Contraception, Child Support & Abortion
Are Not Real Issues.
Self love is.
Double Standards

On Facebook the following was posted;
This world is so backwards......I am not for dads who don't take care of their children, so this not in any way condoning that behavior.....however it is messed up that when a father doesn't want to parent, he is forced to pay child support, and suffers legal penalties. And say, you should’ve thought about that before getting her pregnant. But, a mother can run from her responsibilities by aborting her baby. And, that's ok????? If you're gonna set these legal rights, set them around fairly. What if the dad wanted the mom to abort? He doesn't get that right, cause it's all about a women's right to her body. But then there is a lifetime to taking care of a child financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Just seems a bit off to me. Kiix Fabunmi
That is very, very interesting. I do not see this as a “pro-life argument” - okay so the mother is now forced to have a child she doesn't want and the end results are usually abuse, neglect or abandonment - just as the father does when he abandons the child and mother by not paying child support. That is not a good thing, better to abort than neglect and abuse a child.
However the point is very good about abuse of men - Till it was spelled out this way I never saw it.
Yes they should support a child they bring into this world. HOWEVER ... this lands in the laps of women. Women should not hand out “free sex” to any man who isn't interested in being that support. And most are up front and honest about that, women just choose not to listen.
Yes everything is all messed up, even finding of someone and marriage. Women don't seek out men whom are worthy of the gift of making a child from them. We have become so desperate that we take whatever happens to come along and look at us once or twice.
I think that comes from the lies we have been told about how unworthy we are as a sex - this comes from the fictional story of “Adam & Eve”. So we feel we need to be happy with whatever we can get no matter how poor it is. That just is NOT truth! Look at what is has created a world of broken homes and father less children, who reproduce the cycle.

We are made of love and because of such we can't be anything else but love, loving and lovable. We need to start standing in that power, regain control over our second and third chakras and say "No" to men who just want and will lie for sex for the sake of sex. You want it? Then commit to a life time or find someone whom you will make that commitment with and stay with her for your life.
Women should not be “cheep”, we are worth and should cost a man’s life. Of course the same is true in reverse. Men should not be “cheep” and should cost a woman’s life.

This brought me to tears, and chills through me......THIS (self love) is what we need to bring awareness to. Not abortion, not contraception, not child support which are just symptoms of the lack. - Kiix Fabunmi

Why save sex till after marriage?
It promotes good communication as there is a sharing their views and experiences, rather than a focus on pleasure. This promotes friendship growth, which promotes relationship growth, as there are shared interests as it enhances their intellectual, artistic creative energy and talents, and increases the social potential. Waiting allows a couple to grow together by finding new and creative ways to show affection to get to know each other’s qualities and flaws. As the couple must use inventiveness and ingenuity to have a good time and to demonstrate their interest in each other thus the couple is more likely to succeed in marriage. The relationship becomes stronger as they get to know each other’s character and habits.
It leaves room and the freedom to question whether you should continue the relationship or not. Should they decide to break off the relationship, it will hurt less as an intimate separation can be devastating. So in the end you can feel better about yourself, as you don’t lose your self-esteem or live with guilt after the break up. Waiting encourages generosity instead of selfishness as there is no feeling of competition with others whom their partner may find more attractive, fostering insecurity which promotes verbal and physical violence driven by passion.
Waiting also helps grow the connection with parents as there is nothing to hide from, fear or explain to them.

Real men do exist.
When you find one, treat him right!