Golden Rule in action
helping one another when in need
& how it should be done.

Today's theme would seem to be chaos.
Certainly better than having some snob nosed “charity” social worker judging the folks deciding who might get what.
Or worse for items to be donated to a certain cause, then the charity taking selling them for cash and keeping the profits. Which probably happens far too often.
It sure happened when a tornado that hit Jerald, Texas and erased it off the map. Kind hearted neighbors of Austin donated over 7 semi truck loads worth of things for the folks of Jerald, and it was all carried to Mexico and sold. Then the folks of Jerald were offered a loan to rebuild. A LOAN! As in to be paid back. Paid back for what? It was DONATED TO THEM! Thieves!

I will not forget what was done there.
Nor will I forget how those brave folks reacted to that travesty. An example was set, a light was lit. They refused "help" and took care of their own.
People have to stop giving things to a 3rd party to handle for them. If you want to give, then take your things and give directly to the people.
Americans must wake up from the drugged stupor and start taking back control of their own lives and take responsibility for themselves.