Meet the partners of The Indigo Healing House

Jacqui Wolf
Intuitive Counselor, Natural Healer,
Riki Practitioner, Oracle and Angel Realm Reader
Instagram @myoasis326
The Indigo Healing House Next Generation

Mother & Healer
South Africa
Kiix Fabunmi
Mother, Healer,
& massage therapist

Mother & Healer

Singer, songwriter & amazing psychic

The Net Work - Private Businesses
If we want power to the people,
No longer shall we the people do business with corrupt mega corporations.
Together hand in hand we can make a beter world.
The Indigo Healing House
mission statement
"To be of service to all aspects of God, bringing peace and joy to the mind, body and soul."
What We Do
We provide practical life skills and spiritual, not religious education and healing services for the community as a whole both neighborly and on line.
When The Indigo Healing House becomes physical in 2022, it will offer a two year hands on off-grid, survival homesteading life education to those who wish to learn to till the soil and keep the flock & herd in a sustainable, planet healing way at their own pace, working towards personal choices & satisfaction.
The IHH also offers a spiritually based but non-religious, not for profit, emotional & spiritual healing, education & shelter to those in need of an alternative to Planned Parenthood.
Providing practical and spiritual education for pregnant young women and new mothers as well as primary education for their young children, and aiding girls who are in trouble, in what ever form that may be. As well as what ever help we can offer to the community at large.
For now we can be found on Facebook;
The Indigo Healing House Community
& The Indigo Healing House Group
There is now a 2nd web page as this one is getting big and difficult to manage, you can find newer pages here.
– Focus is on healing & learning and we take this very seriously.
Who We Are
We are a wide range of intuitive spiritual healers with various gifts, talents and interests ready willing and able to heal the world one person at a time.
Our primary goal is to change the world by being a hand up, not a hand out to young women in need of assistance. Teaching necessary life skills to turn them into responsible women, mothers and wives, who are strong and independent, assist those whom are turned away elsewhere because their issues and needs are “too great”.
Our secondary goal is to change the world by assisting the world-wide community, offering spiritual counseling and classes both in the physical and on line.
How We Work
The vision is for a team of 7 women and a man (some yet to be found) will "Circle The World With Love" offering healing to all. For now we are only on line, offering spiritual healing to everyone who asks for it regardless of religious convictions, race, sex nationality, or income level. No aspect of the Creator will be left behind.
Our plan is that The Indigo Healing House will become physical some time in late 2021, early 2022. The IHH grounds are now secured.
What We Believe
- That God is not some imaginary, unseen, uncaring, “man in the sky” who has been “written about in a dusty old book” who “chooses some over others” but is the whole and the entirety of Creation itself, the Universe.
- That everything that is, seen and unseen are aspects of God and are worthy of our love & respect, including YOU, regardless of race, religious conviction or the lack there of, sex, sexual orientation or nationality, we the people of the world, are all one in God; for God is Love and we can not be what He is not.
- Mistakes do not define who you are, they are simply a means by which to learn and grow. No matter how low you start out, you can always pull yourself up to a place of honor and respect. Where you have been is irrelevant, it is where you are going that matters. No one is unworthy of unconditional love.
- That when you want something bad enough to seek it, you will assuredly find it, not without, but within yourself. We are here to help you accomplish that.

Also coming soon
Little Foot Academy
(the masculine aspect of)
The Indigo Healing House (feminine aspect)
Unlike The Indigo Healing House which is set up primarily to assist young woman (of reproductive age) who are in trouble, Little Foot Academy will be a series of private schools set up around the nation for young (8 years old and up - specifically but not exclusively) male children who can't learn in typical public school environment.

Like it's sister The Indigo Healing House, Little Foot Academy is a hand up, not a hand out, a dedication to leaning must be shown by all students. Enrollment will be open to those whom are too poor to afford private education and are failing classes but who are NOT a gang member or interested in gang membership.

"The Indigo Healing House & Little Foot Academy Next Generation" will be extended to other nations.

Intelligent lady you have earned my respect. - TB 2019-05-14
Hi Gate Lion,
How are you doing? It's me Leticia, I just wanted to let you know that you helped me tremendously in the past, I wanted to thank you for taking the time. - L.O. 2019-05-10
You are excellent reader and a big help. MAL 2019-01-28
You are beautiful. KJ 2019-01-28
Are you going to be at .... Saturday? I'm going to be there too! I can't wait to see you! Looking forward to your big hugs. SH 2019-01-27
Thank you and God bless you VMA 2019-01-27

"Your honesty is breathtaking x and that's why we love you xx" JPM & AP 2020-02-12
"I hope we can start a new friendship, I want to apologize to you as I acted very immature." JH 2020-02-05
"I take in what I am albe from someone I consider my mentor (you). I don't tell you enough how much I've appreciated your help though these years. I love you, Lion, you really are a source of inspiration. Thank you." J.B. 2020-02-03
"This is perhaps the best advice I've ever read." S.J.W. 2020-02-03
Hello Gate Lion! I want to thank you for the time you spent with me years ago. Thank you! You were there when I had no one to talk to. I really appreciated it, and even more so now in retrospect. I wish all the best for you and the ones you love <3 Hugs Mandus 2018-11-30
Thank you, I do struggle with how much of an oddball I can be but I am slowing realizing that the only validation I seek is my own. I’m working on it, thank you for taking the time to sit with me, I hoped you would, I appreciate your time and energy. – C. N. 2018-05-25
Thank you for not giving up on me. GL (2018-05-10)
I wanted to thank everyone who gave me advise on how to handle CPS coming to my house. The same lady came back and thanks to your support. I had a huge smile and after talking with my doctor was very polite and closed the case. So thanks especially to Gate Lion for teaching me that being the bigger person is not just an attribute of showing true wisdom and balance. I personally learned that even when you are in the right. Staying in your lane and not reacting with anger or the I AM GOING TO GET BACK AT YOU FOR THIS ATTITUDE IS THE OLD ENERGY. At least for me it is. Low consciousness and ignorants is very real and is the true enemy that we face. - JH (2018-04-22)

Why we have a crystal meth problem.

I have posted s* and messed up. I have gained more knowledge than I can even describe from all of you. I appreciate all of you. And Lion, honesty I always get the truth, no sugar cookie crap. I have learned so much from you. I love this group and am just glad that I got to learn, heal and grow. I would really like to talk to more of you. I really can’t explain it but what is said here effects me so deeply. You are all Warriors. Thank you for letting me be me!! – J. H. (2018-02-11)
OMG .... what an amazing group of people. B. P. (2018-01-04)
This is the most unique experience I've ever had. I've shared before that I have spent half my life in therapy, and all of it put together didn't do for me what this group has done. I do belong to other groups but none like this one. This group is very, very special. There are people here from all walks of life and each person has a different story and need.
You Lion are very dedicated as well as the excellent panel of additional admins. Each and every one of them are genuinely loving, caring beings that want to help make a difference in everyone's life and my personal experience has been that no matter how long it takes or how many times I've stumbled you all have never give up and when really needed a number of you have amazed me with the degree of knowledge, compassion and knowing exactly what to say to change my life in a big, big way.
It's the best team of caring knowledgeable people anywhere.
I'd just like to comment on those fancy other places. They may not all be this way but I think most are; it's clear what's most important, the money. The dwellings are spectacular, the cloths, the furnishings and the overhead to match. They spend 5 minutes helping and 45 minutes asking for donations that pays for not outreach help but the fancy material expenses. They have lost track of what they're here to do. I'm sure they didn't start out that way but this is a huge money making arena and once they get a taste of it they get drunk from it.
Now I'm rambling but I'm also thankful I found my way here. I don't think there's anywhere else around that would have done for me what this group has done without asking for one single penny. My gratitude is endless. - Lisa R.M.
I agree with Lisa R.M. completely. -Lisa B.
"I hurt because I love." I understand that only too well XX
I am a Lone Worker, to be honest Gate Lion, but I am glad to have been lead to this group, and indeed the web pages and the articles there. Although I may not be in agreement with all thoughts here / there, indeed I feel at home with so much I read in the files. (Invaluable insights, in my opinion and I certainly help all here are familiar with them and take time to visit there now and again.) But as I am not a member of many other groups at all I can't compare them. But I have to admit I am drawn to this group and sure do enjoy reading some of the "deeper" stuff here and sharing notes, even if just now and then. - Jackie B.
I've joined a few groups and this one feel a bit like home. I know I don't really interact much and that for me is part of my healing journey. I have always had to survive as a child and I am still doing that now I suppose, so yes, it does feel safe and you Gate Lion feel very much like the Mamma. :) - Pauline K.
Thank ya'll for real ... you helped me more than you know ... in a world where religious, spiritual ... etc ... seems crazy to others ... I find comfort in the insanity. - JFLS
This group is "different". I"m different, you're different, as well as many of the members are different. Please understand that being different isn't a negative term. In my humble opinion being different is a positive thing in today's world.
Who wants to be like most of the heartless zombies walking about, cold hearted and lacking in feelings? Not me. When I zoom out and try to view the world from a broad perspective, the things I see, the lack of love, caring, empathy, and lack of kindness or love towards both humans and animals is saddening and breaks my heart.
This group is different, the amount of love, caring, and the ability to actually empathize with a scenario or feelings though experience or telepathy is different and rarely exercised gift. It makes for a welcome treat away from sometimes cold and harsh world that lacks in understanding those of us who feel deeply.
Everyone here seems to uplift, support, guide and assist in healing others, while we ourselves are healing. This is by far my favorite group.
Yes it is different !!!! ... And I am so thankful it is. I'm grateful for each and every differently gifted, wonderfully loving and special person here. We heal together. Thank you all. I love you IHH members, and I love you Gate Lion. - MHB
In my opinion ... the only difference between the spiritual links you post and the advice that they give, is the amount of (public) attention they get. Now I'm in no way saying attention is better, the advice and guidance you give is better in my opinion ... you are far more logical, practical and more in tune than most. However you have not had the exposure some of the others have had. - MHB
(05-11 & 06-18, 2017 * 2 posts)
You have a close nit family here. ... a great service you are. Thank you Gate Lion. - KF
It takes courage to be honest. I want to thank everyone that had the courage to be honest because through your honesty I have learned to be honest with myself. I am grateful for you. -TRR IV
When fear is absent compassion is the potential for all mankind. Don't be imprisoned by fear be an expression of love with compassion for yourself and all beings. This is just a reminder you have always been this for me Sister. -TRR IV
(05-09-2017 * 2 posts)
You took your time out for me and I'm grateful, really grateful, I also enjoy that your blunt and to the point and you don't see the need to bullshit and beat around the bush, you say it how it is or how you see it.
I appreciate everything, I hope you do this for a living, or in general because your very helpful, there aren’t many people left in this world that will take their time out to help someone especially someone they don't really know. Thank You. - NDND
I'm feeling so much better now, thank you for your kindness. - GD
It is really beautiful to have mentors ... I'm grateful for those who are patiently helping me. I'm sure it's frustrating ... Thank you for everything I'm really not sure where I'd be with out you Gate Lion & Annette Pentland. -Matt B
(2-18, 2017)
Posted with permission;
I don't remember the day or even more specifically, the time, of when I was first introduced to Lion aka archangel Hannel ... but I do know once I was, my life was changed forever. They say everything happens for a reason, and I couldn't believe that this could be more true. Our introduction was that of a soul mate kind....the kind of connection intertwined for divine reason and with familiarity and comfort that only known souls feel. Initially, I wasn't always receptive to the powerful and righteous messages she gave me but nevertheless...took in any information she freely gave knowing my higher self agreed, even if my human self was reluctant.
Through time and precious conversations, I inhaled her guidance and because of her, was able to realign with my true self..... therefore was able to return her given gifts back to her in the most profound sense. She taught me in those moments that the greatest of teachers know when to show vulnerability and that strength lies within our nakedness and transparency. That courage isn't the absence of being scared, but in the midst of that uncomfortable apprehension is awakened. Once aware, we can hold the fear tight and turn it into a force of prevailing through for that is the only way to the other side.....the side our purpose and raw meaning live....and to exist there alongside, is each of our ultimate goals and embracing each painful step in between is crucial in obtaining the tools we need to really be and live as we are utterly meant to. When she stated she needed to hear my words, and validated yes just one person can make the a grandiose difference when we expect nothing in return and are giving unconditionally...loving, unconditionally, like our Creator has naturally instilled. She encouraged me when I didn't always believe I deserved encouragement and welcomed me to the IHH family knowing this is where I belonged and would grow spiritually in the largest manner, even when I didn't always believe in my gifts or was fearful what I had to offer was enough. To this day, I'm not sure she is fully aware of how her words have helped to shape the evolved woman I currently live as. I'm not where I need to be....yet.....but Lion’s gifts have absolutely helped me stride closer to my own specific place of magnificent and prosperous dwelling. Somewhere she already sees, where Father wants me, and where I keep in the forefront of my thoughts and where I keep focused vision behind my actions.
Because of Lion, I will always be mindful when using the phrases "I'm sorry" vs. "I apologize" and the difference between the two. Saying "ill try" and focusing on that word "try" will always force a pause inside of me because of her as well.....don't try, DO! You either do or you don't...there is no "try" * smile emoticon * and last but not least, her messages that fear and separately, time...are illusions we create when we aren't centered, whole, loving, or connected with our best self....ring true to my heart and head on a daily basis. The knowledge she consistently shares have turned into WISDOM and you just can't put a price tag on such virtues. I owe a grand part of my beautiful inner being, because of this lady and the home she's building for all of us children. I will always be grateful for the vision I, and many others, were shown about developing and sustaining a holistic healing house...but aside from Father.....our teacher Lion....deserves forefront appreciation and gratitude for everything in between that we all need and absorb, yet are still grasping the abundance behind the magic involved in our calling.
I love you dear Lion and hope this message spreads to any and all those in need of clarification that they too in fact were crossed with your path for reason. May they enjoy their paths leading your you and take hold of the beauty, power, challenge, familiarity, frustration, enlightenment, and ultimate LOVE behind you and all you offer. You are and will always be, one of my greatest mentors and it's truly an honor to invest in such a unique and blessed dynamic with someone like yourself. Thank you for being you. * heart emoticon *
- Kendra Nieskens (May 17, 2016)
I’m doing good, clean & sober. I want to thank you for your help in waking me up to the reality of this world. All the positive changes I’m making, I gotta give you credit for always holding my hand when I couldn’t see to continue the climb. When I thought I had no one, I’ve always had you as a friend. You are such an incredible being. I just wanted you to know that, and I’m so very grateful. Gratitude is an important emotion to share. It really is. You saved me from myself, from maybe the same fate as Brandi (who committed suicide). I was pretty bad off when we met two years ago my friend. (((Hugs))) I love you my friend always. *heart emoticon * - B W (May 16, 2016)
You helped me to see that I needed to trust the Universe and let go but it took me a while to be able to do that. Eventually I let go and a month later I had a job fall into my lap. I’m learning, slowly, but learning none the less. –J. W. (May 11, 2016)
You have helped me before and now your advice has helped me again. You are truly my guide and I am honored. - K. D. (April 10, 2016)
This is how I have felt about God and I feel more informed as I have never had any of this explained hand in hand like this, it has been a brilliant course. I really appreciate this, you don’t have any idea how much easier I feel right now than I did just an hour ago. What you are doing is brilliant! Anyone who hasn’t check out this course is wasting a valuable opportunity. I’ve been trying to make since of this for years now and you have just blown it apart for me. Thank you. M. M. (April 2, 2016)
You have helped me in many ways therapists and psychologist could never have done. They just cram a bottle of pills in with the water I drink daily. - H. B. (Feb. 2, 2016)
You are pretty amazing. You are nurturing, intelligent, kind, motherly, natural leader, and you have done far more for me than those God awful N.A. meetings. L. M. (Feb 16)
You are one of my best friends – Lisa J. (Feb 13, 2016)
I visited your FB Page looks to me that you are doing a much needed labor of love! Anthony S. (Jan 28, 2016)
Tears!!!! Life change, your post hit the right key – Randall (Jan 25, 2016)
Thank you for being so kind to my friends. – Lisa J. (Jan 9, 2016)
Thank you for being my life teacher. Penny V. (Nov 23, 2015)
In my opinion, the most beautiful people are the ones who aren’t even aware of their own beauty but who are simply living their lives to the fullest and who by their very presence touch people’s lives around them with their compassion, kindness, and grace. Their dignity and elegance comes from the difference they make and the way they care as they work behind the scenes to bring about change, encouragement, comfort, and help heal others with their warmth. K. M. H. (Oct 23, 2015)
There is a difference between teachers who cultivate other teachers and those who like to dictate. You are a teacher of teachers Lion. - H. B. (Oct 26, 2015)
You are one of the most caring persons I know. A. B. (Oct 25, 2015)
You are beautiful. You are needed. You are so VERY LOVED!!! M. H. (Oct. 13, 2015)
I appreciate the connections I am making, I live in a large city and yet to find a few like minded, so I love the connection this silly machine gives to my life. Lion you are a gem in a world of rocks. L. F. (Oct 8, 2015)
Thank you. You are very wise and very real. - K. F. (Aug 8, 2015)
You rock thank you so much - Doug B (Aug 10, 2015)
So, are there any get togethers to discuss things? Otis C. (Aug 12, 2015)
Thank you for being you and accepting others as they are, it means more than you know. M. B. (Aug 4, 2015)
Thanks for your time, I appreciate you! K N (August 3, 2015)
Look for your word of hope, direction and encouragement, you have so much to offer. I have to send a big THANK YOU, you have helped me out tremendously today. You gave me hope in the mist of my storm and confirmed things for me. T. D. (July 15 2015)
I told my friend what an amazing reader you are! How great of an empathy and psychic you are. You have things that come to you that might not be the best to hear but they are 100 percent truth. I told her you are the most unique soul I have ever met. We’ve spoken a lot about you and our sessions with readings and the amazing talks and how many things you were so right on about. - Ashley M. (July 14, 2015)
When some hurt, they lash out at help they need. Please, know I have enjoyed our conversations even when they were brutally honest. C. H. (July 7, 2015)
Some people can’t handle truth or opinion … they make it all about themselves and let emotions get in the way. Keep being you, not everyone will agree. K. F. (July 7, 2015)
A fool is one unwilling to admit a mistake therefore stops the process of learning and growing. You don’t do that. You are a great mentor, Lion. You guide all your students and never sugar coat, but keep the truth. We can’t improve, grow or move forward towards the life we are supposed to live without the truth. K. N. (July 7, 2015)
I see more people looking for knowledge through the IHH almost more like you are a shaman that we went to learn from. This meaning you have put yourself in a proper position as a leader and expert. Tumara (June 16, 2015)
I love you. You teach me so much and I do very much want to learn. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously with us. Lisa (June 15, 2015)
Do you all raise money at all for the work you do? I think it is wonderful for all you are doing for everyone. Lisa G. S. (June 6, 2015)
I want to tell you thanks for all the guidance that you gave it has helped me a lot. D. H. (May 10, 2015)
I just appreciate all the time you spend helping me. Advising, listening and sending love. I love you for that. I love who you are. Thank you. A. P. (May 2, 2015)
You are sincere, cuddly, powerful and protective at the same time. A patient teacher and a friend when needed. Everyone who has allowed you close to their hearts has said that about you. For you help nature strength, wisdom, courage, love and faith in others through your teachings, this means you have to have activated it first in yourself, it shines from the inside out. I love you so much I don’t know what I would do without you. – P. B. (May 5, 2015)
I thank you for your teaching and I know sometimes it feels like you’re being abrasive but I also know that it is not your intention, it is only how I may be perceiving it at the time. Also abrasive polishing is how things become beautiful and shiny. Some times the learning process is like an onion with layers and may cause one to cry while pealing them off but well worth it. I thank you for being my teacher and I love you for it. M. H. B. (Feb. 6, 2015)
You help guide a lot of people in the right direction I can tell. I just wanted to I say thank you for giving me faith in humanity there really are so few good people it's hard to keep in the front of my mind what I fight for. S. J. (Feb 4, 2015)
It’s been on my mind lately. Out of all the people in this group there have been some people who will help change things on a global level. It makes me so happy to see so many eager to spread light and love and just imagine how some of you can change the world! It makes me so happy to see this group grow. Love to you all.
And I thank you Gate Lion for all the suffering you’ve had to over come to get to this point in the name of helping people. I feel like sometime we just need to hear that. – Sarah J. (Jan 18, 2015)

Not at all. How may I be of service to you?
OMG I knew you were amazing! So wise and so kind. I'm striving to be as open minded and loving as you are. Krista B. (Nov 26, 2014)
Lion, you are a freakin’ fountain of knowledge. Don D. (Nov 5, 2014)

From our talks in regards to self love and children, you present yourself as an astute observer and a protector of the heart body. Thank you <3 Doreanna L. (Oct 31, 2013)
GL- I'm so happy for you, you have come a long way in no time at all.
With alot of help from you, I've never met someone like you before so thank you so much. Shareena C. (October 30, 2013)
The way you articulate has changed / grown / moulded more with your incredible persona in the past two weeks, its very nice to see. You're so strong "Mom" it inspires me. You never hold anything back, and you are Always there for people. Always striving to help others - a selfless but self loving character. Never afraid to be wrong either. You always reaffirm what I already know constantly reminding me to be myself. - Waseem O. (October 28, 2013)
Gate Lion you are a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the knowledge, it's been a nice chat - Joey F (October 26, 2013)
You have the most peculiar name, but I've seen a handful of your posts through EWAO and I like what I see. You know how to argue, respect and inform at the same time, all very important qualities. Cheers! – Stephane D. (October 19, 2013)
You are an amazing teacher and are really lighting the way for the rest of us You are soooooo loved Gate Thank You! J. W. (October 18, 2013)
Gate Lion, I just checked your page. The article about the state really struck me. My children are abused by the judicial system and I would really think twice about entering a legal marriage contract again. You are dead on and more people need to realize it. Thanks for sharing that on your page! – L. H. S. (September 29, 2013)
Hello, I seen some of your replies in EWAO and I appreciate your mindset. I thought I'd like to "follow" you, but that option isn't available. I guess I just wanted to say thank you for bringing some logical sunshine to my day. Namaste - Misty B (September 19, 2013)
You are amazing. I am blessed in so many ways. I copied to text document and will print. Thank you for caring and sharing. This is what it's all about. This cruel world needs to be filled with people like you - Lauri F. (September 19, 2013)
Thanks for accepting. Saw your comments in EWAO, as a homeschooling mother I felt perhaps you were someone I should connect with further. Thank you! Same goes for you, my newfound friend! Love, light and blessings to you and yours! (~*~) - Vivica A (September 13, 2013)
Found your quotes on verbal attack really helpful today .. thank you Lisa M. M. (Sept 13, 2013)
Thank you so very much Gate Lion. – Daryl L. (Sept 12, 2013)
I think your posts are awesome and I just wanted to tell you that. Bright Blessings to you and yours. - Gail G (Sept 10, 2013)
I added you to Facebook because you’re my friend. And I decided that I really don’t care what other people think of who my friends are. I know there’s some people on my page that do not get along with you, I’m asking them not to pick fights with you. You’re not a bad person you know. I think people have to take time to get to know you to understand how you communicate. I don’t have a problem with you being on my Facebook. - R. S. (Sept 10, 2013)
Hey, thank you for reaching out! I am joining now and look forward to learning. - Kat Pedroza (September 6, 2013)
I like your style - Jenny M. (August 22, 2013)
Blessings and Namaste Thank you for being a part of the awakening! - Clark T. R. (August 15 2013)
I'm very interested in any knowledge you possess that you feel is relevant to share. With love, Ryan H. (July 25, 2013)
Gate I went back and read your post to me about my saying I was sorry to Archangel Michael. I appreciate you calling my attention to that. I will remember the apology next time i open my mouth when i shouldn't have. It made even more sense tonight. Thank you for your honesty and caring. Lo√ε & Light Hersha P. (February 3, 2013)
You have done a lot of good on Facebook. Your life is one of constant endless sacrifice. God wouldn’t have trusted just anyone to do such a huge task. You are here to teach and you have so much valuable lessons to offer. You’re very wise, very old (spirit, not Earthly). You impart life-changing truths as easily as most people small talk. Your words are like stones in a pond, who knows how far the ripples will go? Something you said could have profound impact on someone you’ve never met, years from now. Kenny W. (Nov 17, 2012)

In this time of uncertainty,
When the name of the game is fear,
This is renown scientist Judy Mikovits and her new book, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science. Dr. Mikovits is featured in Epoch Times’ new documentary, The Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.
Had this brave woman not been jailed and silenced, there’s no doubt that our world could’ve avoided this pandemic. She became a hostage of our corrupt medical/political system by simply refusing to play the game. Now that her 5 year gag order has expired, Dr. Mikovits is on a mission to expose the dirty players and help humanity revive our innate ability to heal and thrive. I highly recommend reading her bombshell of a book!
Must see before it is taken down Dr. Judy Mikovits interview. Stay tuned to have your mind and heart blown wide open! https://www.facebook.com/mikki.willis/videos/2769241289853478/
There is NOTHING to FEAR!
Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.
Bleach will kill the virus in five minutes. Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go.
Nutrition works; Vit C, D, E & selenium.
Silver & copper also work.
Don't be so afraid to die, you can not hold onto your morals and do what is right.
- Mikki Willis
We are after all IMMORTAL BEINGS, only the body will die, not the soul. Stop living in fear, No one can destroy that which God protects.
- The Crystalline Gate Lion