I don’t want to “ruin” anyone’s "graven image" but I feel the need to say this because it needs heard even if it will not “go over well”.
Please keep in mind that my saying this DOES NOT mean this will be “your” or your child’s situation. It’s just something that came to mind when I read a Facebook post.
It is information that needs to be put out, but this is your warning … if you feel “sensitive about stuff”, PLEASE do NOT read any more. I don’t want to hear about it, you have been warned.
What sex is my unborn baby?

English language rule is if you don’t know the sex of some one or thing, it is a “he”. Yet the fact is everything starts out female and changes (elongating and dropping in) to a male if it changes at all.
Due to environmental damage (excess of xeno-estrogens), it is harder to make changes that were once easy. Changes are being made to correct this. This is where more and more hermaphrodites and other oddities such as;
“Girls” with large … well not quite penises, or
“Girls” with absolutely no internal sexual parts at all, not even a hole (it would appear that there is no word for that. I actually knew a “girl” like that.), come from.
It is my understanding this is also where SOME (small percentage) of the bi-sexuals come from . They tried to choose a sex but the body didn’t respond correctly so they are “stuck” with what ever happens.
Or they are “lazy” souls who give up trying to change the body and say “good enough” … it may well be until they are born and face new problems, such as others judging them by their sexual part or the lack there of.
So a clean environment is very important for the sexual health of your baby – So along with the no smoking & drinking if you want the best for your baby, also avoid all petrochemical products; no plastics, no microwaved “foods”, no processed food stuff, avoid –cides & SOY!
Oddly a good book to read about this is Dr John R Lee’s books;
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause,
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-Menopause,
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer.
Understand that gender and sex are not synonymous as one might think.
Souls have a gender, but no sexual parts. A child’s soul has gender and it’s body has a sex.
Thus performing a "sexual act" as humans know it is not something a soul can do, this is one of the reasons why we incarnate, to do things that souls can’t.
When you mix the two a soul of one gender and body of the other sex and toss in society’s “rules” about what a certain sex can / can’t do … you end up with confused folks who think they are bi-sexual. One came in a certain body to experience that sex and to learn to toss society’s opinions regarding “the rules” out.
Before birth, you chose the number of children to have.
Your “children” choose who wants to be your baby, by what lessons they can learn from you. And what sex they will be, which is whichever one will best help them learn that lesson or experience a certain experience. (Yes even being raped, is some times pre-planned before birth.) That does not condone the behavior!
Life is about learning what things ‘feel like’ and nothing in the physical can harm the soul which is why “darkness” (which some call “evil”) is allowed to happen here and why we are asked not to judge things, people or events.
Back to topic; Souls can present themselves as a particular gender and then, born be the other sex. It is best not to get too attached, so until you learn the true sex of your baby AFTER it is born, instead of “he / she” say “baby (… whatever the last name will be)”.

And extra notes.
To increase your chances of having a male child - have sex in "summer" temperatures.
To increase your chances of having a female child - have sex in "winter" temperatures.
To decrease your chances of conceiving a child stevia & papaya both behave as contraceptives. If you can't conceive and you consume one of these, consider removing them and any anthelmintics or vermifuges from your diet before going to a fertility doctor and see if that doesn't do the trick.
Because I believe knowledge should be made available to anyone willing to learn. The following is made available for educational purposes only. Please do your own research.
YOU and you alone are responsible for how the following is used.
Because fetuses are parasites any herb which are emmenagogues, anthelmintics or vermifuges may cause an abortion or early labor and should be used sparingly during pregnancy.
The following "kitchen herbs" and more commonly known herbs that fall into these categories are;
- Emmenagogues (female corrective which stimulates and promotes menstrual flow and discharge);
aloe, bamboo juice, beet, black horehound, black mustard, blessed thistle (helps milk come in after birth), chamomile, carrot, catnip, cedar berries, dandelion, elecampane, fennel, garden sage, garlic, ginger, horehound, lemon, lemon thyme, lovage, parsley seeds, peach, peppermint, red cedar berries, red raspberry, red sage, rosemary, saffron, safflower, sassafras root or bark, saint John's wort, sweet marjoram, thyme, watercress, wild carrot, wild marjoram, wild mint, wintergreen (small doses), wood sage, and wild yam is anti-abortive.
- Anthelmintics or vermifuges (kill and expel worms) and should be used sparingly to avoid losing a child are; chamomile, carrots, caster oil, catnip, cloves, garlic, sage, hops (beer), leek, onion, peach, pumpkin seeds, thyme & watermelon seeds.
The Three Spiritual Rules About Sex
1) Don't do your own mother.
2) Don't force anyone against their free will. (No means no) - no rape.
Tips on infant care;
To prevent dehydration when a child vomits excessively and you can't get to a doctor to find out why; DO NOT let the baby starve, instead considering using one of the following in place of formula temporarily especially if you can't afford Pedialyte.
- Sprite or 7up (because they have no caffeine - not diet),
- Gatorade,
- 1 ounce of Karo syrup to 8 ounces of warm water to dissolve.
- "Jello water" - Knox Gelatin or Gefen Clear Jello is best as they are clear; because what ever color you put in the baby will come out, and "red" gelatins which most Jellos are, comes out looking like blood.
- Condensed milk, watered down.
- Goat's milk.
It is never good to allow a child to become dehydrated.
High fevers; keep in mind that fevers happen for a reason. That which is true for adults is also true for infants. Fevers are good; wet fevers heal, but a dry fever will kill.
Wet towel on the head, and skin to skin contact with parent (leave diaper on). Plenty of fluids, parsley tea (made just like regular unsweetened tea only use kitchen herb parsley) is best as it will keep kidneys functioning and break fevers.