Do not pray for rain, beg or make deals with God, all you will do is bring on more drought. Because that is what you are asking for.
Instead of praying for rain, “Smell” the rain falling where it is much needed.
“Hear” the rain falling where it is much needed.
“See” or “Envision” rain falling where it is needed to the degree it is needed.
‘”Hear” the rain falling where it is much needed.
“Feel” and “taste” the rain falling where it is much needed.
“Know” that the rain will fall and it will be so!
Hint, do not think you are so smart as to know how much rain a place needs. God works without force and so too should you.
So do NOT "seed" or "move" massive amounts of energy from one place to another to alleviate a drought. Just envision it raining and know it will happen, that is enough. No one wants to go from a condition of drought to one of flooding.
That which you resist persists
this is the negative use of
the Law of Attraction;
the asking for what you do not want.

That which you resist persists
means, that which you feel the need to fight against has power over you. In resisting it you are giving your power over to it. Don’t ask for what you don’t want more of. Do not be “anti” anything, be it - war, GMOs,
a "god" be it a corporation or a bad government is by ignoring it, not acknowledging it has power over you and fighting against it.
If you need a good example, the prohibition of alcohol from June 30, 1919 to early 1930’s only brought only more if it, lots of death and a crime spree that could not be stopped. "The war on drugs" has had similar effects.
As I have said before you are a powerful co-creator, so don’t beg, instead ‘see’, ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘smell’ or ‘taste’ what you want.
Do you want it to rain?

You have the gift of free will choice, use it. If you don’t like the choices you have made make a new different choice today.
You do NOT have to play by their rules, have the power and the ability to free yourself from the chains that hold you down.
or Monsanto. Instead ask for what you DO want in your life; such as peace, clean air & food. Then take action, and put your money where your thoughts mind and mouth are. Don’t ask for “clean food” then buy junk to shove into your face. The best way to kill