Father said to me,
"You need to learn Grace in Divinity"

That was over a year ago now. I think I finally get it. I'm here to share it with you today.
The first thing I had to learn was, What did “grace” mean. The Dictionary says;
1) beauty, simple elegance or refinement of movement.

2) to do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence.
3) (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
I knew in my heart that none of these were true or correct. For one thing God doesn't see us as sinners, that is a judgment, why would God ask us not do judge then do it Himself?
So what does "grace" mean? Grace means "compassion & kindness".
The line "Mother Mary full of grace", means that Mother Mary full of kindness & compassion. Now that makes sense.

Divine; of or pertaining to a God. Eternal, Holy, or otherwise Godlike, is what the Dictionary says. What it means is "we are one".
Because we are Divine, (all one) we are compassionate & forgiving to ourselves and others. There is not only no judgment, but no anger at any act, no retaliation and no defense, for things are as they are. That is why Jesus healed the soldier’s ear. The stronger you are the kinder and gentler you become. Now I get it.

When nature attacks it is never out of anger, it is men who teach anger. Nature understands that there is no them! Only us & we are one.
When we come to understand that evil is just a judgment, not a fact, it becomes easy to stand unafraid. When it is not a fact, not a truth, there is nothing to defend against. Because you can't prove your innocence, only guilt by being upset that someone judges about you. If you are not guilty then what is there to fight over?

When you look at it from that perspective everything really does change. What we now consider weakness, becomes great strength, what we see as "strong" is really weakness. My how we have gotten everything backwards.

Religion teaches;

Then men’s hypocrisy shows up, it is any wonder why so many don’t believe in God.
What is real and true evil?
Judgment, anger & hypocrisy!
This goes for ANY & ALL religious texts!

Don’t blame them (religion or governments), because YOU FREE WILL CHOSE to believe what they told you. Because it is easier to "go along to get along" than to stand on your own two feet and think for yourself. That is man’s greatest sin!

It had NOTHING to do with eating the apple, and everything to do with not thinking for the self. .

It is not woman who sinned. It is about duality; it is woman who was given the aspect of darkness, and men the aspect of light. That doesn’t make the woman the sinner, but the man who failed to think for himself.
Response-ability it was Adam who chose to do what he was told to do, rather than have a spine & think for himself. From there on out, women got the blame.

It was his lying and fear of retaliation and punishment that tossed man out of the Garden, not what he did. And it wasn’t God who did the tossing, it was man himself.

The story has never changed; blame someone else for my own fears.

Clearly there is nothing new.
A Conversation
Question - Why does it feel so separate at times then? Them and us?
Answers - Judgment, we judge it so. We are such powerful creators we judge ourselves to be separate from each other, and because we do so, it is so. God says "yes" to EVERY THING!
Question - Everything?
Answer - Yes everything. We want to pretend to be separate, so God says “Yes” to everything we ask for, you want to be separate, “Yes, you are separate.” It is so and we feel that.
Question - So we need to change our attitude, then it will shift?
Answer - YES. That is what guides have been telling me all along and I never understood. "It is not you, it is your attitude."
Statement - But there are so many things here which taint our attitude it’s hard. It's hard not to feel things when things are trigged. We have to almost become robotic and force it.
Answer - No, nothing happens with force. With force the rose bud never opens, but is torn. It is our attachment to how we think things should be that causes such "tainting".

Statement - Yes that's how it feels, how I feel I feel so torn. Father always makes sure when I feel torn and reach for others they are not there. I don't know why? Then the bud closes again. The bud feels closed out of protection while the rest of Fathers collective blossom in union
Answer - No see you are judging yourself as being “left behind”. EVERYTHING is an illusion. Many are fake, they appear to be that which they are not, so as to make them feel good about themselves and you feel bad about yourself, taking away your power. You feel torn because you are trying to force things to happen. Nothing good comes of force. The bud closes so it can try again.

Statement - I know but I'm so tired of feeling bound? I want to know, feel and allow but I'm always falling backwards in old thought patterns
Response - One step at a time, one step at a time. Every day is something new. Read the prior web pages and learn, it gets easy when judgment is gone. When you spend too much time looking to others for their opinions about yourself that are false, or compare yourself with others, you suffer. I know how great you really are.

Statement -Yes the opinions of others really kills me.
Response - Yes I have known a for a long time now that it is "other people's opinions" that "haunted" me and I was always open and honest about that. Now I understand it is those opinions / judgments which is what real evil is! Nothing else is really evil, well anger is because it does the same thing, it stops growth. Father is all about growth. "Go forth and be fruitful" means to have many thoughts, not many babies. Mistakes are cherished not shamed by Father. That is why He ALLOWS them.

Statement - Lol well now I understand why Father is fond of me then, coz I make plenty of mistakes.
Response - Yes. Mistakes cause growth! You must think again! Your thoughts are your “treasure stored in Heaven.”
Statement - Ha then I have treasure vast in heaven, I think alllllll the time.
Response – Yes, indeed you do.

Mother God / Goddess
other wise known as;
"Holy Spirit" / "Holy Ghost"

I am Haniel