How to Save Our World!

Back story
Some times things are just "too funny".
June (6), the 6th, 15 (1+5=6) is 666, I didn't notice that until 11:54 pm just 6 minutes before midnight.
On this day I took my spouse out to see a movie and we were on our way home watching "Tomorrowland" – which I encourage everyone to go see it. It is what gave me the idea, the final “peace of the puzzle” if you will.
Now I understand!
Prior to going to the movies I had been on line for a short time earlier today. I had made a statement the day before in The Indigo Healing House group on Facebook, and I noticed that one of the members chastised me for saying it. It wasn’t until she did so that I understood … yes she was correct.
Laurie F. said, “It is my understanding that letting the EGO rule your behaviour is not healthy for spiritually learned people. It interferes with good vibrations.”
I don’t like the word “ego” used in this manor, because to me ego means “self love”. Self love should rule. It wasn’t self love that was the issue she was point out, it was “other people’s opinions” that was once again in my way. Yes what it did was “lower my vibration”, however until she pointed it out, I had not seen it that way.

That was the 2nd time it has been pointed out to me from this perspective. On the way home from the movie …

my spouse made the same sort of comment, that was when it "clicked". What I had said, both times, and what my spouse said, were all “statements of fact”, “statements of reality” or of "facts". It never occurred to me that such could be “negative”. “I want to do this ..., but this ... (usally a lack of money) is in the way.” – It is an awareness of what we perceive as what is.

feeling that one is unworthy to receive such abundance.
While I know this, I didn't fully understand it any of it. Now I do, I am going to try to fully explain it on not just a personal term, but on a world wide view, thus ...

Well, we were always "ASS-U-MEing that we were just accepting things as they were and it wasn't something we could change. Even though, I knew that things like a lack of money was an energy blockage caused by a neagtive thought. Usually the

You can’t move a mountain if you are not aware or don’t fully understand that you can even pick up a stone.

While it is true you need to know what is happening in the world, so you know what you DO NOT want, you can't let your attention go there if it is not what you want.

Question is,
"What exactly are your praying for?”
Understand that Universe's language is feelings. When you watch or listen to negative “It’s the end of the world!” you ‘feel’ it and when that happens you manifest it.

When you read, see, hear or think about something negative or "what is" such especially if you feel you can't change it, be that Monsanto genetically engineering food, One country bombing another one .... or earth quakes, floods etc, you are praying for it. When you pray FOR something it means you are creating MORE Of what you don't want, not less.

It matters not if what you see, hear, feel, read, or think you know is real or not. If you are told it, and you imagine it to be real, it becomes so.
What do you want to create?
What do you want to reap?

What do you want?
Dark or Light?
Fear or Love?
Fear or Peace?
End of the world
Garden of Eden?

Let us Pray

Spread the word!
Keep in mind

Final note;
Before going to the theater, we stopped at a fast food place, which is something we don’t do hardly at all. When the food arrived, I “blessed” my food and it wasn’t half bad. My spouse just ate. When we were done he wrapped up the last of what he didn’t want (fries and such) and passed it over to me. (Which means it is dog food.) Getting into the car with half wrapped food and a cup of soda was tough, but I managed to do that and buckle up. After a bit it was like I was ‘encouraged’ to have a fry. So I did, and I thought “Oh my this is nasty, how did he eat this?” First I thought “rouge” fry, I’ll try a bite off another one, just as bad. One more just to make sure. YUCK! Nope this was “bad”, no wonder he has been sick of late with “food poisoning”. Then it occurred to me, he didn’t bless his food as I did. The difference was phenomenal.
Now I have done this before with apples and candy bars, but I had never done it fries and such. I have no idea why I am always amazed.

Turn it all off, tune it all out and start thinking for yourself.
Mind Control Through Emotional Domination: How We’re All Being Manipulated By
The “Crisis Of The NOW”

Do not be manipulated by story tellers and liars. Seek peace from within not from without. Be change. Trust God, We are all a part of God. Do not allow the fiction of fear to shake your foundation.

Universe's language is one of feelings.