The Destruction of the Goddess
Part 4 – Adam & Eve
The story of origins of evil on Earth.

Genesis 2;
(2:15) And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (16) And the Lord God commanded the man, saying “Of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat; (17) But of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for the day that thou eatest there of thou shalt surely die.
(2:22) … God … made a woman and brought her onto the man.
Lie; note the numbers,
First God put man in the Garden of Eden and said “Do not eat of this tree.” Then God created a woman. That means Eve was NOT in the Garden of Eden when Adam was warned not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil!
I see satan!
Remember that satan is not a being
but a word that means
"unquestioned wrong thinking”.

Another interesting "twist" in Genesis
(1:26) And God said, “Let Us make (hu)man in Our image, after Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth, (27) So God created (hu)man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female He created them.
(2:21) And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; (22) And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, He made a woman, and brought her onto man.

Adam & Eve
Adam was warned not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil. Eve picked a fruit from the tree (not knowing she should not) and handed it to Adam.
What happened next?
Well we all know Adam didn’t say “No thank you, we are not supposed to eat the fruit of that tree.” And walk away. What did Adam free will choose to do? Eat the fruit from the forbidden tree.
Despite God's warning,“For the day you eat it you shalt surely die!"
What does that mean? We know Adam at of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil and yet man still exists.
The opposite of death, is life. Anything that is alive grows.
People stop growing when they stop thinking and start judging based on “competitive prejudiced”.
“Competitive prejudice” = “I’m better than you!” in some way thus “you are unworthy of my love”.
Since this is the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil,
what happened was Adam judged Eve.

In other words,
Adam stopped loving Eve.

Thus “original sin”
happened Adam stopped loving Eve.
When this happened he had the ability to bare false witness
against her & blame her for his poor choice.
Remember she was not there and did not know.
Sin is any thought or act done without love.
Doesn’t matter what it looks like. You can give someone a good home and a job, and the act still be a sin, if you then abuse that person in private.
You can grab someone and shove down breaking their arm, but that act would not be a sin, if your intent were to prevent them from being hit by a car.
It is the intent that matters.
The difference between a sin and something that is not a sin, is not always visible on the surface. Which is why God asks us not to judge what others do, because we don’t know what they are thinking.

Intent Matters
It is also why in a court of law we are supposed to be tried by a jury of “our peers” – that is folks who think like us. So that they might understand why a person acted the way that they did – what their true intent was. Just bcause something “looks” bad on the surface doesn’t mean it is or was “bad”.
To judge someone without understanding what they are thinking is to bully them. Is it any wonder our children bully each other? We set the example.
Truth is there are far more bad laws than there are “bad” people. And human legal system is set up so the jury can annul a bad law. However prisons are set up with profit in mind, so it is their intent to keep the truth in the dark.

Unquestioned Wrong Thinking
- Satan starts here.
•Education system tells children what to think and refused to teach them how to think for themselves.
•Most people would rather die than think, because that would mean being different, which risks being kicked out of the herd.
•We see the world as we are told to see it by those who are in some sort of position of power.
•We see the world they way we are, not as it really is.

If Eve also ate
the forbidden fruit,
why is it only men have an “Adam’s apple” stuck in their throat chakras, and women don’t? Hum…
Adam Judged Eve
After Adam blamed Eve for what he had done, she felt ashamed and was filled with guilt, so she left the Garden of Eden with Adam as he said it was “all her fault”.
Does this sound familiar?
It creates chakra issues
And in women
In men
Is there any wonder there is so much corruption?
And women are so easily abused & are unhappy?
There is nothing hidden that can’t be seen
if you just take the time to THINK!

Take a look at society and tell me what kind of "fruit" the current paradigm of “don’t think, don’t question just do as you are told” has created.
Remember it is not about blame!

•Keep in mind over time, both sexes have been purposefully taught incorrectly, thus lack knowledge.
•Regardless that makes our actions a sin as we are taught not to love, rather than real evil (judgment).
•Fact is very few people are really evil, just very badly lost.

Notice the commandment

“Love others as you love yourself.”
Problem here is that we have been taught it is wrong to love ourselves. So we have no example of what love is or how it feels.

Here he says,
"I am setting an example for you."
"Love others as I have loved you."

What is sin?
The opposite or lack of love.

Does this make it "man’s" fault?

Lets back up just a bit here,
I don’t want to leave anything out.
That was Adam’s part in the big picture.
Now lets look at Eve’s part in this.
Think about this.
Adam blamed Eve

Eve felt ashamed and was filled with guilt, so she left the Garden of Eden with Adam as he said it was “all her fault”.
Does this sound familiar?
What does EVE do next?
She lowers her head
and says, “I’m sorry.”

Worst kind of lie is one we tell ourselves.

Yet with that act .... "I'm sorry"
Guess what happens next?


The Law of Attraction
kicks into action.

“I AM” starts the Law of Attraction.
Just 17 seconds
and things manifest.
How long have we been thinking
“women are sorry?”
Since the days of Adam & Eve!

The word “sorry”
means "unworthy".
But, no aspect (part) of God is unworthy of Love!
Not even you!
Because …
We can't be what God is not.

Since God is love you must also be Love,
Lovable and Loving and there is NO WAY around that fact!


What do we feel?
Sorry / unworthy of love
because we have been judged
to be that AND we agreed to it.
It was this “agreeing” to being “unworthy of love”
that caused damage to
our souls & to God.
The only way to heal, is to understand our truth;
that is we are a part of God and since God is love, so too are we!
We feel “sorry”
God says, “YES!
You want it, it is yours!”
“I don’t know why you want that,
but okay if that is what you want, go for it, it is yours.”

What are
you thinking?

Start with yourself
I am worthy of Love
because …
I am a part of God and
I can’t be what God is not!

Instead of “I’m sorry”
If you did something you need to apologize for; say, “I apologize for …(making what ever mistake)” and mean it.
Learn the lesson, don’t make that mistake or class of mistakes again.
Then let it go, it’s done and over with. Do not allow yourself to be further “punished” by other people’s judgments or opinions.
Only ghost live in the past, you are not a ghost!
Instead of “I’m sorry”
If someone died say,
“You have my deepest sympathies”
- Or -
“Condolences for your loss.”
Someone else’s death
does NOT make you unworthy of love,
even if you caused it,
even if it was on purpose
You are still worthy of love, always.
No that does not mean go out and kill someone.
Goodness can never be lost,
not even by sin.
- Saint Thomas Aquinas
Because this existence is an illusion. It is not real, you can’t hurt anyone without their & God’s consent. Because you and God and they and God are one. He is being “stubborn” and not giving his consent! We need to be like Him and stop consenting to being hurt too. Time we took our power back .

Instead of saying things like:
“Sorry for taking up all your time.”

It all balances in Love.
Many times I’ve heard
someone say,
“You must destroy the ego!”
No, we should not do that.
In truth too many of woman’s (and society's) issues stem from a destroyed ego because ego is self love. When you deem yourself unworthy of love, you have a negative ego.

God believes in you
You are VERY important to God.