isn’t. Since we know it is not “the truth”, our truth, the lie we tell ourselves causes us pain. The stronger the belief in the lie is, the more pain is attached to it. Thus it is this lie that causes us to hurt. If we continue to be attached to or “cling” to this lie, we suffer.
If we ask our selves “IS THIS THOUGHT TRUE?” We soon discover that all the concepts and judgments that we believe or take for granted are distortions of what is. When we believe our thoughts instead of what is really true for us, we experience the kinds of emotional distress we called suffering. Suffering is a natural alarm system, warning us that we are attached to a thought that is not a part of our lives.
Thus when you “turn around” the things you believe to be true giving a moment to the opposite thought to be … you soon find relief. It is not about getting rid of a thought, overcoming it, improving it or surrendering to them, It’s about realizing for yourself INTERNAL CAUSE AND EFFECT.
It is about giving the thoughts that have not been investigated a chance to be our reality for a moment. We are terrified to answer some of the simplest question honestly because we project what that may mean in the imagined future. We think we have to “do something about it”.

Your thoughts have nothing to do with is the other person. If you haven’t investigated your thinking, you’ll attach these same thoughts to whomever comes into your life next. We don’t attach to people or to things we attach to uninvestigated thoughts or beliefs that we think are true in the moment.
Turn that thought around. It is not so-in-so who hurts you, it is you who hurts yourself. It isn’t so-in-so who is needy, It is you who is needy. - (Remember we are each other’s mirrors.)

It isn’t so-in-so who irritates you, it is your thoughts about so-in-so that irritate you.
You may run away rather than be honest with yourself.
You are mean to someone because you are afraid to tell the truth and say “no” to something that they want. Or “yes” to something that you want. You keep telling yourself the same story over and over again. “WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE TO …?” It is the story that is repulsing you, with out a story things just are. So ask yourself, “WHAT SCAM AM I RUNNING ON MYSELF?”

WHAT DO I REALLY WANT? Because you want something. WHAT IS IT? Then try going for that. Spare yourself from seeking love, approval, or appreciation from anyone. It is all with in, and it can be found when you question the things that cause you pain. Do this just for fun and watch what happens.
It is your thinking that is “out of shape” not so much your or their body(\(\(ies). It is your thinking that drives you nuts. You are doing the best you can, as is every one else.
Remember nothing will change unless you are tired of the pain and are ready to question the things that cause it. Learn to recognize the underlying beliefs that hide realty from your eyes and work with the self-judgments that upset you.

There are three kinds of business.
God’s business; When you worry about earthquakes, floods, wars, or when you will die, you are worried about God’s business.
Other people’s business; Is when you think that “they should …(do something that you think that they should be but they not doing)” “I want you to …(go, be or do something that they are not)” “You should be … (some other way than the way than they are).” Then you are in someone else’s business. Every time you feel hurt or lonely you are in someone else’s business.
If you are minding God’s or someone else’s business, who is minding yours? And the effect is separation. By being in someone else’s business it keep you from being present in your own, you are separated from yourself, wondering why your life doesn’t work. If you think you know what is best for someone else, then you are in their business not your own. Even in the name of “love”, it is pure arrogance and the result is tension, anxiety and fear. Do you know what is right for you? That is your only business. Work with that before you try to solve someone’s problems for them.
Learn to understand these three kinds of businesses and learn to stay in your own, it will free your life in a way that you can’t even image. Next time you are feeling stressed or discomfort able ask yourself mentally, whose business am I in and you may burst out laughing.
Practice that for a while, and you may come to see that you don’t have any business either and that your life will run perfectly well on its own.

Matthew 6:19 - 20 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
What does that mean? How can we store anything some place where we are not and we don't even know where this place is, or if it even really exists?

Yes, Heaven exists, but it is not likely to be what you think of it as. When you understand that everything that is and is not is energy, the only real and true treasure that can exist is a thought. So what you are storing up in Heaven, are your thoughts. Since you are an immortal being, not a mortal human, you carry these thoughts with you forever, be they “good” or “bad” and they go with you from one life time to the next.

The Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy 5:8 & 1 Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
Deuteronomy 4:16 Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,
The Blessings of Obedience
Leviticus 26:1 You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God.
What is a Graven image?
A graven image is any thought which is so tightly held as facts as if they were “set in stone”. Many religious, political, and society bs (belief systems) are in fact graven images.
What you need to understand here is this. The Universe is all about growth. The ONLY constant in the Universe is change. Thus when you hold onto any thought for too long, you cause yourself pain because you are failing to change and grow.
Any thought that causes you pain, is a graven image and that thought, not the person who spoke it, needs to be reconsidered.
Thus fighting over or for any religious or political belief is a sin as it is based upon a graven image.

What is a sin?
A sin is any act, including a thought, done without love, regardless of how it looks to others. Only you (God, your spirit guides and the angels) know if what you think and do is done with love or not, for they hear every thought you think. No mortal man can be a judge of that, which is why we are asked
Matthew 7:1 - "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. &
Luke 6:37 - "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

For more on this train of thought read & practice
The Five Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well rested. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Don’t believe yourself or anybody else. Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear: Is it really the truth? Listen to the intent behind the words, and you will understand the real message.
The Four Agreements slowly helps you to recover your authentic self, and the real you starts to awaken. With The Fifth Agreement comes the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness.

Keep in mind, not everything is as it seems.
Life here is just an illusion, don't judge it by other people's opinions, just enjoy the ride. We are here to witness.

If you feel you need help working through your anger issues, working through this blame game, I recommend the work of Bryon Katie, here is the link to the work sheet; “Judge your Neighbor” (or here)